Good Friday Flashcards
“Three o’clock”
The religious reference (the time that Christ died) reminds the reader of the religious aspects of the poem but also the detail adds realism to the poem
“Lurches round”
WC - lurches has connotations of sudden movement or jolt this emphasises the drunkenness of the man
The dashes in the first 3 lines
Sentence structure reveals the stuttered speech
“Easter eggs”
Kindly father who is getting some Easter eggs
However these Easter eggs have no religious significance for the man and are just a treat for the children
“ a wee drink”
An understatement of how much he has had to drink. This is also an example of the Glaswegian dialect which makes the poem feels so realistic.
Dashes used from yell to understand
Help to show his rambling conversation
“But ye see”
He is trying to justify himself because he feels insecure about who he is and what he’s done
“I’m no saying it’s right”
He understands that it may be wrong to drink on a religious holiday
“Ye-understand ye-understand”
The repetition reveals his uncertainty- he knows that people may not approve of him
“I’m no boring you eh ?”
The question reminds the reader that this is a conversation which maintains the conversational tone
“ I don’t know what todays in aid of”
Unsure of what Good Friday is for reveals that the joy of the celebration is more important than the reason for the celebration
“You’re an educatit man”
Highlights the differences in class between the narrator and the man.
“The working man had nae education”
Undermines himself and looks down on himself for not having any education
“Know what I mean”
Again he is looking for someone to validate his opinions and himself