Golf Flashcards
What if ball in Abnormal ground in a bunker
Must drop one club length from nearest point of relief. Be in the bunker. If complete relief not possible, pick best relief in the bunker.
Penalty option
Can take one stroke and drop outside,with no restrictions on distance on how far back.
How is a lateral hazard marked
Red stakes
What if Abnormal ground on green 25-1. Eg casual water
For relief On the green you PLACE the ball not drop it. If complete relief not possible, pick the best,not closer to hole. This might be off the green. Can clean it.
What if you have abnormal ground through the green rule
One club. Must drop the ball. Ball may be cleaned
What if ball in abnormal ground not found in the casual water, gopher hole etc. and everyone agrees it is in the abnormal grd.
Drop another ball like normal rule for abnormal ground. Eg. one club from nearest point of relief from where the ball entered the abnormal ground. No closer to hole.
What is abnormal ground condition . Number and definition
There are 2 non animal conditions and 3 conditions by three types of creatures
Rule25-1. It is casual water or GUR.
A hole, cast or Runway by a burrowing animal ,reptile , or bird.
What is the exception to get relief from abnormal ground .
No relief if interference by something else.
No relief if exaggerating your stance/swing plane
No relief in a water hazard(unless local rule )ball can be replaced under the local rule if you can’t get at it
Does a burrowing animal include worms and insects that burrow in the ground.
What parts of a course are not part of “through the green”
The tee box and the green of the hole you are playing
All hazards on the course.
(These areas have there own rule sections)
If once you have taken your stance and on your down swing you checked the swing more than 75 through, is it considered a stroke?
See stroke def.
Does a “wrong putting green” include a practice green or a pitching green
See wrong green def.
Does the whole ball need to be on the green to
Determined to be “ on the green”
No. If any part of it touches
See def section of putting green
Can a player deem his ball unplayable anywhere on the course?
No. Not in a water hazard.
Rule 28
If a player declares there ball unplayable ,can they clean it after they lift it?
Can they substitute another ball?
Rule 28
If a player putts the ball on the green and it hits another ball on the green, what is the ruling?
Play it as it lies and take TWO stroke penalty.
Rule 19.5
If during play you break your club in the normal course of play, can you replace it, borrow from a someone, or assemble one using components.
Yes but must not unduly delay play
Rule 4-3
If a player breaks his club through normal course of play, or in anger ,can he replace it
Yes for normal if you don’t delay play.
No for anger.
In a tournament, can you practice putting on the green of the hole you just completed ?
Yes. As long as it doesn’t delay play.
In a tournament, Who is responsible for the addition of scores and the application of the handicap . The player or the committee.
The committee
Maximum length of a club
48 inches
Is a coin or a tee part of the players equipment
What is a foursome completion
Two competitors play one ball
What is four ball
Each player plays his own ball
Are due and frost casual water
When is the ball in casual water
When any part of it touches the water
When is a ball in the bunker
When any part of it touches the bunker
Does a bunker extend vertically upward but not downwards
No. The margin is downward but not up. Wall or lip not covered in grass is in the bunker.
The line of putt does not extend beyond the hole ,true or false
What is a hazard
A bunker or water hazard
What are the dimensions of the hole
4 1/2 inches wide by 4 inches deep
Loose impediment are natural objects provided they are not fixed or growing solidly embedded or, adhering to the ball true or false
True it can’t adhere to the ball
Is snow and natural ice casual water or a loose impediment
What is the purpose of a marker in competition
To keep score
When is the ball out of bounds
When “all of it” lies out of bounds
When is the ball on the putting green
When any part of it is on the green
What is a competitor and what is a opponent
Competitor is strokeplay
Opponent is match
What is “rub of the green”
When the ball in motion is accidentally deflected or stop by an outside agency
An outside agency in strokeplay is any agency other than the competitors stuff
True. Wind or water is not an outside agency
Do penalty strokes affect the order of play in a threesome or foursome
Define taking a stance
Placing his feet in position for making a stroke
Can the committee make a local rule saying a stipulated round is less than 18 holes
Are the steaks defining a water hazard inside or outside the hazard
Inside unless stakes and a line are present
“Is the line” in finding a water hazard inside or outside the hazard
Does the margin of a water hazard extend both upward and downward or just down
Upward and downward
“Through the green” is anywhere on the course except what?
The teeing ground and putting green of he hole being played and all hazards on the course
Stakes defining a hazard are obstructions ?..
The outside points of stakes define a water hazard
True at ground level
Can you clean an embedded ball when lifted ?
