Goljy 10: Vascular Disorders Flashcards
- Transport diet-derived triglycerides in the blood
- Absent during fasting
Composition of chylomicrons
2% Protein
87% triglyceride
3% cholesterol
8% phospholipid
The least dense of all lipoproteins!
How are chylomicrons formed in the small intestine?
- Enterocytes lining villi reabsorb monoglycerides and fatty acids, which are converted to TG in cytosol
- TG packaged into a chylomicron, requiring apoB48 for assembly and secretion
- Nascent chylomicrons enter lymphatics that drain into thoracic duct, emptying into blood stream
Describe the circulation phase of chylomicrons
- Nascent chylomicrons obtain apoCII and apoE from HDL to become mature chylomicrons
- TG in chylomicrons is hydrolyzed by capillary lipoprotein lipase into FAs + glycerol
- Hydrolysis of chlyomicrons by CPL leaves chylomicron remnants that contain much less TG than mature chylomicrons
- Chylomicron remnants removed from circulation by apoE receptors in liver
- TG in the liver is synthesized by adding 3 FAs to glycerol-3-phosphate (G3P is a 3-carbon intermediate of glucose metabolism)
- With the aid of apoB100, TG is packaged into VLDL and secreted into blood as nascent VLDL
Composition of VLDL
9% Protein
55% TG
17% Cholesterol
19% Phospholipid
What is VLDL a source of?
FAs and glycerol!
- TG in VLDL is hydrolyzed by CPL into FAs and glycerol
- Hydrolysis of nascent VLDL by CPL first produces IDL further hydrolysis produces LDL
- Some IDL is removed from blood by apoE receptors in liver
Cholesterol ester transport protein
- Transfers CH from HDL to VLDL and TG from VLDL to HDL
- interferes with HDL’s main function of transferring CH from peripheral tissue to liver for excretion in bile or synthesis of bile salts/acids - Increase in VLDL always causes decrease in HDL-CH (explains why increased VLDL is risk for CAD)
VLDL concentration formula
Clinically important serum TG levels
Optimal: 500
Causes of increased plasma turbidity
d/t very high levels of TGs in serum (usually >1000)
If milky material is on TOP of tube –> increased chylomicrons
- MCC is that person did not fast before lipid study, otherwise they have type I hyperlipoproteinemia
If milky material is dispersed throughout plasma –> VLDL increased
- Type IV hyperlipoproteinemia
If supranate and infranate present, then chylomicrons AND VLDL increased
- Type V hyperlipoproteinemia
- Transports CH in the blood
- Derives from continued hydrolysis of IDL by CPL
- Removed from blood by LDL receptors in peripheral tissue
- Small, dense LDL particles, a/w increased risk of atherosclerosis and CAD
- Increased in diets that are high carb
Composition of LDL
22% protein
10% TG
47% cholesterol
21% phospholipid
Why is fasting not required for an accurate serum CH?
CH content in chylomicrons is
Risk factors for CHD
- Age (>45 males, >55 females)
- Family history of premature CHD
- LDL >160
- Current smoker
- BP >140/90 or on antihypertensive meds
- “good cholesterol”
- can be increased by nicotinic acid (best) and exercise
- diet alterations are not effective
- synthesized by liver and small intestine
HDL composition
50% protein
3% TG
20% CH
27% Phospholipid
Functions of HDL
- Source of apoE, apoCII for other lipoprotein fractions
- Removes CH from fatty streaks and atherosclerotic plaques (HDL delivers CH from peripheral tissue to liver –> excreted in bile or converted into bile acid/salt)
Lab measurement of HDL
- reported as HDL-CH
- increased HDL-CH –> decreased risk for CHD
- decreased HDL-CH if VLDL increased
- high (optimal) is >60, low (suboptimal) is
Type 1 hyperlipoproteinemia
aka familial chylomicronemia
- AR, childhood disease
- deficiency of CPL or apoCII
- Chylomicrons increased in early childhood, VLDL increases later in life
- Presents w/ acute pancreatitis
- LABS: increase in serum TG (>1000) –> turbid supranate, clear infranate. Normal to moderately increased serum CH.
Type 2 hyperlipoproteinemia
Type IIa: increase in serum CH (>260) and LDL (>190), serum TG (260) and LDL (>190), serum TG (>300)
Causes of acquired cases of type II hyperlipoproteinemia
- Primary hypothyroidism: decreased synthesis of LDL receptors
- Blockage of bile flow: bile contains CH
- Nephrotic syndrome: increased liver synthesis of CH
Polygenic hypercholesterolemia
- Type IIa hyperlipoproteinemia
- MC type
- Multifactorial inheritance
- Alteration in regulation of LDL levels with primary increase in serum LDL and TG
Familial combined hypercholesterolemia
- Type IIb hyperlipoproteinemia
- AD inheritance
- CH and TG begin to increase around puberty. A/w metabolic syndrome. Increase in CH and TG >300. Decrease in HDL.
