Golang Flashcards
Basic Types
bool string int (8, 16, 32, 64) uint (8, 16, 32, 64), uintptr - pointer byte (uint8) rune (uint32) like a char float (32, 64) complex (64, 128)
Other Types
Array Slice Struct Pointer Function Interface Map Channel
Variable Declaration
var foo string
foo = “Hello World”
var bar = “Hello World” => same as above interprets the type automatically
baz := “Hello World” => no need to type in var
ptr -> var
string pointer cannot point to int pointer
pointer holds memory address
if we pass a pointer to a function then if the value changes outside of function then it also effects the value inside of the function.
message := “Hello World….”
var greeting *string = &message
Note: *string is required to store pointer value
&message => gets back address of message - this has to be stored inside a string pointer
- now greeting is a string pointer which points to message
- greeting store location of string message
fmt.Println(greeting, *greeting)
output => 0x123423, Hello World….
User Defined Types
type Customer struct {
name string
age int
func main(){ c1 = Customer{} c1.name = "Foo" c1.age = 10
c2 = Customer {name: “Bar”, age: 20}
c3 = Customer {“Bar”, 20}
- no getters and setters
- no access specifiers
const { PI = 3.14 => float const Language = "Go" => string const }
const { A = iota B = iota C = iota }
fmt.Println(A, B, C)
0, 1, 2
const { A = iota B C }
fmt.Println(A, B, C)
0, 1, 2
- don’t have to initialize, it defaults to previous initialization
func Greet (s Salutation){ fmt.Println(CreateMessage(s.name, s.age)) }
func CreateMessage(name string, age int) string { return "hello " + name + ", your age is " + age }
Functions with multiple return types
func Greet (s Salutation){ m1, m2 = CreateMessage(s.name, s.age) fmt.Println(m1, m2) }
func CreateMessage (s Salutation) (string, string){ return "foo", "bar" }
s = Salutation {“foo”, 10}
foo, bar
if you do not use a variable its an ERROR, so just use _ if you do not want a variable
i.e. _, m2 = CreateMessage(s.name, s.age)
Functions with names multiple return types
func CreateMessage(s Salutation) (message string, alternate string){ message = "foo" alternate = "bar" return }
Variadic Functions
- functions with variable input
func foo(name string, options ...string){ fmt.Println(name, options[0], options[1]) }
foo(“hello world”, “foo”, “bar”)
Function Types
- passing functions to other functions
func foo (name string, myfun string(int) (string)){ "Hello " + name + ", drinking age? " + myfun(10) }
func DrinkingEligible (age int) (string){ if (age > 18){ return "Yes" } else{ return "No" } }
foo(“hello “, DrinkingEligible)
Func Type 2
type DrikingEligibilityCalculator string(int) (string)
func foo (name string, cal DrinkingEligibilityCalculator){ "Hello " + name + ", drinking age? " + cal(10) }
func DrinkingEligibilityUS (age int) (string){ if (age > 21){ return "Yes" } else{ return "No" } }
func DrinkingEligibilityUK (age int) (string){ if (age > 18){ return "Yes" } else{ return "No" } } == foo("hello ", DrinkingEligibleUS) foo("hello ", DrinkingEligibleUK)
If statements
if age := 100 alive { print("still alive at ", age) } else{ print("not alive at ", age) }
age is defined in scope of the if statement.
Switch statement
switch name{ case "bob": print("Hello Bob") case "sally": print("hello sally") default: print("No name") }
no switching param needed, it will switch on bool
switch { case name == "bob": print("Hello Bob") case name == "sally": print("hello sally") default: print("No name") }
only have one type of loop i.e. FOR
for i := 0; i < 10; i++{
// similar to while loop i := 0 for i < 10 { i ++ }
for {