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Used to determine material thickness or the depth of a discontinuity below the material surface. These transducers transmit the sound into the part perpendicular to the surface of the part
Longitudinal waves (or straight beam transducers)
In repairing cracks in a weld, remove the crack and sound weld metal how far beyond each end of the crack
Lying across, as side to side when compared to the rolling direction of metal
This position will provide full coverage for all pipe positions and configurations
A term referring to metals that are primarily iron-based such as steels
In penetrant testing, the penetrant remaining on the surface after a portion of it has been drawn into the discontinuity by capillary action
Excess penetrant
The technical society which provides technical guidance for NDE
American Society of Nondestructive Testing (ASNT)
The leg lengths of the largest right triangle that can be inscribed within the fillet weld cross section
Unequal leg fillet welds
A heat treatment designed to place metal in its softest, lowest strength condition (furnace)
Lying, situated, placed across; having a path from side to side
A groove weld symbol with no information appearing to the right means
The weld is to be continuous for the entire joint length
Current flowing through the coil induces a longitudinal magnetic field which flow across the test object (coil shot) in MT
In general, an increase in the carbon equivalent of carbon steel will result in an increase in its
Stainless Steel
The relative ability of a metal to withstand cyclic loading, as in stress reversal
Fatigue strength
The deflection of a welding arc from its normal path because of magnetic forces
Arc blow
A phase found in metals which forms on rapid cooling or quenching
The total included angle of the groove between the work pieces. In the joints where both edges of the workpieces are prepared at an angle this dimension is the total of both
Groove angle
A group of tests that rapidly apply a load, an impact, to a metal sample. Examples are Charpy, explosion bulge, and deep-weight nil-ductility tests
Impact testing
What is considered to be the most portable method of magnetization when conduction a magnetic particle test
AC Yoke
A joint root condition in a groove weld in which weld metal extends through the joint thickness
Complete joint penetration
Acoustic Emission Test
A reduction of cross sectional area of a ductile metal at the fracture point when a tensile load causes failure
Described as straightline longitudinal crevices or opening that may appear on the surface of steel
American Society for Testing and Materials
A groove melted into the base metal adjacent to the weld toe or weld root and left unfilled by weld metal
The distance from the joint root to the toe of the fillet weld
Fillet weld leg
A detailed description of the parts of a whole; statement or enumeration of particulars, as to actual or required size, quality, performance, terms, etc
Entrapped slag can result when using
Deformation of a metal under load without permanent deformation. As the load is removed, the metal returns to its original shape.
Elastic behavior
By definition, an alloy containing 12% chromium or greater
Stainless steel
Use of preheat will result in
A slower cooling rate and wider heat-affected zone
A curve generated from data relating the number of cycles and the applied stress levels to cause failures of metal samples
S-N curve
Base metal thickness can be determined using what
UT and ET
What are the common causes of undercut when using SMAW
Weld current too high, improper electrode manipulation, welding electrode too large, improper electrode angle
The special type of atomic bonding holding metal atoms together
Metallurgical bond
An alpha/numeric following an item which usually changes or modified its meaning
Highway Bridge
Referred to as the contact tube to electrode end distance
Electrode extension
A device used to determine test resolution sensitivity for RT testing; also called a “penetrameter”, or penny
IQI (image quality indicator)
In welding, a shaded lens, usually glass, that protects the eyes from radiation from the welding arc and other heat sources. Welding lens are numbered, with the higher numbers offering the greatest protection
Filter lens
In welding, an opening, usually small, that aids in controlling or constricting the flow of materials
