GOM Flashcards
What documents are required for a Test Flight?
- Authorization stapled to the correct AFML page2. Release for airworthiness and/or MX performed.3. PIC must make an entry in the AFML post flight stating: “Test Flight Satisfactory” with a sign-off OR”Test Flight Unsatisfactory”, stating why with a NEW AFML write-up
How much additional runway length is required for IMC Approaches and what are the Wx minimums for this situation?
- 15%2. Anytime the Wx is below 3/4 mile or RVR 4000’3. Aerodata low visibility data ensures compliance
What are the IFR Takeoff Minimums?
- Standard take off mins are 1 SM2. RVR, when available with be used.3. Lower than standard mins are authorized when published in the Jepps4. Lower than standard Mins require Runway Centerline Lights and Markings and/or Adequate Visual Reference5. When using Lower than Standard RVR mins, TDZ RVR is controlling6. In no case will LOWER than published mins be sued
What are the lowest Remarks for the First Alternate?
Not less than 1/2 the Derived Minimums for the ceiling and visibility
What paperwork is required for a Ferry Flight?
- Ferry Permit stapled to the appropriate AFML page2. Release for airworthiness in the AFML Corrective Action Block
What are the MEL time limits by Category?
A - per the remarksB - 72 HoursC - 240 HoursD - 120 DaysM - 30 Days
What are your Initial Operating Experience (IOE) requirements?
Group II Aircraft: 25 Hours and 4 Cycles (At least 2 as flying pilot)
Minimum fuel to be carried for a 121 flight?
Enough to fly to destination, the nearest alternate, then 45 minutes of reserve at normal cruise
Does 3585 apply to Wx at ETA or +/- 1 hour?
- ETA2. Decreasing Remarks begin at the first minute of the “Becoming” period3. Improvements do not begin until the last minute of the “Becoming” period
What is required to proceed past the FAF?
- Visibility at least equal to the minimums for the Approach in use2. Must have additional 15% of runway length available for Vis3. High-Mins Captains minimums apply
What is Windshear?
Sudden change in wind speed or direction over short distances
What are the Circle to Land minimums?
1,000’ + 3 miles Vis
What is the purpose of Exemption 3585?
To allow the dispatch of an Aircraft to Destination & Alternates with acceptable forecast mins when “Conditional Phrases” in the “Remarks” section are less than mins at ETA
What items are considered “Assistive Devices”?
Items which assist with life activity such as walkers, canes, inhalers, etc.
When can an Accident Aircraft be ferried?
Not before being released by the NTSB
When must an alternate be filed?
Whenever the Wx forecast for the arrival time +/- 1 hr is less than 2000’ and 3 miles visiblity
What are the conditions for Severe Icing?
Freezing Rain, Freezing Drizzle or SLD icing
What is required to fuel with passengers on board?
Doors to remain openFAs will remain near their assigned stations and establish a secondary exit and keep it clearFire Extinguishers available. Fuel Truck’s extinguisher is considered acceptable if it is atleast 10lbs capacityPassengers must be TOLD “No Smoking”If fuel spillage, the aircraft will be evacuated immediately
What is “Show Time”?
45 minutes before scheduled departure
What does the “O” MEL indicate?
Procedures in the “Remarks” section do not require special Training. (Pilots)
What are the lowest Remarks for the First Alternate?
Not less than 1/5 the Derived minimums for the ceiling and visibility
When must a crew perform a “First flight of the day” check?
The First flight of the day OR when the AC has been sitting for over 4 hours?