Google Practice Exam Flashcards
Situation: Creating a Kubernetes Engine cluster to deploy multiple pods inside the cluster. All container logs must be stored in BigQuery for later analysis. Following Google-recommended practices, what to do.
- Turn on Stackdriver Logging during the Kubernetes Engine cluster creation to enable all the container logs to be stored in Stackdriver Logging
- Use the Stackdriver Logging export feature to create a sink to BigQuert. specify a filter expression to export log records related to your Kubernetes cluster only.
How to create a new Kubernetes Cluster on GCP that can autoscale the number of worker nodes?
Create a cluster on GKE and enable autoscaling.
GKE cluster autoscaler
Resizes clusters based on the demands of the workloads you want to run
App Engine: fastest way to getup and running on the Google Cloud. Offers a global infrastructure that will scale load as well as scale up and down on demand as needed
kubectl port-forward
Forward one or more local ports to a pod.
kubectl create secret
- docker-registry: create secret for use with a Docker registry
- generic: create secret from a local file, directory or literal value
- tls: create a TLS secret
Kubernetes cluster
A managed group of VM instances for running containerized applications
Kubernetes workloads
deployable units of computing that can be created and managed in a cluster
service level indicators
quantitative measure of some aspect of the level of service that is provided
ex: request latency, error rate, system throughput, availability, durability
service level objectives
service level agreements