Goljan Flashcards
What do we find in lab. for pre/eclampsia? BUN Uric Acid Serum Creatinine GFR transaminases
BUN increased uric acid increased creatinine increased GFR decreased transaminases increased Schistocytes/anemia/thrombocytopenia
Should GFR be increased or decreased in normal pregnancy?
Should BUN be increase or decreased in normal pregnancy?
decreased in normal pregnancy
What is the clinical picture of eclampsia?
same as pre-eclampsia but w/ seizures or convulsions
What is the clinical presentation of pre-eclampsia?
hypertension proteinuria pitting edema
Tx for Eclampsia?
Magnesium Sulfate
What two substances are vasodilators in pre-eclampsia?
What are two substances in pre-eclampsia that are vasoconstrictors?
Angiotensin II TXA2
What substances are decrease in pre-eclampsia?
PGE1 and NO
What two substances are increased in pre-eclampsia?
Angiotensin II TXA2
What is the Diagnosis if pregnant woman presents w/ pre-eclampsia in first trimester?
hydatidiform mole
When does pre-eclampsia and eclampsia occur? trimester…
3rd trimester
What organism causes chorioamnionitis?
Step. agalactiae
What part of the eye is affected w/ Kayser-Fleischer rings?
outer part of decemet cornea
What are the symptoms of degeneration of the lenticular nuclei?
- chorea - rigidity - basal ganglia dementia
What nuclei is attacked in Wilson’s Dz?
lenticular nuclei degeneration
What is the Tx of Wilson’s Dz?
What are some of the clinical manifestations of Wilson’s Dz?
Kayser-Fleishcher rings in eye
What is ceruloplasmin?
protein that binds to Copper low ceruloplasmin so can’t bind Copper - so increase of Cu in blood
What is Wilson’s Dz?
defect in Copper (Cu+) secretion into bile - bile is Copper deficient or - defect in synthesis of ceruloplasmin
What is the Tx of hemochromatosis?
What are the manifestations of hemochromatosis?
- bronze skin
What is the best screening test?
increase serum ferritin
What are the laboratory findings of hemochromatosis?
- increase serum iron - decrease TIBC - increase % saturation - increase serum ferritin
What is the mode of inheritance of hemochromatosis?
autosomal recessive
What is hemochromatosis?
unrestricted reabsorption of IRON (small bowel)
Other cause of FHF?
Reye’s Sx
What is the MCC of FHF? (organism)
What is the MCC of FHF? (drug)
What is fulminant hepatic failure (FHF)?
acute liver failure w/ encephalopathy within 8 weeks of hepatic dysfunction
Can O.C. cause hepatocellular CA?
What drugs (3) causes hepatocellular carcinoma?
1) Vinyl Chloride 2) Aflatoxin (Aspergillus mold) 3) Thorotrast
What drug causes Liver Cell Adenoma?
Oral Contraceptives
What drug causes angiosarcoma of the liver?
Vinyl Chloride
What drug causes fibrosis in the liver?
What drugs cause steatosis? fatty liver… 2
1) Amiodarone 2) Methotrexate
Name two drugs that cause cholestasis?
1) oral contraceptives 2) anabolic steroids
Name drug that causes acute hepatitis? (4)
1) Isoniazid 2) Halothane 3) acetaminophen 4) methyldopa
What cancer is related to 1ry sclerosing pericholangitis?
MCC of cholangiocarcinoma
What is the clinical picture of 1ry sclerosing pericholangitis?
What disease causes primary slcerosing pericholangitis?
ulcerative colitis - complication of
How do you acquire primary biliary cirrhosis?
autoimmune, granulomatous destruction of bile ducts in triads
What immunoglobulins and markers detect primary biliary cirrhosis?
- increase anti-mitochrondrial Ab - increase IgM
What are the symptoms of primary biliary cirrhosis?
- pruritus - increase AP and GGT - no jaundice until later
What are the symptoms in obstructive jaundice?
- hypercholesterolemia - light colored stools - urine w/ conjugated bilirubin - increase alkaline phosphatase (AP) and gamma-glutamyltransferas (GGT)
MCC of obstructive jaundice?
stone in common bile duct
What is very characteristic microscopically?
fibrosis aroudn terminal hepatic venules
What is seen in alcoholic hepatitis?
mallory bodies you will have a bad body!! Mal (lory) Body!
