GOM Stuff (OAI only) Flashcards
FUEL REQUIREMENTS– Supplemental Operations within the 48 contiguous states
A. To fly to and land at the airport to which it is released plus;
B. Thereafter, to fly to and land at the most distant alternate airport specified in the flight release plus;
C. Fly for 45 minutes at normal cruising fuel consumption.
Supplemental Operations outside the 48 contiguous states:
A. To fly to and land at the airport to which it is released plus;
B. Fly for a period of 10% of the total time to fly from the airport of departure to and land at, the airport to which it was released plus;
C. Thereafter, to fly to and land at the most distant alternate airport specified in the flight release, if an alternate is required plus;
D. Fly for 30 minutes at holding speed at 1,500 feet above the alternate airport under standard temperature conditions.
Flag Operations:
A. To fly to and land at the airport to which it is released plus;
B. Fly for a period of 10% of the total time to fly from the airport of departure to and land at, the airport to which it was released plus;
C. Thereafter, to fly to and land at the most distant alternate airport specified in the flight release, if an alternate is required plus;
D. Fly for 30 minutes at holding speed at 1,500 feet above the alternate airport under standard temperature conditions
NOTE: For Flag operations not more than six hours, the alternate may be omitted if certain weather criteria are met. (see GOM 5.19)
Domestic Operations:
A. To fly to the airport to which it is dispatched plus;
B. Fly for 45 minutes at normal cruising fuel consumption.
C. Thereafter, to fly to and land at the most distant alternate airport specified in the dispatch release.
NOTE: The alternate may be omitted for Domestic operations if certain weather criteria are met. (see GOM 6.19)
If weather conditions at the departure airport are below the landing minimums for that airport:
• Within one hour flying time with one engine inoperative and not greater than 370 NM for two-engine aircraft.
The selected alternate airport must be forecast or reported to be at alternate minimums at the time of arrival. The alternate airport required minimums can be found in Ops Specs C055.
NOTE: Omni’s policy is to file a takeoff alternate any time the reported departure airport weather is below CAT I minimums.
During all critical phases of flight and below 18,000 feet, headsets and boom microphones will be used by all flight deck crewmembers.
When a DME hold is not assigned, the inbound leg of the holding pattern shall be:
1) At or below 14,000 feet, 1 minute.
2) Above 14,000 feet, 1 and 1/2 minutes.
Holding Airspeed U.S. Procedures
- MHA thru 6,000 feet: 200 Kts
- 6,001 feet thru 14,000 feet: 230 Kts (210 KIAS where published)
- Above 14,001 feet: 265 Kts
Four levels of precipitation
“LIGHT”— Rainfall rate of .01- .10 inches per hour.
“MODERATE”— Rainfall rate of .175- .50 inches per hour.
“HEAVY”— Rainfall rate of .5- 2.0 inches per hour.
“EXTREME”— Rainfall rate of 2.0- 16+ inches per hour.
When is a takeoff alternate needed?
GOM 3.15
If weather conditions at the departure airport are below the landing minimums for that airport
How far can a takeoff alternate be?
GOM 3.15
Within one hour flying time with one engine inoperative and not greater than 370 NM for two-engine aircraft.
What are the weather requirements for a takeoff alternate?
GOM 3.16
The forecast weather for that alternate airport at the estimated time of arrival shall meet the alternate weather requirements of the operations specifications for that airport.
Exception: Aircraft operated outside of the Continental United States and meeting the fuel requirements of no alternate listed, but having two hours of addition fuel FAR 121.645.
What are the fuel requirements for an Ops Specs B043 flight?
- To fly to and land at the airport to which it is dispatched or released.
- After that, to fly for a period of 10 percent of that portion of the enroute time (between the departure airport and the airport to which it was released) where the aircraft’s position cannot be “reliably fixed” at least once each hour in accordance with paragraph B032 of the Operations Specifications.
- After that, to fly to and land at the most distant alternate airport specified in the dispatch or flight release, as applicable, (if an alternate is required by 14 CFR Section 121.621/623, as appropriate).
- After that, to fly for 45 minutes at normal cruising fuel consumption.
When is Engine Anti-Ice selected to ON?
GOM 3.60
Engine anti-ice must be selected ON immediately after both engines are started and remain on during all ground operations when icing conditions exist or are anticipated, except when the temperature is below –40°C OAT.
Explain “Recency of Experience”
GOM 2.27
To remain qualified, each pilot must have made three takeoffs and landings within the preceding 90 days in his aircraft type.
What are the 6 items the GOM list that you are required to notify scheduling?
GOM 2.44
- Pregnancy;
- Illness, surgery or use of medication(s);
- Blood donation;
- Deep underwater diving;
- Fatigue;
- or any other condition.
Are all Airports in the Aircraft FMC Database adequate for an emergency diversion?
GOM 2.50
In the event of an emergency requiring a diversion to an airport not listed as the destination or alternate on the flight plan the PIC can select any airport in the airplane’s database. All airports in the database are adequate for emergency diversion.
If you suspect a hard landing what should you do?
GOM 2.55
If the Pilot-in-Command determines that a hard landing inspection is needed, a Maintenance Logbook entry must be made. The Pilot-in-Command shall immediately notify the Director of Operations upon completion of flight and forward an Irregularity Report to him within 24 hours, if possible.
Do you need to fill out an Irregularity report for an EGPWS?
GOM 2.56
Any EGPWS warning that was not briefed such as “Terrain-Terrain” where the approach chart warns of possible activation shall be reported on the crew Irregularity Report within 24 hours, if possible.
How many Pets can be carried in the Passenger cabin?
GOM 2.79
Omni will accept up to twenty (20) in-cabin pets for transportation in the passenger cabin
What is the minimum altitude for Fuel Jettison?
GOM 3.49
Minimum recommended altitude for fuel dumping is 6,000 feet AGL.
If the aircraft is known to be stuck by lightning, what needs to be done?
GOM 3.57
Any known lightning strike shall be recorded in the aircraft log. A maintenance inspection and release must be obtained before further flight.
What is RCC 6, 5, 4?
GOM 3.61
Runway Condition Code
6: Dry
5: Good - Braking deceleration is normal for the wheelbraking effort applied AND directional control is normal.
Frost, Wet (Includes damp and 1/8inch depth or less of water)
1/8inch (3mm) depth or less of: Slush, Dry Snow, Wet Snow
4: Good to Medium - Braking deceleration OR directional control is between Good and Medium.
15°C and Colder outside air temperature: Compacted Snow
Is a Derated Assumed Takeoff allowed on a runway with RCC 5? How about RCC 4? GOM 3.78
Omni is approved to conduct reduced thrust takeoffs during both WET and DRY runways conditions using both ATM, DERATE, and/or any combination thereof as installed.
Takeoff on CONTAMINATED (snow, slush, ice, standing water etc.) runways requires the use of Maximum Takeoff Thrust or Fixed Derated Takeoff Thrust as installed. Only Omni B-777 aircraft have the capability for takeoff using Fixed Derated Takeoff Thrust.
What are the required B-777 maintenance checks?
GOM 7.5.2
777 ETOPS PRE-DEPARTURE CHECK (77ET-1001) (within 3 hours prior departure)
777 SERVICE CHECK (77SC-1002) (each UTC calendar day anytime during that day)
B-777 LINE CHECK (77LN-1001 ) (once every 7 days)