American National Standards Institute
A joint root condition in a groove weld in which weld metal does not extend through the joint thickness
Incomplete joint penetration
A surface of the base metal that will be melted during welding
Fusion face
Body of laws, as of a nation, city, etc., arranged systematically for easy reference
A procedure that produces a hole completely through the workpiece. As the weld progresses, molten metal flows in behind the keyhole to form its weld
Keyhole welding
The distance from the beginning of the joint root perpendicular to the hypotenuse of the largest right triangle that can be inscribed within the cross section of a fillet weld
Theoretical throat
Piezoelectricity is a material property used by which NDE method
A controlled heat treatment which relieves residual stress in metals
Stress relief
In OFC and PAC, the amount of the offset between the cut entry and exit points, measured along the cut edge
A gas that does not combine chemically with other materials. Argon and helium are most commonly used in welding
Inert gas
Any surface blemish or geometry that increases the applied stress at a particular point on a component. Examples are weld ripples, shaft key ways, surface scratches
Stress raiser
The relative ability of a metal to be hardened, usually by rapid quenching
During operation, the heat for electroslag welding is provided by
The electrical resistance heating of the molten slag
A quantity or constant whose value varies with the circumstances of its application
The radius used to form the shape of a J or U groove weld
Groove radius
The permissible level of exposure limits for hazardous materials
Threshold Limit Value (TLV)
A heat treatment whereby a steel is heated into the austenite range and cooled in still air
Cube with atoms at each of the eight corners and with one atom at the center of each of the six faces
In pipe groove welding, the 45 degrees fixed position is designated as
A term referring to a group of stainless steels having two stable phases at room temperature
A BCC solid solution of carbon in iron, and stable at room temperature. Also named ferrite
Alpha Iron
The effect of the surface tension of liquids causing them to be drawn into tight clearances
Capillary action
For a more detailed look at recommended safety precautions, one should refer to
ANSI/ASC Z49.1 - Safety in Welding and Cutting, Figure 2.1
The maximum distance from the face of a convex fillet weld perpendicular to a line joining the weld toes
Kg (kilogram)
A phase found in steels, also referred to as ‘alpha’
A type of macrohardness test (largest)
Steady currents between ___ and ___ milliamperes are considered SECONDARY shock currents
0.5~6 mA
Double groove welds in butt joints always require
Weld to be deposited from both sides of the joint
Knowledge, Attitude, Skills and Habit (basic tools of a welding inspector)
Power supply used for GMAW
Constant Voltage, or constant potential
Face centered cubic
A weld of approximately triangular cross section joining two surfaces approximately at right angles to each other in a lap, T, or corner joint
Fillet weld
A weld discontinuity in which fusion did not occur between weld metal and fusion faces or adjoins weld beads
Incomplete fusion
The order of making welds in a weldment
Welding sequence
National Fire Protection Association
National Association of Corrosion Engineers
The term applied to the working or forming of a metal while it is solid to form shapes, as opposed to a cast product which forms directly from the molten state
A steel alloy with less than 0.8% carbon
Le System Internationale d’Unites (abbreviation used to denote the metric system)
A form designed to insure that all safety precautions have been considered prior to any operation having open flames or high heat
Hot Work Permit
A body of laws, as of a nation, city, etc., arranges systematically for easy reference
Cavity-type discontinuities formed by gas entrapment during solidification or in a thermal spray deposit
Welder certification shall be waived by
No one
The junction of the weld face and the base metal
Weld toe
A titanium oxide; a coating type for covered electrodes in welding
Protecting from contamination
Standard Symbols for Welding, Brazing and Nondestructive Examination
American Iron and Steel Institute
Peening is not permitted on
root and surface layers on welds 5.27
