Good to know Flashcards
legal highs ECG
ECG with U waves, look out for
hyperK mx
Ca gluconate
pic eye in sink
guy in underwear, enlarged hands with headache
most likely accompanying symptom + Dx
visual disturbance // acromegaly
Tx of CT IC mass w/ symptoms
post-op px with significant blood loss intra-operatively
pulm. oedema due to fluid overload
hyperCa anti-emetic of choice
pic uterine fibroid. most likely symptom
anti-emetic in gastric stasis
metoclopramide (if colicky pain –> hyoscine butylbromide)
suicidal px wants to leave the ward. known hx depression. which MHA?
find out if 2 or 3
px with 17-hydroxylase deficiency (congenital adrenal hyperplasia)
DDx salt-water crisis from hypertensive encephalopathy (probs this)
when can baby sit unsupported
LA to give in hysterectomy
bupivacaine (longest acting?)
HbA1C of 50 with no symptoms. next step
repeat in 30mins? 1 week?
changes to T1DM insulin prior to surgery
reduce by 20% the day before
child w/ constipation where movicol didn’t work
refractory depression & self neglect mx
OCD px mx
lost sensation in hands & legs after car accident
conversion disorder
lady presents to GP with myriad symptoms over 3 years with no findings
post-depression tx, now wants to work on her problems, dealing with grieving for her deceased mother & improve relationship with children. what therapy
interpersonal therapy
guy taking lithium + amitryptilline + SSRI. experience symptoms (tremor, tachycardia)
lithium toxicity or serotonin syndrome
prim lady 1hr in 2nd stage labour, baby at -2 station. what next
lady ran 2 marathons, lanugo hair
anorexia nervosa
px with hashimoto’s. what associated condition?
coeliac disease
cancer screened in men
MSM, what tests to do
3 site test
pink gram stain diplococci mx
IM ceftriaxone (gonorrhoea)
growth chart showing macrosomia. what condition
gestational diabetes
perineal tear, muscle involved, sphincter spared
2nd degree
male with clear penile discharge. organism
candida // chlamydia
picture of laproscopy with adhesions
chlamydia or gonorrhoea
gowers positive, inheritance pattern
x-linked recessive
candida in pregnancy
vaginal clotrimazole
asthmatic lady feeling anxious. ABG shows hypoxia & hypocapnia. asthma or anxiety
asthma (hypoxia)
how to alleviate deteriorating COPD with BiPAP
probs reduce (see aaqid response)
FBS pH 7.23. what next
repeat in 30mins
CKD, got AKI, pH 7.16. what next
renal replacement therapy
drug chart filled out wrong, less morphine than needed. what will happen?
efast indications
penetrating chest trauma etc
endometrial tissue in myometrium
restrictive lung disease O2 support
find out
electrolyte to check to prevent seizures
sodium vs magnesium
most common TCA SE
dry mouth (others include blurred vision, drowsy, tachycardia)
difficulty swallowing from birth
best anti-depressants for bulimia
tx Duke C bowel cancer
adjuvant chemo
started on lithium but then came issues, what med to stop
woman says husband has been replaced
lifestyle protective factor against N/V
overdose with dilated pupils, hypotension, tachycardia
E coli UTI in 5 year old imaging?
cancer with mets in brain & lungs mx
rectal cancer on chemo, vomit dark blood & not opened bowel or passed flatus
large bowel obstruction
cancer most likely to have cause SVCO in non-smoking guy
NSC lung cancer
smoker & shipyard worker cancer
inferior STEMI drug to give
what is used to monitor HIV progression
viral load
UTI antibiotic in someone on methotrexate
nitrofurantoin (trimethoprim can increase risk of bone marrow suppression)
Squint exam which a picture of how eye is more lateral, does not move when covered. Then the opposite eye when covered moves laterally and bad eye is centred
manifest convergent
Down’s neonate not passed meconium after 3 days, best initial investigation
abdo XR
Bronchiolitis kid not eating half their feeds and oxygen normal
NG tube
Cancer patient with N/V. Lots of nausea and frequently vomiting, which antiemetic
N/V cancer patient on morphine
initial vs definitive intussusception mx
pneumatic reduction –> laparotomy
mirena most common side effect
irregular bleeding
Which vaccine not to give in a kid with HIV
Early morning headache in a kid but no tumour on scan
idopathic IC HTN
Kid coughing and gets apnoea, lymphocytosis
Woman had 1 miscarriage, 2 vaginal births, 1 stillborn, 1 LSCS for twins (counts as one) and currently pregnant, what is her gravidity
Foetus at right occipito anterior, what to do
Woman just started COCP and now post coital bleeding
Post-partum contraception
nexplanon (?)
Man is dying from cancer and cannot be roused, family there and need DNACPR. who signs?
