Good Gut, Bad Gut Flashcards
Irritable, overwhelmed, obsessive compulsive
Nux Vomica 30
Lyco 200
mixed w/
Ars Alb 3, 2D
Nux Vomica 30
mixed w/
Colosynthis 200, 2D
Opening a case, babies under 1 year
Aconitum 200, 1 dose, 1 Day
Opening a case w/ Banerji protocol
Camphor 200, 1 dose, 1 Day
(for children older than one year w/difficult birth, might consider
Aconitum 200 instead)
Creme de la Creme
overall allergies
Calc carb 200 e3D (immunity)
Bovista 200 eoD (esp gluten allergy)
Tuberculium bov 200, e14D (wool, feathers, dust; love/hate bacon, milk)
Chocolate, panic, and a remedy
Nux vomica 30
Panicked due to what eaten; feel as if dying. After eating too much chocolate. Extreme reaction due to what exposed to.
Colicky baby
Nux vomica 30, 2D (newborns often exposed to lots of drugs)
Colocynthis 200, 2D
Separate by 15-30 min.
Pulsatilla can also be used, even if characteristics don’t match. Junk food?
Excessive crying in babies and toddlers
Chamomilla 30, 2D
If accompanied by teething,
Chamomilla 200, 2D
Gut and teeth are likely at fault unless another obvious cause. Mother’s diet is crucial as well.
Teething in childhood
Chamomilla 200, 2D
Calc phos 6, 2D (bone & teeth growth; absorption of calcium)
Food allergies in general
(especially gluten)
Bovista 200, 2D
< Sugar
Helonias 200, 2D
Blood sugar issues.
Pathology necessary.
< Junk food
Nux vomica 30, 2D
Pulsatilla 30
(male or female, but especially if < fats)
Iris ver 200
mixed w/
Lycopodium 200, 2D
Typically chronic, used for weeks until see a shift.
Abdominal pain in children
Nux vomica 200, 2D
Stannum 200, 2D
No matter the cause,
use this when don’t know why.
#or couple of hours between
Off in growth (physical)
Calc phos 6, 2D
Maybe delayed in ability or growth, but excelling in other ways. Most kids with gut issues deal with this.
Delayed milestones
Aethusa 200, 2D
Maybe delayed in ability or growth, but excelling in other ways. Most kids with gut issues deal with this.
Gastro with palpitations
1) Lycopodium 200c
mixed with
Arsenicum album 3x (can use 6x if all that is avail)
(Lyco Ars)
2) Crataegus oxyacantha MT, 5 drops 2D
Lyco Ars- also used for bloating/swelling any part of body
Anticipatory anxiety
1) Gelsemium 30, 2D
2) Kali phos 6, 2D
Common with gut issues.
Eczema and other itchy matters
Antimonium crude 200
mixed w/
Arsenicum album 200 2D
Also for contact dermatitis, psoriasis.
Use in conjunction w/Bovista, Calc carb, and perhaps Tuberculinum
Acne vulgaris
Fluoric acid 200, 2D for 3 months
If < junk food, add Bovista 200, 2D for 3 months.
The more extreme, more likely to work.
If acne significantly itchy, use itchy remedies as well.
Teenage Acne
Hepar sulph 200, 2D for 3 months
if accompanied by itching, add
Arsenicum album 200, 2D for 3 months
Ant crude
Anxiety before tests
Ignatia 200, 2D
Angst, worry, concern, fear, mind out of order. Any psych issue unless another more obvious.
Temper tantrums
Stramonium 200, 2W
Sometimes Ignatia, but Stramonium first choice. if Stramonium not making change, Camomilla.
Hyperactivity, ADD, restlessness, and autism
Hyoscyamus niger 6, 2D
Add gut remedies as well,
Morning sickness
Arsenicum album 6, 2D
Tobaccum 200, 1D
If extreme, could use as often as e3H.
Alzheimer’s, Dementia
Helleborus niger 30, 2D
Related to carbs/sugar in diet. If gastro issues, use gut remedies.
During pregnancy, avoid what remedies?
Pulsatilla and Apis at 200 potency and not take lower potencies daily.
Nursing mothers
China (Cinchona) 200, eoD
Can also use in 6 potency. Take throughout nursing period.
Cina 6x, 2D (Banerjis use 3x in tincture)
For pinworms, use at least 28 days. Time required will depend on the
Children who pick nose or burrow face in bed may indicate parasites.
Improve vitality and nutrient absorption in the elderly
China (cinchona) 6, 1D
(Especially for acidity, undigested food in the stool)
Mixed w/
Arsenicum 6 (usually 6x)
(If undigested food is accompanied by weakness or anxiety)
Apis 30, 200, 1M
Burning red diaper rash after certain foods
Skin AND food intolerance remedies
Sugar caused Lupus flair
Use sugar remedy- Helonias 200, 2D
Headache w/ red wine
Treat as food allergy IF other foods that cause reaction. Use Nux if no others bc of additives/alcohol.
Improvement is first seen in what two areas first?
- Mental- emotional, behavior
- Generals- ‘I am fatigued weak…’
Specifics follow. Works from top down. Likely to see a change in demeanor and then physical organ improvement.
Arnica first; Ignatia 200 for fear after accidents.
For overwhelm, mom of sick child.
Ignatia 200, 2D
Eating disorders
Ignatia 200
Ignatia 200 or Aurum metallicum
Ignatia for those who suffer on day-to-day basis. For heavy, looming.
From what are remedies made?
Plants (herbs as well as toxic)
Elements of the periodic table
Imponderables (X-rays)
Products of disease (Nosodes)
What might prevent cure if well-chosen remedy but no improvement or stalled?
Inheritance or obstacles to cure
Common nosodes
Tuberculinum (tuberculosis tissue)
Bacillinum (spudum of tuberculosis patient)
Psorinum (scabies
Carcinosin (cancer)
Medorrhinum (gonorrhea)
Pertussinum (whooping cough)
Syphilinum (syphilus)