What is the ratio of ALT and AST in alcoholics?
You are an ASS because you drink AST > ALT
Why are alcoholics prone to gout?
Ketoacids and Lactic Acid compete w/ uric acid for excretion in the kidneys so Uric Acid Accumulates!
Why is ketoacidosis sometimes present in alcoholics?
NADH once again favors conversion of: Acetoacetate to B-Hydroxybutyrate (ketoacids)
What is the sequence to make TG (VLDL) from 1,3 DPG?
1,3 DPG to Glyceraldehyde-3-P to DHAP to Glycerol-3-P + FA makes TG
Why is there esteatosis?
alcohol is converted to acetaldehyde and acetate and acetyl coA which makes free fatty acids - increase in NADH2 favors glycerol-3-p
Why does hypoglycemia occur in alcoholics?
again increase in NADH makes conversion of pyruvate to lactate decrease in pyruvate can’t go back to gluconeogenesis
Why is there a build up of lactate in alcoholics?
high levels of NADH make pyruvate go into lactate (increases anion gap)
Where is alcohol dehydrogenase found?
in cytosol and mitochondria
What enzyme is inhibited by disulfiram?
an alcohol dehydrogenase
What drug is used in Tx of alcoholism?
Antabuse or Disulfiram
What is disulfiram rx?
nausea/vomiting, flushing after ingestion of alcohol
What causes disulfiram reaction?
acetaldehyde build up
Where is the most important site of metabolism of OH in liver?
What are the factors of Alcholo liver disease?
1) amount of OH 2) duration of intake 3) more damage in females
Are fatty change and alcoholic hepatitis reversible or irreversible?
What alcoholic disease is irreversible?
When do we find Councilman Bodies?
What are dead hepatocytes called?
Councilman Bodies
Symmptoms of post-hepatic obstruction?
1) painful liver 2) congested liver 3) ascites 4) portal hypertension
What is the MCC of post-hepatic obstruction?
Polycythemia vera!
What is Budd-Chiari Sx?
hepatic vein thrombosis
What is a cause of post-hepatic obstruction?
1) Budd-Chiari syndrome 2) Polycythemia vera 3) Oral Contraceptives
Do you find hepatomegaly in pre or post-hepatic obstruction?
What are two clinical manifestations of PRE-hepatic obstruction?
1) portal vein thrombosis 2) ascites/varices
What is the MCC of congestive hepatomegaly?
Right Heart Failure (H.F.)
Tx for Schistosomiasis?
What is the definitive host of Schistosoma mansoni?
Snails imagine photographer taking pics of snails (he is a mason!)
What causes portal hypertension, hepatosplenomegaly, ascites and esophageal varices?
What is the main characteristic in the laboratory of Clonorchiasis?
What is the Tx of Clonorchiasis?
How do you get Clonorchiasis?
Ingestion of infected fish w/ larvae
What is another name for Clonorchis sinensis?
Chinese Liver Fluke
What organism causes cholangiocarcinoma?
Clonorchis sinensis
Tx for Echinococcosis?
Humans are what type of host for Echinococcosis?
intermediate host
Who is the definitive host of Echinococcosis?
Sheep Dog
Tx for Hepatic Amebiasis?
What causes a single abscess in the right lobe of the liver?
E. histolytica
What organism causes spontaneous peritonitis in children?
Step. pneumoniae
What organism causes spontaneous peritonitis in adults?
E. coli
What two viruses are associated w/ hepatocellular CA?
B and C hepatitis
What is a healthy carrier?
carries HBsAg but is negative for HBeAg/HBV-DNA
What marker for HBV determines a chronic carrier?
HBsAg for more than 6 months
What is considered when anti-HBcIgM is converted to HBcIgG?
patient has old infection
Markers for HBV infection is active?
HBe and HBV-DNA antigens are excellent markers of infectivity
What is the marker that the patient will recover from HBV?
HBV-DNA poymerase leaves before HBsAg
What is the first serology to appear in HBV?
What marker do you get after HBV vaccine?
What segment does Cronh’s attack?
Cronh=Complete all layers and also all the GI tract mouth to anus
What segment does UC attack?
rectum; does not involve other areas of GI tract
What is involved in Cronh’s Dz in 80%?