Can two golfers share one caddy
What is the penalty if you move your ball in a practice swing
One stroke and replace the ball
If a rake in the bunker is moved and the ball moves do your place it where it was, or play it as it now lies
What is the penalty for playing a wrong ball
Two-stroke penalty plus you have to play the correct ball before teeing off on the next Teebox or you’re disqualified. It’s the last hole you must declare it on the putting green
You can look in a bag to see what club he used but you cannot touch anything true or false
Can you lift or rotate the golf ball in the rough if you can’t identify it as yours
Yes but first you must advise your competitors and you must mark the position of the ball before touching it. It is a one-stroke penalty if either of those conditions are not met
Player plays from wrong place.
Two strokes
Loss of hole in Match Ply
A ball may be cleaned when lifted except in three cases. What are they?
To determine unfit to play. R5-3
For identification.R12-2
Because it assists or interferes with play. R22
Equipment is anything used worn or carried by the player and his partner except any small object like a coin or tee. Extra balls or a ball taken out of play is part of his equip.
GUR. Includes material piled to be removed by green keeper or a hole made by green keeper even if not marked.
When defined by stakes, the stakes are in the GUR and are obstructions.
The nearest outside points at ground level is the margin of the GUR
Hole is 4 1/4 by 4 deep
Line of play extends vertically upward but not beyond the hole. Nor does line of putt extend behind the hole except for rule 16 1 e which is standing astride or on line of putt.
You can stand astride the hole when putting to avoid standing on another players line or prospective line or if inadvertently.
If your ball is on the green can you brush aside casual water on your line of putt.
No. That would be breach of 16.1a ( touching line of putt)
In match play, if other than searching for the opponents ball you cause his ball to move, it is a one stroke penalty and replaced 18 3 b. (If searching, no penalty. ).
In stroke play a fellow competitor does same thing there is no penalty 18 4. Replace he ball
Hitting out of turn in stroke is etiquette. In match play ,might have to hit again.
If bunker is full of water and ball is in it
1. Drop in the shallow part not nearer the hole. Rule 25-1b ii a.
2 Declare unplayable . Rule 28
3. Drop behind the bunker . Rule 25-1b ii b
In match play, the players left the 18th hole with the impression player A won the match.
They later realized that the match was all square. Now what ?
Since there was no indication that wrong information was given, the match stands as played and A is the winner. 2-3/1.
Ant hills,fruit,lump of dirt,or breaking off part of a fallen branch are loose impediments.
A player who arrives late for his tee time incurs a two stroke penalty.
False. If unusual circumstances
A player is automatically disqualified for returning a wrong scorecard
False. May have entered a higher score on a hole
A player may create or eliminate irregularities anywhere within teeing ground
Yes 11.1
The player may only have his line of play indicated to him by his partner or either of their caddies
False . Except on the putting green
A player can’t ask another player for advice prior to his stipulated round.
False. But not during the round. 8.1
There is no penalty for touching the putting green when indicating a line of play,when the players ball isn’t on the green.
True. 8-2b/3
You can ground your club on a bridge over a water hazard . Why
It is an obstruction . (It is in the hazard since it extends vertically up so can’t remove loose impediments)
When a ball is in motion ,players equipment or the flagstick may be moved
True. 24.1b
Can you deem a ball unplayable in a water hazard.
No. 28
If through the green, a player purposely touches his ball, it is a penalty. However, if accidentally touches it while moving a loose impediment,and ball doesn’t move, no penalty.
A ball is in play as soon as it is replaced on the putting green. Even if the coin hasn’t been lifted yet
True I think
If a player considers that a ball might assist any other player, he may
a) lift the ball if is his
b) have any ball lifted
True. 22.1
It can’t be cleaned.
If competitors agree not to lift a ball that might help a competitor ,they are dq. ( verbal I guess)
Except on putting green, if a player lifts his ball that is clearly interfering with another player, WITHOUT being ASKED to do so, it is a one stroke penalty
True 22.2 note 1.
A player under 22.2 may have another ball lifted if it physically or MENTALLY interferes.
True. Page 353
If rule 22 (ball assisting or interfering) with play is abused, the committee could assess an undue delay penalty rule 6-7.
See page 353
The position of the ball must be marked before it is lifted under any rule that states the ball is to be replaced.
True. 20.1. Page 311
The ball is on the part of the course it touches
Rule 17-3
If you ask flag to be attended while putting and hit the flag, two stroke penalty.
If attendee let’s the ball hit on purpose, he is dq rule 1-2.
If off the green but flagstick is attended,if you hit the person,or the flagstick, it is a penalty. ( person standing by the stick is deemed attending)
Yes .rule 17-1/1
If when you are putting you hit another ball on the green ,it’s two strokes and re putt.
No. It’s two strokes and play it as it lies