Goljan renal 2 Flashcards
creatinine = end product of creatine metab
urea filtered and reabs in prox tubule
creatinine filtered in kidney not reabs but secreted
normal bun
normal creatinine
normal bun: creatinine
bun = 9
creatinine = 1 mg/dL
prerenal azotemia
due to decr CO
decr GFR
why BUN/creatinine ratio incr in prerenal azotemia
decr RBF, decr GFR
gives prox tubule more time to reabs more urea than normal
incr prox tubule reabs of urea
decr creatinine clearance, incr serum creatinine
BUN/creatinine ratio for prerenal azotemia
> 15
renal tubular casts
acute renal failure
acute renal failure affects BUN and creatinine how?
equally both because both cannot be filtered in kidney
incr proportionally so ratio = 10 (normal)
acute renal failure most common due to
ischemic acute tubular necrosis
when CO decr, oliguria
prerenal azotemia or ischemic ATN
but look at BUN: creatinine ratio to separate
most common cause of ischemic ATN
prerenal azotemia
ischemic ATN
coagulation necrosis –> basement membrane cells sloughed off–> block lumen –> oliguria
urine will show renal tubular epithelial cells/casts
why ischemic ATN so bad?
not only killing tubular cells but also damage basement membrane
destroying structure of tubule, and cannot regenerate tubular cell if no basement membrane
2 parts of nephron most susceptible to ischemia
ischemic in ischemic ATN
straight prox tubule
thick ascending limb in medullary segment (Na/K/2Cl)
nephrotoxic tubular necrosis due to
aminoglycosides, IV pyelograms
- because targets prox tubule
basement membrane still intact–> better than ischemic ATN
GFR in older patient?
GFR decr and creatinine clearance decr