Gods and Goddesses Flashcards
Greek Name: Zeus
Roman Name: Jove
SYMBOLS: Thunderbolt, Eagle, Oak tree
RULED OVER: King of Gods, Lord of Sky
Greek Name: Hera
Roman Name: Juno
SYMBOLS: Cow, Peacock
RULED OVER: Queen of the Gods
Greek Name: Athena
Roman Name: Mirverva
SYMBOLS: Aegis, Owl, Olive Tree
RULED OVER: Intellectual activities, defensive war, inventions, spinning, weaving, science
Greek Name: Poseidon
Roman Name: Neptune
SYMBOLS: Trident, Horse, Dolphins
RULED OVER: God of the Seas
Greek Name: Hades
Roman Name: Pluto
SYMBOLS: Metals, Jewels, Invisibility Cloak
RULED OVER: Ruler of the Underworld
Greek Name: Hestia
Roman Name: Vesta
RULED OVER: Goddess of home and hearth
Greek Name: Artemis
Roman Name: Diana
SYMBOLS: Dear, Cypress Tree, Moon
RULED OVER: Goddess of moon, hunting, maidens
Greek Name: Apollo
Roman Name: Pheobus
SYMBOLS: Lyre, Laurel
RULED OVER: God of sun, music, poetry, math, and medicine
Greek Name: Hermes
Roman Name: Mercury
SYMBOLS: Wand, winged sandals, winged hat
RULED OVER: God of messengers, liars, thieves, gamblers, commerce, treaties, and travelers
Greek Name: Hephaestus
Roman Name: Vulcan
SYMBOLS: Anvil, Forge
RULED OVER: Blacksmith God, Great Artificer, Lord of mechanics
Greek Name: Aphrodite
Roman Name: Venus
SYMBOLS: Myrtle, Dove, Apple, Swan
RULED OVER: Goddess of love and beauty
Greek Name: Ares
Roman Name: Mars
SYMBOLS: Spear, vulture, Venomous Snake, Dog
RULED OVER: God of War
Greek Name: Demeter
Roman Name: Ceres
SYMBOLS: The cornucopia, sheafs of wheat, a torch
RULED OVER: Agriculture, grain, bread (the sustenance of mankind)
Greek Name: Persephone
Roman Name: Proserpina
SYMBOLS: Pomegranates, sprouting seeds, a torch
RULED OVER: Goddess of the Underworld (married to Hades)
Greek Name: Dionysus
Roman Name: Bacchus
SYMBOLS: The lyre, the leopard
RULED OVER: Wine, vegetation, pleasure, festivity
Greek Name: Cronus
Roman Name: Saturn
SYMBOLS: The scythe (sickle)
Greek Name: Helios
Roman Name: Sol
SYMBOLS: The chariot with which he drove across the sky each day
RULED OVER: The Titan god of the sun (how the Greeks personified sunlight). He was also the guardian of oaths and the god of gift of sight.