Terminal Ileum Affected
What does UC primarily target?
What layers does Cronh’s Dz comprise?
all layers it is transmural
What layers does UC comprise?
musocal and submucosal
Ulcerative Colitis vs. Cronh’s Dz
UC vs. Crohn’s
What is the MC fistula?
Colovesical Fistula
What is the MCC of fistulas in the GI tract?
What is associated with embolism of transmural small bowel?
hear disease and atrial fibrillation
MC place of pathology in entire GI tract?
Sigmoid colon includes: - cancer - polyps (except Peutz-Jegher’s) - diverticular disease
What disease has the term left sided apendicitis?
sigmoid diverticula
What is the MCC of iron deficiency in newborn?
Mecke’s Diverticulum bleeding GI
What is asscoaited w/ angiodysplasia?
von Willebrand’s Dz Aortic Stenosis
What is the 2nd MCC of hematochezia?
What is the MCC of hematochezia?
What parasite in the soil penetrates the skin?
Strongyloides stercoralis he is strong!!!
What is the Tx for D. latum?
Praziquantel got the prize for the fish!
What problems does D. latum give humans?
Vitamin B12 deficiency
What is the reservoir for Dyphyllobotrium latum?
Fish — lake trout
What parasite causes bowel obstruction?
Ascaris Lumbricoides
What is seen in the stool of Strongyloidse stercoralis?
rhabditiform larvae
What is the Tx fro D. latum?
What does D. latum cause?
Vitamin B12 deficiency
What is the reservoir of diphyllobothrium latum?
fish— lake trout
What is the Tx of Trichuris trichura?
What organism causes rectal prolapse in children?
Trichuris trichura
What is the life cycle of G. lamblia?
cysts attach to small intestine mucosa
What is the MCC of diarrhea from protozoa in the U.S.?
Giardia lamblia
What test is used to detect C. parvum?
String Test
What is the MCC of diarrhea in AIDS?
Cryptosporidium parvum
What are trophozoites phagocytosed RBCs?
Entameba histolytica (Ameba)
What is the MC contaminant of blood transfusions?
Yersenia enterocolitica
What organism is associated w/ HLA-B27 spondyloarthropathy and uremic Sx?
What is the MCC of diarrhea, cholecystitis and pancreatitis in AIDS?
Cytomelagolvirus (CMV)
What are some common diseases that cause osmotic diarrhea?
lactase deficiency laxatives
Is there mucosal inflammation in secretory diarrhea?
No mucosal inflammation
What are some disease that cause secretory diarrhea?
Vibrio cholerae (via adenylate cyclase) E. coli (via guanylate cyclase) Rotavirus Carcinoid Sx
What is osmotic diarrhea?
high volume w/ osmolality lower than that of plasma
What is secretory diarrhea?
high volume w/ osmolality similar to plasma
What diarrhea is high volume?
secretory and osmotic
What diarrhea’s are low volume?
Invasive diarrhea
What is the #1 organism in invasive enterocolitis?
What is the best test for invasive diarrhea?
fecal leukocytes (+)
What are the three classifications of diarrhea?
1) invasive 2) secretory 3) osmotic
What is the best (cheapest) screening test to determine malabsorption problem?
stool for fat
What is the pathology of Whipple’s Dz?
blunting of villi in jejunum and ileum
What is the pathology of Celiac Dz?
Atrophy of villi in Duodenum and Jejunum
What is another Dz that involves malabsorption?
Whipple Dz
What is the best test to detect Celiac Dz?
anti-gliadin Ab
What is associated with dermatitis herpetiform?
Celiac Dz
What is the main symptom of leiomyoma?
What is the MC location for Leiomyoma?
What is the MC benign tumor of GI tract?
What is the 2nd MC extranodal site of extranodal lymphoma?
peyer’s patches
What is the MC extranodal site of extranodal lymphoma?
What is a kind of diffuse type linitis plastica? attacks the ovaries as well?
Krukengerg Tumor
Where else can you find signet ring cells?
both ovaries since linitis plastica metastasizes via hematogenous route
What type of cells do you see in linitis plastica?
Signet Ring Cells
What is a picture of a stomach that is really hard petrified almost?
Linitis plastica Stomach Cancer diffuse type
Why is there black melena?