At what age can a kid draw a square
Kid with stridor and facial swelling
Woman had eye pain and now arm feels like it is burning and loss of gait
multiple sclerosis
Woman in shock after giving birth but no blood
intraperitoneal haemorrhage vs uterine atony
Which antibiotic to give to a chemotherapy patient with neutropenic sepsis, confirmed to be E coli in bloods and lines have been swabbed
tazocin –> meropenem if ESBL
what to give with morphine for cancer px
senna (or docusate?)
what to give for breathing problems in cancer
COPD patient in very bad state on non-re-breathe, oxygen unrecordable. what next?
Well’s 3
D dimer
Woman felt hot so sat down, then fell and arms twitched, quickly recovered, and now has a headache and vomiting
vasovagal syncope (?)
Who consents the patient for an operation
Guy with a head injury, gave Us and Es, what to prescribe
Guy on bendroflumethazide now has a red, hot swollen ankle
Which organism causes aplastic crisis in sickle cell
Oxygen in hand higher than foot Mx
PDA –> give ibuprofen
Patient in a care home acting aggressively over 2 days. what to do
(probably) look for organic causes
newest vaccine added to 8 weeks
Pregnant 16-year-old, emergency c-section needed, which type of consent
informed verbal
Man with leg weakness and urinary problems, also has high PSA
MRI spine
Patient with schizophrenia, never tried medication before, give
Hydatidiform mole, next step in management
best way to check intubation
end tidal CO2
bronchiectasis w/ 84% O2 and not distressed ro cyanosed. which O2 device?
24% venturi
fever, jaundice, RUQ pain (charcot’s triad)
when to stop breastfeeding before surgery
pneumothorax leading to shock. cause
obstructive (?)
elderly man with lower backpain, getting worse, radiates down his leg, taking codeine that worked initially but stopped as causing constipation, what is most worrying about his backachered flag
old man on diuretics + antihypertensives with high K. Mx?
calcium gluconate
tx post-op vomiting
Elderly lady with a distal radial fracture, she drank 2 hours ago, best first drug to help with manipulation
man stabbed and bleeding. how to manage
direct pressure
guy took drugs and seized for 30 mins. teeth clenched with blood stained saliva. airway mx?
asthma exacerbation already had salbutamol, ipratropium bromide, oral prednisolone. what’s next?
mag sulph
with pneumonia. shocked despite fluids with metabolic acidosis and 38.5C. what next
more NaCl?
Teen went to a party and now in ED with dilated pupils and sweaty and agitated, GCS of 4, temp of 40
man with meningitis. gave fluids. what next?
fluids (?)
hyperK tx when ECG changes don’t go away
more gluconate
NG tube confirmation
aspirate –> advance & aspirate again –> CXR
Man with mets can no longer swallow and was on MST MR and has seizures, what to put in syringe driver?
diamorphine and midazolam
Stage 3 CKD and EGFR has dropped. What test to do for CKD
albumin:creatinie ratio, creatinine
Old man in a nursing home with temperature and productive cough with coarse crackles. What to prescribe
amitriptyline most common SE
dry mouth
Painful, red foot which is itchy. Which antibiotic?
Old man with heart problems and declining renal function and HTN. Losartan lowers the HTN to 150 but CKD is worse, why?
renal artery stenosis (?)
Lady with mets takes co-codamol for bone pain, has MSK pain and N/V, also confused. why?
Cancer patient with hyponatraemia and low osmolality. Which cancer?
Cancer patient on morphine has constipation. Hard and difficult to pass. laxative?
Lady on radiotherapy for lung cancer in lower lobe. Most likely long term side effect?
fibrosis (?)
Cancer patient cannot swallow and has seizures so on lavatericetam, on fentanyl patch. What to give?
Old lady fell, dizzy and unsteady. Positive HINTS test
vertigo (?)
Patient with NSC lung cancer with headaches and expressive dysphagia. Possible brain mets, most likely location?
parietal (?)
Cancer mets on immunotherapy, has low TSH but high free T4 and normal cortisol
thyroiditis (?)
Weight loss, abdo pain in a young woman. Inflammatory markers normal, loose stools but no blood, iron def anaemia. Cause?
coeliac (?)
Lady on multiple meds has diarrhoea and vomiting. Which to stop?
Man wants HIV post exposure prophylaxis. When can he have it?
within 72 hours for 4 weeks
test at 6 weeks & 4 months
lady previously had GDM. what to do for next pregnancy
OGTT at 16w
40 weeks pregnant. Contractions but 2cm dilated. What stage is she?
stage 1
Heartburn in pregnancy. Which hormone caused it?
29 weeks pregnant in pain, rigid abdomen. Fetal HR is 60
emergency c-sec