Gorbachev's Reforms Flashcards
How was Gorbachev different from his predecessors
He was a communist, but he was not as strict with communism as the others had been
What did Gorbachev hope to do
He wanted to revive the economy
How did Gorbachev hope to revive the economy
By improving both the industrial output and technology and expanding its market
What did Gorbachev criticise Brezhnev for
His years of stagnation
What problems did Gorbachev inherit from Brezhnev
A country that was facing both internal and external problems.
Why was the USSR’s economy in a bad state
It was still in a stage of Cold War which had become very costly due to:
The arms race
Control of the satellite states in Eastern Europe
The war in Afghanistan
What was wrong with the soviet central planning committee
It was corrupt and inefficient
What did the corrupt and inefficient soviet central planning committee result in
A decrease in industrial production and ineffective farming practices
What did inefficient farming practices and decrease in industrial production contribute to
The soviet standard of living was much lower than other Eastern Europe countries
There were severe food shortages
The country had been forced to import grain form the USA and other western countries
There were shortages of goods
Poor health standards and inadequate health care
What did Gorbachev’s reforms have an impact on
To the end of the Cold War and the breakdown of the Soviet Union
What did Gorbachev aim to do when he assumed power in the soviet union
Restructure and restore soviet economy
Encourage western companies to invest in the Soviet Union
Facilitate transparency about government policy and listen and take note of public opinion
Allow some form of elections but make sure the power remained with the communist party
How did Gorbachev plan to restructure and restore the soviet economy
By reducing communist party’s control of the economy. He also made a policy that allowed for more competition and incentives. He also reduced military spending
What were gorbachev’s two reforms
Perestroika and glasnost
What does perestroika mean
What does glasnost mean
What was the aim of perestroika
It was to reshape the soviet economy, to allow more profit making my individuals and to reduce control by the government
What was the aim of glasnost
It meant openness about the governments and freedom of speech. It allowed for criticism of the government policies and it aimed to stopped the corruption of the government officials
Perestroika: why did Gorbachev believe the soviet state must be rebuilt
To stamp out corruption
To provide goods at an affordable price
Remove the central planning in economics by the government
Ensure jobs were being done properly
Enable to\he soviet economy to restructure
Glasnost: what did Gorbachev believe the Soviet Union and its citizens should do
Be more democratic
Have more freedom from government control
Have freedom of speech
Have more predominant in the media
Have leaders who listen to the people’s views and accept criticism