Google ML Vocabulary Flashcards
Vocabulary Terms from the Google Machine Learning Glossary
Google ML Vocabulary
In reinforcement learning, the entity that uses a policy to the determine which action will maximize the expected return gained from transitioning between states of the environment.
Google ML Vocabulary
In reinforcement learning, the mechanism by which the agent transitions between states of the environment. The agent chooses the action by using a policy.
Google ML Vocabulary
Bias (math) or bias term
An intercept or offset from an origin. Bias is a parameter in machine learning models, which is symbolised by either of the following:
For example, bias is the b
in the following formula:
y' = b + w₁x₁ + w₂w₂ + ... wₙxₙ
In a simple two-dimensional line, bias just means “y-intercept”.
Bias exists because not all models start from the origin (0,0)
. For example, suppose an amusement park costs 2 Euros to enter and an additional 0.5 Euro for every hour a customer stays. Therefore, a model mapping the total cost has a bias of 2 because the lower cost is 2 Euros.
Bias is not to be confused with bias in ethics and fairness or prediction bias.
Google ML Vocabulary
A category that a label can belong to. For example:
- In a binary classification model that detects spam, the two classes might be spam (positive) and not spam (negative)
- In a multi-class classification model that identifies dog breeds, the classes might be poodle, beagle, pug and so on.
A classification model predicts a class. In contrast, a regression model predicts a number.
Google ML Vocabulary
Classification Model
A model whose predication is a class. For example, the following are all classification models:
- A model that predits an input sentences’ language (French? Spanish? Italian?).
- A model that repdicts tree species (Maple? Oak? Ash?)
- A model that predicts the positive or negative class for a particular medical condition
Google ML Vocabulary
Classification Model
In a binary classification, a number between 0 and 1 that converts the raw output of a logistic regression model into a prediction of either the positive class or the negative class. Note that the classification threshold is a value that a human chooses, not a value chosen by model training.
A logistic regression model outputs a raw value between 0 and 1. Then:
- If this raw value is greater than the classification threshold, then the positive class is predicted.
- If this raw value is less than the classification threshold, then the negative class is predicted.
For example, suppose the classification threshold is 0.8. If the raw value is 0.9, then the model predicts the positive class. If they raw value i 0.7, then the model predicts the negative class.
The choice of classification threshold strongly influences the number of false positives and false negatives.
Google ML Vocabulary
Grouping related examples, particularly during unsupervised learning. Once all the examples are grouped, a human can optionally supply meaning to each cluster.
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A state reached when loss values change very little or not at all with each iteration.
A model converges when additional training won’t improve the model.
In deep learning, loss values sometimes stay constant or nearly so for many iterations before finally descending. During a long period of constant loss values, you may temporarily get a false sense of convergence.
See also early stopping
Google ML Vocabulary
Empirical risk minimization (ERM)
Choosing the function that minimizes loss on the training set.
Contrast with structural risk minimization.
Google ML Vocabulary
The values of one row of features and possibly a lable. Examples in supervised learning fall into two general categories:
- A labeled example consists of one or more features and a label. Labeled Examples are used during training.
- An unlabeled example consist of one or more features but no label. Unlabeled examples are used during inference.
For instance, suppose you are training a model to determine the influence of weather conditions on student test scores. This first data set contains three examples, each with three features (Temperature, Humidity and Pressure) and one label (Test Score):
Temperature, Humidity, Pressure, Test Score
15, 47, 998, 92
19, 34, 1020, 84
18, 92, 1012, 87
Here are the same “unlabeled” examples, that do not include the label Test Score value:
Temperature, Humidity, Pressure
15, 47, 998
19, 34, 1020
18, 92, 1012
The row of a dataset is typically the raw source for an example. That is, and example typically consists of a subset of the columns in the dataset. Furthermore, the features in an example can also include synthetic features, such as feature crosses.
Google ML Vocabulary
False Negative
Also referred to as FN
When a binary classification model mistakenly predicts the negative class. For example, the model predicts that a particular email message is not spam (the negative class), but that email message actually is spam.
Google ML Vocabulary
False Negative Rate
The proportion of actual positive examples for which the model mistakenly predicted the negative class. The following formula calculates the false negative rate:
false negative rate = (false negatives / (false negatives + true positives))
Google ML Vocabulary
False Positive
An example in which the model mistakenly predicts the positive class. For example, the model predicts that a particular email message is spam (the positive class), but that email message is actually no spam.
Google ML Vocabulary
False Positive Rate
The proportion of actual negative examples for which the model mistakenly predicted the positive clas. The following formula calculates the false positive rate:
false positive rate = (false positives / (false positives + true negatives))
The false positive rate is the x-axis in an ROC curve.
Google ML Vocabulary
An input variable to a machine learning model. An example consists of one or more features. For instance, supposed you are training a model to determine the influence of weather conditions on student test scores. The following table shows three examples, each of which contains three features (Temperature, Humidity and Pressure) and one label (Test Score).
Temperature, Humidity, Pressure, Test Score
15, 47, 998, 92
19, 34, 1020, 84
18, 92, 1012, 87
Contrast with label
Google ML Vocabulary
Feature Cross
A synthetic feature formed by “crossing” categorical or bucketed features.
For example, consider a “mood forecasting” model that represents temperature in one of the following four buckets: freezing
, chilly
, temperate
, warm
And represents wind speed in one of the following three buckets: still
Without feature crosses, the linear model trains independently on each of the preceding seven various buckets. So, the model train on for instance, freezing
independently of the training on, for instance, windy
Alternatively you could create a feature cross of temperature and wind speed. This synthetic feature would have the following 12 possible values:
Thanks to feature crosses, the model can learn mood differences between a freezing-windy
day and a freezing-still
Formally, a feature cross is a cartesian product.
Feature crosses are mosly used with linear models and are rarely used with neural networks.
Google ML Vocabulary
Gradient Descent
A mathematical technique to minimize loss. Gradient descent iteratively adjusts weights and biases, gradually finding the best combination to minimize loss.
Gradient descent is older - much, much older - than machine learning.
Google ML Vocabulary
The variables that you or a hyperparameter tuning service adjust during successive runs of a training model. For example, learning rate is a hyperparameter. You could set the learning rate to 0.01 before one training session. If you determine that 09.01 is too high, you could perhaps set the learning rate to 0.003 for the next training session.
In contrast, parameters are the various weights and bias that the model learns during training.
Google ML Vocabulary
In machine learning, the process of making predictions by applying a trained model to unlabeled examples.
Inference has a somewhat different meaning in statistics.