Good And Evil Flashcards
The which is considered morally right, beneficial and to our advantage
That of which is considered extremely immoral, wicked and wrong
An action which is against the law and incurs a punishment
Death penalty
A form of punishment where the offender is killed for there crime
Fairness, where everyone has equal provisions and opportunity
To show mercy and pardon someone for what they’ve done wrong
Hate crime
A crime motivated by hatred e.g. racism, homophobia
Principles or standards that determine which actions are right and wrong
Something negative done to criminals by the state
Corporal punishment
Using physical punishment
Deliberate immoral action, breaking a religious or moral law
Pain or distress caused by injury,illness or loss. Physical, emotional, or psychological
What are the aims of punishment:
- Reformation
- Vindication
- Reparation
- Protection
- Retribution
- Deterrence
To reform or rehabilitate offenders so that they can understand why they committed offences and try and ‘fix’ these problems
To prove the authority of the law, and to remind people that without law and order there is chaos. Allows people to have confidence in the law and respect for the role it plays in creating order
Repairing the damage that is done
To protect more people from becoming victims of crime. As a prison sentence removes the offender from society, innocent people are prevented from suffering wrongdoing
To deter or put people off from committing crime altogether
Reasons for death penalty:
- It’s a deterrent
- Retribution is a major part of society
- It cost the taxpayer thousands to keep someone in prison for a year
- Satisfaction and closure for the victim’s family
- The public need to feel protected
- Murders & terroirs are a great threat to society
Reasons against the death penalty:
- No-one has the right to kill
- Society turns the executioner into a murderer
- Statistics show that countries without death penalty have lower murder rates
- Terriost are hailed martyrs if killed, so more become terriosts
- Innocent people have been executed
- Reformed prisoners can be an enormous influence or good
Where you make up and become friends again