Good Terms Flashcards
Patients have the right to choose their treatment and to refuse it, as long as they are in a position to understand and process the information in order to come to a decision.
Patient competence
When a patient is in a position to understand and process information in order to come to a decision.
When consent for a treatment is not obtained by the doctor.
Always doing what is good for the patient.
Acting in a way that does not harm the patient, whether actively or by omission.
Whether an action is fair across a population in terms of legality and societal expectations. Benefits, costs and risks must also be spread fairly, especially when in short supply.
Respecting a patient’s right to control the information that concerns their own health.
Gillick competence
The term used to describe whether a child under 16 years of age can consent to their own treatment without parental permission.
The awarding of contracts to providers for providing services in the NHS.
Clinical Commissioning Groups - The groups made of GPs and managers that control commissioning of services.
Payment by result
Each procedure is given a fixed tariff based on an average cost across the country. Each hospital is given money per procedure. If the procedure costs more than this in a hospital, they are motivated to work more efficiently and survive.
General Medical Council (GMC)
Institution in charge of:
• Keeping a register of all qualified doctors
• Fostering good medical practice (by issuing guidance)
• Promoting high standards of education and training
• Dealing with doctors who are not fit to practice
Royal Colleges
- Institutions charged with setting standards within their field for supervising the training of doctors within that specialty.
- Most require passing some exams to get in. Membership is compulsory if you want to work in that field.
British Medical Association (BMA)
- Essentially the trade union representing doctors
* Membership is not compulsory
Medical Defence Union (MDU) and Medical Protection Society (MPS)
- Two largest defence unions for doctors
* Represent doctors in court or in GMC hearings, and provide educational activities
National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE)
• Independent organisation providing guidance on health promotion and the prevention and treatment of illness
Centre for Public Health Excellence
The part of NICE that deals with public health and gives guidance on 9 areas of public health.
Care Quality Commission (CQC)
• Independent regulator of all health and social services in the UK, ensuring they meet national standards
Regulator looking after finances of NHS trusts, assessing trusts to ensure they are well led.
Department of Health
Government department responsible for funding and deciding policies on the NHS.
NHS England
Independent umbrella body that oversees healthcare in general. The Department of Health cannot interfere with it.
NHS Foundation Trusts
Provide care that CCGs commission. They include hospital, ambulance, mental health, social care and primary care services.
The mechanism used to ensure the continuing competence of health practitioners, making sure they are fit to practise.
Clinical governance
A set of principles and behaviours that all doctors should adhere to in order to ensure that they offer their patients the best quality of care.
- Systematic examinations of current practice to assess how well an institution or practitioner is performing against set standards.
- Used to reflect, review and improve practice.
Blame culture
- A mentality in which we are more keen to place the blame on an individual or a mistake, and focus on punishing them rather than learning from our mistakes.
- It means that doctors are more willing to hide their mistakes and not speak out.
Informed consent
When the patient has consented to a procedure or treatment, having been given and having considered all the facts that were necessary for making a decision.
When a patient understands the information given to them and is capable of making a rational decision by themselves.
Duty of confidentiality
The need for a doctor to protect a patient’s information at all costs, except in some extenuating circumstances.
Notifiable diseases
Diseases that doctors have a duty to report to authorities (even against patient confidentiality). NOTE: This does not include HIV and AIDS.
When someone ends someone else’s life through an intentional act in order to alleviate their pain and suffering.
Assisted suicide
When a person commits suicide with the help of another (e.g. a doctor prescribing medication to induce death).
Social prescribing
A means of enabling GPs, nurses and other primary care professionals to refer people to a range of local, non-clinical services.
Power of attorney
A written authorization to represent or act on another’s behalf in private affairs, business, or some other legal matter.
NHS Five Year Forward View
A plan from 2014 which outlined how our NHS needs to change to keep up with the changing world. It relates somewhat to AI.
100k genome project
A project that will sequence 100,000 genomes from around 70,000 people. Participants are NHS patients with a rare disease, plus their families, and patients with cancer. It is ongoing.
Social care
Care provided by the local authority that helps with everyday living in a community.
Residential care
Sheltered accommodation for residents who may not be able to live independently.