What are the hand washing steps
- remove any jewelry or rings or watches, stand at the sink without letting your clothes touch the sink
- Dispense a small amount of soap on the hands
- Rub Hands together vigorously for at least 15 seconds covering all surfaces
- Rinse in a downward motion, with water and then dry throughly with a clean disposable towel
- Turn off the faucet with a dry disposable towel.
What is the most important way to stop the chain of infection?
What are the components of the chain of the infection.
- The Pathogen
- The reservoir
- The portal of entry
- The portal of exit
- The mode of transmission
- The susceptible Host.
Define Phelebotomy and who can preform
This is the incision of a vein for blood letting,
People who can preform Venipunctures
- Medical directors ( Pathologist)= The only one person who requires a Medical Degree
- Medical Technicians
- Phelebotomists
- Medical Assistants
What is the most common allergy That a phlebotomist might encounter?
A latex allergy, Latex is found in gloves and tourniquets
What are some lab departments
Chemistry- CMP, electrolytes proteins and enzymes
Microbiology- Cultures, Microorganisms culture and sensitivity testing and blood cultures
Hematology- CBCS, manual differentials
More Labs
Urinalysis- tests Urine microscopically, cells and crystals and bacteria
Immunology- studies the Immune response ( HIV, MONO)
ImmunoHematology- (Blood bank) blood typing and compatibility testing
Hospital Departments
Anesthesiology- Pain management before during and after surgery
Cardiology- Diagnosis and treatment of conditions relating to the heart and circulatory systems
Dermatology- diagnosis and treatment of skin conditions
Nephrology- studying the kidneys
Pediatrics- Treating illnesses relating to kids
What is the MSDS
( The material Safety Data Sheet)
- This is a document that provides chemical characteristics and Handling and storage guide lines It includes General information of a chemical,
What does OSHA do?
Mandates Safe working environments
The government amendment that defines the responsibilities of medical laboratory personnel ( All labs in the United States follow CLIA rules)
p- Pull the pin
A- Aim Nozzle
S- Squeeze handle
S- Sweep side to side.
What are the BioHazards?
Blood specimens
Contaminated blood
Contaminated Instruments
Used needles
Why is PPE important
Because it protects from any form of BioHazard
What is Standard Precautions
States That all bodily fluids and blood are infectious, this helps reduce the risk of infections being from being transmitted from health care workers to patients, patients to patients