Goals And Goal Setting Flashcards
What is SMART?
A well known and valuable approach to creating goals that drive decision making and time management
The goal includes a clear, specific statement of what to achieve or accomplish.
The goal statement includes a mean of measurement for the achievement of the goal.
The goal is challenging but also something that can be achieved as defined.
The specific goal relates directly to your plans. It should also be realistic to achieve.
The goal statement included when the goal should be accomplished and if possible milestone.
Time bound
Be mindful of your motives for being a student.
Practice consistant, restorative sleep habits.
Monitor gathering points to effectively keep track of learning and to-do activities.
Listen as though you will be teaching what you are hearing.
Process all you have done and learn at the end of rhe day.
Establish and Practice a daily, designated time to work on assignments.
Time management tips
Time Management for Health Professionals
1) Manage stress by developing the habit of positive thinking.
2) Develop s mindset of self empowerment. High expectations and an upbeat outlook.
3) Take steps to overcome self doubt.
4) Communicate with your support system to seek and accept help.
Strategies to help develop the habit of positive thinking
1) All or nothing thinking
2) Disqualifying the positive
3) Labeling and mislabeling
4) Actively focus on the positive
Change your attitude to accomplish more
1) Start with a smile
. Get up early so you don’t have to rush.
. Tune into positive messages. If the morning news depresses you listen to a motivational cassette or read an upbeat, fun book.
.Eat a healthy breakfast
.Exercise, refresh your body and spirit with a brisk walk or aerobic activity
.Leave home early. Allow enough time for commute and then some.
Strategies for achieving a positive attitude
1) Plan your day and your future. Work to achieve goals not just finish task.
2) Give sincere appreciation. Your co-workers deserve to know when they’ve done something well and they will return the compliments
Conteract your self done
1) List what causes academic self doubt
2) let go negativity
3) Use positive thoughts and language
4) Keep focusing on your goal
Overcoming self doubt
1) Just keep going
2) Pause
3) Start small
4) Do the thing your dreading
5) Ask for help
6) Don’t give up
7) Remund yourself why you started
Pomodoro techniques
An approach to studies, writing or reading that involves using a specific allotment of time to work and taking planned time break.
Five note taking methods
1) The Cornell method
2) The Outlining method
3) The mind mapping method
4) The Charting method
5) The Sentence method