God's Word Flashcards
Obedience to God’s Word
Genesis 22:17-18
“Blessing I will bless you, and multiplying I will multiply your descendants as the stars of the heaven and as the sand which is on the seashore; and your descendants shall possess the gate of their enemies.
“In your seed all the nations of the earth shall be blessed, because you have obeyed My voice.”
Obedience to God’s Word
Deuteronomy 26:16-19
“This day the LORD your God commands you to observe these statutes and judgments; therefore you shall be careful to observe them with all your heart and with all your soul.
17 “Today you have proclaimed the LORD to be your God, and that you will walk in His ways and keep His statutes, His commandments, and His judgments, and that you will obey His voice.
18 “Also today the LORD has proclaimed you to be His special people, just as He promised you, that [you] should keep all His commandments,
19 “and that He will set you high above all nations which He has made, in praise, in name, and in honor, and that you may be a holy people to the LORD your God, just as He has spoken.”
Obedience to God’s Word
Joshua 1:7-9
“Only be strong and very courageous, that you may observe to do according to all the law which Moses My servant commanded you; do not turn from it to the right hand or to the left, that you may prosper wherever you go.
8 “This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.
9 “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the LORD your God [is] with you wherever you go.”
Obedience to God’s Word
Psalm 1
Blessed [is] the man Who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly, Nor stands in the path of sinners, Nor sits in the seat of the scornful;
2 But his delight [is] in the law of the LORD, And in His law he meditates day and night.
3 He shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, That brings forth its fruit in its season, Whose leaf also shall not wither; And whatever he does shall prosper.
4 The ungodly [are] not so, But [are] like the chaff which the wind drives away.
5 Therefore the ungodly shall not stand in the judgment, Nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous.
6 For the LORD knows the way of the righteous, But the way of the ungodly shall perish.
Obedience to God’s Word
Psalm 37:30-31
The mouth of the righteous speaks wisdom, And his tongue talks of justice. 31 The law of his God [is] in his heart; None of his steps shall slide.
Obedience to God’s Word
Psalm 40:8
I delight to do Your will, O my God, And Your law [is] within my heart.”
Obedience to God’s Word
Psalm 112
Praise the LORD! Blessed [is] the man [who] fears the LORD, [Who] delights greatly in His commandments.
2 His descendants will be mighty on earth; The generation of the upright will be blessed.
3 Wealth and riches [will be] in his house, And his righteousness endures forever.
4 Unto the upright there arises light in the darkness; [He is] gracious, and full of compassion, and righteous.
5 A good man deals graciously and lends; He will guide his affairs with discretion.
6 Surely he will never be shaken; The righteous will be in everlasting remembrance.
7 He will not be afraid of evil tidings; His heart is steadfast, trusting in the LORD.
8 His heart [is] established; He will not be afraid, Until he sees [his desire] upon his enemies.
9 He has dispersed abroad, He has given to the poor; His righteousness endures forever; His horn will be exalted with honor.
10 The wicked will see [it] and be grieved; He will gnash his teeth and melt away; The desire of the wicked shall perish.
Obedience to God’s Word
Psalm 119:2-6
Blessed [are] those who keep His testimonies, Who seek Him with the whole heart!
3 They also do no iniquity; They walk in His ways.
4 You have commanded [us] To keep Your precepts diligently.
5 Oh, that my ways were directed To keep Your statutes!
6 Then I would not be ashamed, When I look into all Your commandments.
Obedience to God’s Word
Psalm 119:9-11
How can a young man cleanse his way? By taking heed according to Your word.
10 With my whole heart I have sought You; Oh, let me not wander from Your commandments! 11 Your word I have hidden in my heart, That I might not sin against You.
Obedience To God’s Word
Psalm 119:29
Remove from me the way of lying, And grant me Your law graciously.
Obedience to God’s Word
Psalm 119:97-100
Oh, how I love Your law! It [is] my meditation all the day.
98 You, through Your commandments, make me wiser than my enemies; For they [are] ever with me.
99 I have more understanding than all my teachers, For Your testimonies [are] my meditation.
100 I understand more than the ancients, Because I keep Your precepts.
Obedience to God’s Word
Psalm 119:102
I have not departed from Your judgments, For You Yourself have taught me.
Obedience to God’s Word
Psalm 119:105
Your word [is] a lamp to my feet And a light to my path.
Obedience to God’s Word
John 8:31-32
Then Jesus said to those Jews who believed Him, “If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed.
32 “And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”
Obedience to God’s Word
John 14:21-24
“He who has My commandments and keeps them, it is he who loves Me. And he who loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I will love him and manifest Myself to him.”
22 Judas (not Iscariot) said to Him, “Lord, how is it that You will manifest Yourself to us, and not to the world?”
23 Jesus answered and said to him, “If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word; and My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make Our home with him.
24 “He who does not love Me does not keep My words; and the word which you hear is not Mine but the Father’s who sent Me.
Obedience to God’s Word
John 15:4-7
“Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me.
5 “I am the vine, you [are] the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing.
6 “If anyone does not abide in Me, he is cast out as a branch and is withered; and they gather them and throw [them] into the fire, and they are burned.
7 “If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you.
Obedience to God’s Word
John 15:9-11
“As the Father loved Me, I also have loved you; abide in My love.
10 “If you keep My commandments, you will abide in My love, just as I have kept My Father’s commandments and abide in His love. 11 “These things I have spoken to you, that My joy may remain in you, and [that] your joy may be full.
Obedience to God’s Word
Proverbs 22:17-21
“Incline your ear and hear the words of the wise, and apply your heart to my knowledge; (18) For it is a pleasant thing if you keep them within you; let me all be fixed upon your lips, (19) so that your trust may be in the LORD;
I have instructed you today, even you,
(20) Have I not written to you excellent things of counsels and knowledge,
(21) that I may make you know the certainty of the words of truth, that you may answer words of truth to those who send to you?!?