meaning of preamble in latin
what is the meaning of preamble
to walk before
engenders love of country making the seemingly gargantuan task of
building the nation easier
Good citizenship
Through —————-, even the poor, the young and the old can
contribute to nation-building.
good citizenship
likewise strengthens unity.
good citizenship
Enumerate the 5 maka diyos cluster
Faith in the almighty god, Respect for life, order, work, and Concern for the Family and Future Generations
A good Filipino obeys God and lives
according to His teachings.
Faith in the Almighty God
One of the identified
strengths of the Filipino is their faith in God. In one way or another, Filipinos have a
basic concept of a Supreme Being who to them always gives a beacon of hope no
matter how bleak the current situation may be. This makes them resilient, driven by
great hope stemming from their faith in Someone whom they believe has the power to
deliver them from even the most miserable situation.
Faith in the Almighty God
A good Filipino recognizes the absolute value of human life and the
human dignity of every person including himself.
Respect for Life
– A good Filipino values orderliness.
A good Filipino values diligence and excellence in everything he/she does. He
earns an honest living and does not engage in crime and corruption. He goes to school
on time, does his homework and participates in school activities. He does his best in
everything and is not contented with the mediocre.
A good Filipino looks after the
welfare of his/her family and the future generation. He/she helps in household chores,
has a loving relationship with all the members of his/her family, is kind and considerate
to them, and shows a good example to the younger members.
Concern for the Family and Future Generations
Enumerate the 5 maka-tao cluster
love, freedom, peace, truth and justice
A good Filipino works with and
cooperates with others.
means synergizing the different talents and skills for the success of an
A good Filipino treats others as brothers and sisters being children of one
God and one nation.
A good Filipino looks after the good and welfare of
his/her fellow human beings.
should always be the driving force when we want to
achieve or do something.
A good Filipino asserts his/her right especially if it means being able to do
the right thing.
A good Filipino lives and works in harmony with his/her fellow human beings
He/she avoids violence as a way of settling disputes and looks for ways to
resolve conflict in a peaceful way. He/she maintains a harmonious relationship with
others, at home, at work, in the community; and helps clear out misunderstanding
among friends and family members.
A good Filipino stands up for the truth and avoids intrigue and mudslinging and
values integrity in his/her life, family, work and country.
He/she observes proper pricing of goods and does not patronize nor is he/she a cohort
in fixing or bribing in business transactions. He/she admits his/her mistakes and does
something to correct his/her fault.
A good Filipino gives everyone their due even if it is difficult. He does not
oppress or take advantage of anyone. He/she is fair in all his/her dealings especially
with the poor and powerless, not getting more than what is rightfully his/hers.
enumerate the 5 maka-bayan cluster
unity, equality, respect for the law and government, patriotism, and promotion of common goods
He/she does not give preferential treatment to the rich and the powerful; treats
everyone with respect regardless of status or position; and does not take advantage of
anyone because they are poor, ignorant or powerless.
A good Filipino obeys the laws of the land and
supports government programs.
Respect for the Law and Government
From simply no vandalism, to following traffic rules; to reporting lawbreakers, to
promoting stability of the nation, a good Filipino submits to the laws of his nation and will
not engage in anything that will threaten his/her Country.
Respect for the Law and Government –
A good Filipino places high regard for his/her country
He considers what is good for the Country in his/her words and actions. This
includes patronage of native products and promotion of his/her country.
He/she is mindful not to do that would give his/her country a bad image. He/she
takes extra care not to say anything that would malign the reputation of his/her country.
Statements like “ganito talaga sa Pilipinas, hindi na magbabago” or “huwag kayong pupunta sa Pilipinas kung ayaw nyong manakawan” are sweeping derogatory
statements that malign our country and us Filipinos as well.
includes choosing wisely whom to vote during elections. A good
Filipino does not sell his/her rights or dignity as a person but instead entrusts the
Country’s welfare to the hands of someone whom he/she knows has the capacity to
really govern well.
Being patriotic i
A good Filipino puts the welfare of the greater
number of people over his/her own.
Promotion of the Common Good
A good Filipino is not greedy and selfish; instead, he/she considers the welfare of
others in everything he/she does. Good examples of this are businessmen who don’t
mind foregoing the potential of earning a sizable income from a development plan if it
means endangering nature and people’s health.
Promotion of the Common Good
He/she helps the less fortunate and goes out of his/her way to engage in
activities that will benefit his/her fellow human beings especially in the area of poverty
Promotion of the Common Good
enumerate the maka-kalikasan cluster
Concern for the Environment
– A
good Filipino conserves natural
resources such as water, land and
Concern for the Environment
He/she gets involved in efforts
contributory to the welfare of the environment such as planting trees and implementing
proper waste segregation. He/she keeps his/her surroundings clean, and does not
throw garbage in canals and waterways.
Concern for the Environment