Good and Evil Flashcards
An inner guide to determining right from wrong. Catholics believe conscience is that privileged place within us where God speaks to us
Something that brings sorrow, trouble or destruction. For Christians it is an action, thought or attitude that is contrary to the character or will of God
the idea that human beings are free to make their own choices.God created man to be able to begin and control his actions
The quality of being like God. It is to seek the well being of others
The belief that God took human form in Jesus. The Son of God took on flesh, body and soul, and loved among us like one of us own order to redeem us
Natural Law
certain rights or values are in-built in our human nature and universally cognizable through reasoning
A state in which the essentials for well-being are lacking. St Augustine refereed to the presence of evil as the privation of Good
The experience of mental pain and or physical distress. Many Christians believe suffering entered this wold as a result of the sin of Adam and Eve.
Moral evil
Suffering caused by the actions of humans e.g.murder
Natural Evil
Suffering caused by nature (not by humans) e.g.earthquake
Catholics and Original Sin
Original sin is a condition not something you can do. Even a newborn abby is damaged by original sin
Affects individuals by separating them from God
Explaining genocide, cruelty, war and abuse
An attempt to reconcile a loving God with the existence of evil in the world
Augustian Theory
Evil is not a ‘thing’ it is the absence of God
The Enchridian
One of St Augustine’s major works and deals with the issues of evil and privation
Augustine’s main points
There is more than bad in the world
God did not create evil
Evil is not a thing
John Hick’s beliefs
Developed the ideas of St Irenaeus
Disagree’s with Catholic beliefs about the origin of Evil
Argues that God created the world and humans imperfectly
Jewish belief about evil and suffering
Disagree with Catholics and don’t believe in original sin
Humans are born with two choices to do good or to do evil
God has given Jews support through the Torah to do good (lawgiver). However, he will judge if they disobey
Inconsistent Triad
Evil Exists
God is omnipotent God is omnibenevolent
John Mackie
Not all of them can be true at the same time
Either God is not omnipotent, God is not omnibenevolent or God does not exist
Rejects ideas from St Augustine and John Hick
Rejects that evil is necessary as an opposite of good
More suffering than needed