GORD Flashcards
What causes GORD?
Reflux of the stomach acid into the lower oesophagus causing irritation
What are some risk factors for GORD?
Hiatus hernia Obesity Weak oeopshgeal sphincter Esophageal dysmotility Gastric acid hypersecretion Pregnancy Alcohol Acidic foods H.Pylori infection
What are the symptoms of GORD?
Retrosternal burning pain Odynophagia- painful swallowing Chest pain Dysphagia Hoarse voice Halitosis Dental erosion
What are some red flags for GI cancer?
Weight loss IDA Progressive obstruction Anorexia Upper GI bleeding
What is the investigation for suspected upper GI malignancy?
OGD- Endoscopy
What is the premalignant lesion that GORD leads to?
Barrett’s oesophagus
Manage the GORD
Regular OGD monitoring
What is the most common complication of GORD?
Reflux oesophagitis- this can lead to inflammation of strictures forming which may cause dysphagia
What change is seen in Barrett’s?
Normal squatified squamous epithelium changes to metaplastic columnar epithelium (as lines the stomach)
How is Barrett’s confirmed?
BIopsy of the altered area- this change can develop into adenocarcinoma
What cancer does Barrett’s increase the risk of developing?
What test can be done to investigate lower esophageal sphincter function?
Esophageal manometry- this investigates for esophageal issues such achalasia and spasm. It records the pressures within the oesophagus.
What is normal pressure in the esophageal sphincter?
Greater than 10 mmHg- if less than this it is reduced
What is the conservative management for GORD?
Conservative- weight loss, eating less irritating food, less alcohol, less caffeine, elevate head of the bed to prevent nocturnal symptoms, don’t eat before bed, avoid triggering foods, smoking cessation
What is the medical management for GORD?
Simple OTC antacids- e.g. Gaviscon
PPI- Lansoprazole, Omeprazole
H2 Antagonist- Ranitidine
What might failure for medical management to control GORD indicate?
H.Pylori infection
Zollinger Ellison syndrome
Gastric cancer hyper secreting gastrin?
What surgical option may be considered for GORD?
Laparoscopic fundoplication to restore LOS pressures
What might be done to investigate GORD if endoscopy is normal?
pH monitoring could be carried out
How can H.Pylori be tested for?
Carbon-13 breath test
Stool antigen
CLO Test- required biopsy obtained via biopsy. Test for presence of urease enzyme.
Summarize the management options for GORD?
Conservative- weight loss, stop smoking, less alcohol, avoid trigger foods, sleep propped up to nocturnal symptoms
Medical- Omeprazole or Ranitidine
Surgery- Fundoplication
What are some differentials for GORD?
Malignancy- red flags and dysphagia Candida- immunosuppressed Achalasia- difficulty swallowing Pharyngeal pouch- bad breath Zollinger Ellison Syndrome Cardiac disease for retrosternal pain Irritation from bisphosphonates