Familial hypercholesterolemia
- Type IIa hyperlipoproteinemia
- AD inheritance
- Deficiency of LDL receptors
- Achilles tendon xanthoma, xanthelasma. Premature CAD and stroke. Increase in serum CH and LDL. Serum TG
Type III hyperlipoproteinemia
- Familial dysbetalipoproteinemia or “remnant disease”
- AR inheritance
- Deficiency of apoE. Decreased liver uptake of IDL and chylomicron remnants.
- Palmar xanthomas in flexor creases. Increased risk for CAD and peripheral vascular disease.
- Both serum CH and TG >300. LDL
Acquired causes of type IV hyperlipoproteinemia
- Excess alcohol intake: MCC –> increased production of VLDL, decreased activity of CPL
- Oral contraceptives: estrogen increases VLDL synthesis
- Diabetes: decreased adipose and muscle CPL (decreased VLDL clearance; decreased insulin responsible for decreased synthesis of CPL). Increased LDL, decreased HDL.
- Chronic renal failure: increased synthesis of VLDL and decreased clearance of VLDL.
- Thiazide diuretics, B-Blockers: inhibition of CPL (decreases clearance of VLDL)
Familial hypertriglyceridemia
- MC hyperlipoproteinemia
- Increasd production of VLDL, decreased clearance of VLDL
- Increased risk for CAD and peripheral vascular disease
- Eruptive xanthomas
- Increase in TG (>300). Serum CH normal to moderately increased (250-500). Serum LDL
Type V hyperlipoproteinemia
- Most commonly familial hypertriglyceridemia + an exacerbating disorder
- increase in chylomicrons and VLDL d/t decreased activation and release of CPL
- Hyperchylomicronemia syndrome
- Eruptive xanthomas, increased acute pancreatitis, lipemia retinalis, dyspnea and hypoxemia, hepatosplenomegaly, increase in serum TG (>1000). Normal serum CH and LDL.
- Turbid supranate and infranate
Nonpharmacologic tx of type II hyperlipoproteinemia
- Dietary modification (low fat)
- Increasing activity, aerobic exercise
- Smoking cessation
Pharmacologic tx of type II hyperlipoproteinemia
- HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors (“statins”)
- nicotinic acid
- bile salt sequestrants
- cholesterol absorption inhibitors
Nonpharmacologic tx of type IV hyperlipoproteinemia
- Reduce alcohol intake
- Reduce carbohydrate intake
- Increase intake of omega3 fatty acids
Pharmacologic tx of type IV hyperlipoproteinemia
Nicotinic acid or fibric acid derivatives
Thickening and loss of elasticity of arterial walls
Medial calcification
- dystrophic calcifications in the wall of muscular arteries
- can be seen in plain radiographs
- no clinical consequence UNLESS a/w atherosclerosis
Atherosclerosis epidemiology
- MC in men
- Increases w/ age
RISKS: - HTN (accelerates by producing endothelial cell dysfunction)
- DM (a/w hyperlipidemia and HTN which are risk factors, also a/w abnormalities of coagulation, platelet adhesion and aggregation, increased oxidative stress, fxnal changes in endothelium)
- Cigs, hyperlipoproteinemias, previous Chlamydophilia pneumoniae infxn
Pathogenesis of atherosclerosis
- D/t endothelial cell damage of muscular and elastic arteries
- Veins under increased pressure undergo atherosclerosis
Causes of endothelial cell injury
Stress areas in the vasculature (eg. bifurcation), HTN, tobacco, homocysteine, oxidized LDL, small dense LDL
Cell response to endothelial injury
- Macrophages infiltrate the intima, platelets adhere to damaged endothelium
- platelets produce inflammatory response in leukocytes and endothelial cells
- Platelet-mediated inflammatory response occurs even with platelet-inhibiting drugs - Inflammatory cells release cytokines and growth factors –> hyperplasia of smooth muscle cells (SMCs)
- SMCs migrate to tunica intima
- CH enters SMCs and macrophages, producing foam cells
- SMCs and macrophages release cytokines that produce extracellular matrix (collagen, proteoglycans, elastin)
Development of a fibrous plaque
- Components: SMCs, foam cells, inflammatory cells, ECM
- Overlies a necrotic center containing cellular debris, CH crystals, foam cells
- Disrupted plaques may extrude underlying necrotic material, which extends to the endothelial surface serving as a nidus for thrombus formation
- Frequently becomes dystrophically calcified and ulcerated
MC sites of atherosclerosis
Descending order: abdominal aorta, coronary artery, popliteal artery, internal carotid artery
Serum C-reactice peptide
Increased in patients with disrupted plaques.
