Good and Evil Flashcards
Act 1
What is free will?
People can make their own decisions independently and are responsible for their own actions.
Act 1
What is sin?
Behaviour which goes against God’s will +Found in religious teachings.
What is Omniscient?
[God is] all knowing.
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What is Omnipotent?
[God is] all powerful.
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What is Omnibenevolent?
[God is] all loving.
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What is the inconsistent triad?
An argument against the existence of God: If God is Omnipotent and Omnibenevolent, he should be able and want to stop suffering, but suffering exists.
Act 1
What is “The Fall”?
In Genesis 3, God told man not to eat of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, but Eve ate the fruit, causing them to be kicked out of the garden of Eden.
What is redemption?
Making amends for wrongdoings [usually by doing good]. +Jesus’ death on the cross was the key act of redemption for Christians, saving humanity from the consequences of original sin.
What is Moral Evil
Suffering deliberately caused by humans. +Eg, murder, the holocaust.
What is natural evil?
Harm caused by non-human influences. +Eg, floods, volcanic eruptions. +Humans could be indirectly responsible for these [global warming].
What is theodicy?
An attempt to show God’s existence is probable despite the problem of evil. +Some Christians [eg Anglicans, Evangelicals] argue that God allows suffering as there is a purpose in it.
What is Original Sin?
Brought about by the fall [for Christians, especially Roman Catholics, this is why we are born knowing how to sin, and why there is suffering in the world]. The term does not feature in the Bible.
What is Irenaean Theodicy? [130-202]
The idea that God wants people to worship him, so suffering is necessary to chose good or evil. + “What doesn’t kill me makes me stronger” - Nietzche [not a Christian, but reflects the idea well] + Suffering helps us grow and proves the genuineness of human love.
What is Augustinan Theodicy?
The idea that evil is a privation [absence] of good. +Evil exists when people use Free will to choose not to follow the path of doing what God wants. +Adam & Eve’s disobedience - led to The Fall [Gen 3] - caused us to be born with original sin - this has tainted our world.
What is absolute morality?
The idea that an action is always either right or wrong, regardless of the circumstances.
What is relative morality?
The idea that morality depends on the opinions of the individual or culture - it is subjective; there is no objective morality.
What is Utilitarianism?
Achieving the greatest good for the greatest number.
What is situation ethics?
The idea we should do the most loving thing in any situation. +Linked to “agape” - selfless love.
Original Sin
Humanity’s state resulting in the fall of man.
What are the reasons for moral behaviour?
The Bible [word of God], Jesus’ example, conscience [tells us what is right or wrong] & Roman Catholics.
Who are Roman Catholics?
They also follow teachings of the Church [recorded in the Catechism] and the pope.
What is the Bible?
The book/word of God.
What is Conscience?
The inner feeling of rightness or wrongness in an action.
What is Jesus’ example?
Jesus hung out with social outcasts [eg, prostitutes and tax collectors] and even though he was completely innocent he gave his life on the cross to atone for the sins of humanity, giving Christians the opportunity to go to heaven when they die.
What is salvation?
Being saved