Material (mill) Test Certificate/Material (mill) Test Report
Low hydrogen SMAW electrodes shall be protected from moisture. The E70XX low hydrogen electrodes shall be returned to an oven within what period of time
4 hours
In welding, a smoke-like cloud containing a minute solid particles arising directly from molten metal
Fume plume
The units of measurement used for strength and pressure
The differences in a metal’s mechanical properties depending on rolling direction during manufacture
Directional properties
Weld metal in excess of the quantity required to fill a joint
Weld reinforcement
The practice of drilling a small hole at each end of a crack to increase the crack end radius and stop further crack propagation
A measurement of the deformation of a Charpy sample on breaking
Lateral expansion
Iron carbide. There are two types of carburizing; pack carburizing and gaseous carburizing
American Society of Civil Engineers
In penetrant testing, the time the penetrant is permitted to remain on the test surfaces to permit its being drawn into any surface discontinuities
Dwell time
A groove weld in which weld metal extends through the joint thickness
Complete joint penetration weld
An MT indication of a subsurface discontinuity 1 in below the surface will appear how as compared to a surface discontinuity
MT cannot detect a subsurface flaw 1 in below the surface
A nonmetallic product resulting from the mutual dissolution of flux and nonmetallic impurities in some welding and brazing process
What welding process utilizes a vertical joint orientation with welding occurring in the flat position
The effective throat thickness of a fillet weld is computed by measuring the shortest distance between what points
The root to the face
A type of groove weld in which the mating members of the joint have single-bevel or double-bevel edge shapes. The groove faces of the joint are opposed to each other
V groove weld
Several wires of varying diameters in IQI
Wire IQI
Protective gas used to prevent or reduce atmospheric contamination, as of a molten weld metal
Shielding gas
Cube with an atom at each of the eight corners and a single atom at the center of the cell
Welder does not have to control the feeding of the filler metal (GMAW)
“Self Regulating Constant Potential” system
What is the result from improper termination of the SMAW electrode and shrinking of the molten weld pool during welding
Crater cracking
A group of short, vertical lines, representing a body of information
Bar code
In impact testing, the temperature at which the metal fracture changes from ductile to brittle
Transition temperature
The amount of variation permitted from the ‘design size’ of a part
Conditions such as notches, cracks, or geometry which increase the applied stress by factors of 2 and 10
Stress risers
Standard unit for measuring the strength of an electric current
A term applied to the group of stainless steels whose room temperature stable phase is austenite
The separation of a lamination under stress
IIW Block
International Institute of Welding
Fillet welds may be used to connect skewed t joints provided the plates are set at an angle of not less than
30 degrees
A welding process commonly used to join light gage stainless steel tubing for critical applications is
Materials made up primarily of the elements of carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen
The ratio between the stress applied and the resulting elastic strain; the slope of a metals’ elastic limit curve; a relative measure of a materials’ stiffness
Modulus of elasticity
Unified Numbering System
A case hardening process that introduces nitrogen into the surface of a ferrous material at elevated temperatures in the presence of ammonia or nitrogen
What is an example of an electrode classification number for GTAW
The distance from the top of the welding electrode to the adjacent surface of the weld pool
Arc length
A weld made on the edges of two or more joined members, usually light gage metal, with at least one flanged member
Flange weld
Joining together of two or more materials
Of or pertaining to a plane; lying in a plane
Any equipment geometry that can lead to pinching parts of the body, especially the hands or feet, while working on the equipment
Pinch points
In welding, the relationship between the weld pool, joint, joint members, and welding heat source during welding. Examples are flat, horizontal, vertical, and overhead.
