Good And Evil Flashcards
Atheist quote on evil
‘There seems to be some contradiction between these three propositions’- JL Mackie, ‘evil and omnipotence’
Augustine quote on evil (2)
‘Enhances our admiration for good’
Quote on Iranaean theodicy
‘Vale of soul making- John Hick
Quote on God’s goodness
‘ the beauty of the creation, reflects the infinite beauty of the creator’- Catechism
Catholic quote purpose of suffering (2)
‘Suffering Servant’- Isiah 53
‘Saving power of suffering’- Salvifici Doloris (Jp II)
Jewish quote on attitude towards evil
‘Fruitless’ for humans to question
Quote on trinity
‘ make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father, and of the son and the Holy Spirit’- Matthew 28:19
Catholic quote on trinity as love
‘God is love’- St A
‘ he that loved, that which is loved and love’
Catholic quote on incarnation (2)
‘Word became flesh’- John
Taking form of a servant- KENOSIS HYMN (Philippians)
Jesus as source of moral authority ACTIONS (3)
‘he is blind to the gods power might be seen at work in him’- Matthew 8:1-4
‘stop making my fathers house market place’- John 2:13-17
‘forgive them Father, they don’t know what they’re doing’- Luke 23: 26-34
Catholic quote on statuary (2, one ✅, one ❌)
‘ there’s no limit in space and time for an artist’- Pope B
‘ thou shall make no idols’- 10 C
Quote on pilgrimage
‘Love thy neighbour’- Matthew 22
‘ pilgrimages evoke our earthly journey towards heaven’- CCC
Quote on rosary
‘The synthesis of the history of God’s mercy, which becomes a history of salvation for all who let themselves be shaped by grace’- Pope F
Quote on sorrowful mysteries (2)
‘ bless those who are persecuted’
‘ forgive them for they don’t know what they’re doing’
Quote from Slavicii doloris 🐣✝️ 🚶🏽
Those who share in Christ suffering have before their eyes the Paschal mystery of the cross and the Resurrection
Jesus as a source of moral authority
This is my Son, whom I love, baptism
Law on conscience
• they show that what the law requires is written on their hearts
(gentails), Romans 2