Gods' Seventh and Tenth Commandment Flashcards
It is a selfish and intense desire for something. Especially material possessions. our food, which in their people from finding real happiness.
An act of unjustly claiming the possessions or property of others without permission and without intending to return them.
A grave sin that comes from a wrongful desire or resentful longing for things possessed by another or unhappiness of another’s fortune.
The unlawful act of taking advantage of people such as reducing a person to a productive value of source of profit.
It is a form of stealing that involves making wrongful deception among people, trickery, and faking identities or positions for possible.
A virtue that teaches people how to restrain and control one’s attachment to earthly goods.
The foundation of a man that makes him or her greater than any form of earthly good. It affirms man’s state to be respected and to freely practice his rights.
Committing this form of theft usually happens by purposefully putting hospitals, malls, and other buildings on fire for taking advantage of the money from insurance sectors.
The cause of why people are acting unjustly towards others.
Unwilling to share, give, and spend possessions or money for personal and selfish desires.
Being Stingy
In the 7th commandment, justice must be joined regarding the use of earthly goods and the fruit of people’s labor. True or False
The 7th and tenth Commandments require people to be temperate on the use of earthly goods and render respect for their rights in human well-being, true or false.
The desire to accumulate earthly goods beyond what we need is called stealing. true or false
The Catholic Church teaches us to regard proper care for the things of others and eliminate any grave injustice which causes destruction to others property. true or false
The implications of the 7th commandment are closely related to the dignity of the human person, which is the foundation of equality and human rights. True or False. =
All created things should be shared by all under the guidance of justice and pampered by charity. true or false.
Only the government has the obligation to uphold social responsibility. In building adjust and Humane Society. true or false
Products and services are more important than people. true or false.
When one finds a lost item, he or she can keep it because it is not considered stealing at all. true or false.
All human longings desires and passions of the heart must be. eradicated to avoid evil actions toward others. true or false.