Acid acts on HB and converts it into Hematin Hematin is black pigment that stains fecal matter
What does ZE secrete?
gastrin increases acid in stomach
What is Zollinger Ellison’s (ZE) Sx?
malignant islet cell tumor
Patient that wakes up at night w/ epigastric pain?
Most likely duodenal ulcer
Why is the pain referred to the shoulder in perforated duodenal ulcer?
because the diaphragm is irritated and has the same dermatome and embryology at C4 (phrenic nerve)
What is the first step in managemente of duodenal ulcer that has perforated?
Flat X-ray
What is the presentation of duodenal ulcer w/ perforation?
patient w/ epigastric pain that irradiates to the left shoulder
What is the MC complication of duodenal ulcer?
Bleed and perforation
What other pathologies are associated w/ dudoneal ulcer?
MEN I Zollinger-Ellison Sx
What blood group is associated w/ duodenal ulcer?
Blood group O
What is the malignant potential for a duodenal ulcer?
0% malignancy so never biopsied!
When is pain in gastric ulcer?
Greater fater eating
When is the pain in duodenal ulcer?
Decreases w/ meal/eating
What must be done w/ gastric ulcer?
Biopsy to rule out gastric CA!
Does gastric ulcer predispose to CA?
NO! Gastic CA may bleed and may be confused w/ gastric ulcer!
Where is the ulcer and cancer located in gastric ulcer?
lesser curvature of antum
What type of gastritis does H. pylori cause?
Type B Atrophic Gastritis
What does H. pylori predispose to/cause? 2 things
AdenoCA of stomach Malignant Lymphoma
What part of the stomach does H. pylori infect?
pyloric antrum
What type of gastritis is pernicious anemia?
Type A atrophic gastitis
What part of the stomach is affected by pernicious anemia?
Body and Fundus
What is an analog of PGE2?
Misoprostol cytoprotective
What are the three functions of PGE2?
1) increase blood flow to mucosa 2) increase secretion of mucous 3) increase HCO3- cytoprotective
Main difference between congenital pyloric stenosis and duodenal atresia?
Bile containing fluid in Duodenal Atresia Also duodenal atresia associated w/ Down Sx polyhydramnios seen in mother in Duodenal Atresia
MCC of hematemesis?
duodenal ulcer 2) gastric ulcer 3) esophageal varices
What is the MC esophageal CA in developing countries and where is it located in the esophagus?
Squamous CA Mid-esophagus
What is the MCC of primary cancer in the esophagus in the U.S.? What part of the esophagus?
Adenocarcinoma of distal esophagus
What is the MCC of Boerhaave’s Sx?
Endoscopy procedure!!!
What is the name of the RUPTURE of the DISTAL esophagus?
Boerhaave’s Sx
When does Mallory Weiss Sx occur?
Alcoholics bulimia
What is the name of the TEAR of the DISTAL esophagus?
Mallory Weiss Sx
What are other causes of esophagitis?
Herpes (multinucleated cells w/ intranuclear inclusions) CMV (single nucleurs w/ largo basophilic inclusion)
What is the MC organism causes esophagitis?
What vein is most likely to have varices in esophagus?
left gastric coronary vein (from portal) azygous vein
What is the problem in GERD?
relaxed LES acid injury leads to Barrett’s esophagus and then distal AdenoCA
What laboratory test do you use to diagnostie CREST Sx?
ANA (70-90%) anti-SCL-70 (70%) topoisomerase I anti-centromere antibodies (30%)
What does CREST stand for?
Calcinosis Raynaud’s Phenomenum Esophageal Motility Dysfunction Sclerodactyly Telangiectasias
HOw are achalasia and progressive systemic sclerosis (PSS)/ CREST Sx similar?
both have relaxation of LES absence of esophageal motility manometry best diagnostic measure
What sign do we see in the X-ray of achalasia?
bird’s beak in barium study dilation of proximal esophagus
What is the function of VIP?
relax the LES
What is substance is missing in the myenteric ganglion of achalasia?
VIP (vasointestinal peptide)
What is absent in achalasia?
absent relaxation absent myenteric ganglion cells
What is the pathogenesis of achalasia?
failure of relaxation of LES sphincter
What are the S/S of Zenker’s Diverticulum?
bad breath food collects in pouches