Plaques may rupture and produce vessel thrombosis –> acute MI
CRP may be stronger predictor of cardiovascular events than LDL
Complications of atherosclerosis
- Vessel weakness
- Vessel thrombosis
- Hypertension
- Cerebral atrophy
Peripheral arterial disease epidemiology
- Increases w/ age, equal in men and women
- Blacks > whites
Peripheral arterial disease sx
- Claudication - pain, weakness, numbness, cramping d/t decreased arterial blood flow
- Sores, wounds, ulcers –> gangrene
- Dependent rubor of feet
- Cool skin temp
- Diminished hair and nail growth on limb digits
- Diminished pedal pulses, bruits over femoral/popliteal arteries
5 P’s of acute PAD occlusion
Pain, Pallor, Paresthesias, Paralysis, Pulselessness below occlusion
Diagnosis of PAD
- Measure ABI (ratio
Tx of PAD
- Manage risk factors
- Revascularization surgical procedures
- Cilostazol
- Hardening of the arterioles
- Two types: hyaline and hyperplastic
Hyaline arteriolosclerosis
- Increased protein is deposited in vessel wall, occludes lumen
Causes of hyaline arteriolosclerosis
- Glucose combines w/ proteins in basement membrane of arterioles = nonenzymatic glycosylation (NEG)
- NEG causes basement membrane to leak proteins from plasma into vessel wall
- increased intraluminal pressure pushes plasma proteins into vessel wall
Hyperplastic arteriolosclerosis
- Acute increase in BP causes basement membrane duplication and smooth muscle hyperplasia in renal arterioles
- Renal arterioles have “onion skin” appearance
Weakening of the vessel wall, followed by dilation d/t increased wall stress
Abdominal aortic aneurysm epidemiology
- MC aneurysm
- Usually in men >60
- Usually located below the renal artery orifices
AAA pathogenesis
Atherosclerosis weakens the vessel wall
- Vessel wall stress increases with vessel diameter
- Vessel lumen fills with atheromatous debris and blood clots
Other factors: familial, structural defects in connective tissue, absence of vasa vasorum in abdominal aorta
Clinical findings in AAA
- Usually asymptomatic
- Pulsatile epigastric mass that may or may not be tender
- Bruit heard if renal artery stenosis or visceral arterial stenosis is present
- Atherosclerotic plaques can chip off and embolize to distal extremities
- Rupture is MC complication
Rupture triad in AAA
- Sudden onset severe left flank pain (bleed is initially retroperitoneal) followed by
- hypotension from blood loss into retroperitoneum
- presence of pulsatile mass on exam
Greatest predictor for AAA rupture
Diameter of aneurysm
- surgical repair beneficial for AAAs 5.0-5.4 cm in diameter
Dx, Tx of AAA
Dx: Ultrasound is 100% accurate, CT used pre-op to localize extent into renal vessels and evaluate vessel wall integrity to exclude rupture, angiography give detailed arterial anatomy
Tx: Endovascular or open surgery
Popliteal artery aneurysm
- 95% of cases are males
- MC peripheral artery aneurysm
- Pulsatile mass behind the knee
- Treated surgically
Mycotic aneurysm
- Vessel wall weakens d/t infection
- Fungal invaders: Aspergillus, Candida, Mucor
- Bacterial invaders: Bacteroides fragilis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Salmonella
Clinical findings, tx for mycotic aneurysm
Clinical findings:
- thrombosis w/ or w/o infarction
- rupture
Tx: surgical
Berry aneurysm
Saccular dilatation typically found around the circle of Willis and base of the brain, MC site is junction of communicating branches w/ ACA
Risk factors for berry aneurysm
- Normal hemodynamic stress
- Presence of HTN
- Coarctation of aorta
- Atherosclerosis
Pathogenesis of berry aneurysm
- At the junction of the communicating branches w/ main cerebral vessels, the vessel lacks an internal elastic lamina and smooth muscle
- Rupture of the aneurysm releases blood into the subarachnoid space or into the brain parenchyma
Clinical findings of berry aneurysm
- Sudden onset of severe occipital headache, “worst headache I’ve ever had”
- Nuchal rigidity from meningeal irritation
Complications of ruptured berry aneurysm
- Death shortly after bleed
- Rebleeding, hydrocephalus, neurologic deficits
Dx, Tx of ruptured berry aneurysm
Dx: CT scan and angiography
Tx: immediate surgical repair