These pipe positions will qualify welder for all positions of pipe except those in T-, K-, and Y- connections
2G and 5G; or 6G
A FCC solid solution of carbon in iron, also named austenite
Gamma Iron
In GMAW, the distance from the end of the contact tube to the arc is
Electrode extension
In order to learn the exact location of a subsurface flaw in the three directions, the best NDE method would be
The ‘elastic limit’ of a metal, beyond which yield or plastic deformation occurs
Proportional limit
Something established for use as a rule or basis of comparison in measuring or judging capacity, quantity, content, extent, value, quality, etc
Oven storage of low hydrogen electrode is
To avoid damage by atmospheric moisture
Underbead cracking is primarily caused by
A source of hydrogen
In metals, the applied stress at which the metal will not fail, regardless of the number of fatigue cycles
Endurance limit
In reference to design, an applied cyclic stress; a mode of failure when metals are subject to cyclic testing
A steel or surface zone having a shallow depth, of extremely low carbon content. Occurs during the steel making practice
Rimmed steel
E7018 constant current
Shielded Metal Arc Welding SMAW
The carbon steel plate placed over austenitic stainless steel plate to permit cutting by the OFC method. CAC-A or PAC are more efficient for cutting these stainless steels
Waster plate
To establish guidelines for the qualification and certification of NDT personnel
ASNT’s Recommended Practice No. SNT-TC-1A
Seismic Supplement
Entrapped foreign solid material such as slag, flux, tungsten, or oxides
A surfacing variation that deposits or applies surfacing material usually to improve corrosion or heat resistance
Where tight fit of intermediate stiffeners is specified, it shall be defined as allowing a gap up to
Anything that will burn easily or quickly
Metal crystal possessing different structures but the same chemical composition is referred to; this change with temp from one phase to another in a solid metal also known as phase transformation
Arc strikes are discontinuities most commonly associated with
In UT, the term referring to the signal on the CRT generated by the transducer in contact with air
Main bang
Base metal specifications may be found in
When a metal is alloyed, how are the atoms of the alloy incorporated into the original metal lattice structure
Substitutionally or interstitially
Low hydrogen electrode exposed to the atmosphere for longer periods then that permitted by codes shall be rebaked no more than
One time
Body centered cubic
The exposed surface of a weld on the side from which welding was done
Weld face
the “metric practice guide for the welding industry “; a standard published by AWS
Practice for Occupational and Education Eye and Face Protection
ANSI Z87.1
A form of one of the five basic joint types in which at least one of the joint members has a flanged edge shape at the weld joint
Flanged joint
Has among the highest weld metal deposited for a hand held process
This group is concerned with the proper, safe levels of exposure to hazardous materials
American Conference of Governmental and Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH)
In welding, the term applied to the direction of vertical welding, uphill or downhill
The distance that fusion extends into the base metal or previous bead from the surface melted during welding
Depth of fusion
Caused by the presence of contaminants or moisture in the weld zone which decompose due to the welding heat and form gases
A break in the arrow line of a welding symbol has what significance
The broken arrow line segment points that member which receives preparation
Used worldwide for construction of bridges, buildings, and structures
AWS D1.1
The techniques aid in reducing residual stress
Peening, vibratory stress relief, thermal stress relief, and preheating
A joint between two members located approximately at right angles to each other in the form of an L
Corner joint
The technical society which provides technical guidance for pressure containing vessels and equipment
American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
A mixture of iron and small amounts of carbon
Carbon steel
Adequate training is mandated under the provisions of _____
OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Act
Metal particles expelled during fusion welding that do not form a part of the weld
Referred to as ‘straight’ polarity
A groove melted into the base metal adjacent to the weld toe or weld root and left unfilled by weld metal
Produces a mechanical change in dimensions when excited with an electric pulse. Also produce an electric pulse when acted upon mechanically
Piezoelectric effect
Elements of compounds which preferentially combine with oxygen to keep it from reacting with heated base or weld metal
Cooling very rapidly from an elevated temperature. A method of increasing the hardness of heat treatable steels
The technical society which provides technical guidance and leadership in all phases of welding
American Welding Society (AWS)
A type of groove weld in which the mating members of the joint can consist of one half-round, round, or flanged edge shape, combined with one square edge shape
Flare-bevel groove weld
In ultrasonic testing, the liquid applied to a test object to improve transducer contact
Which welding process would an E70T-X electrode be used with
Permanent deformation of a metal below it’s transformation temperature
Cold work
A graphic detail of a component showing its geometry and size, with tolerances
What is most likely to be a flaw caused during the manufacture of steel
The property of a substance to produce light when acted upon by radiant energy, such as ultraviolet light
American Society for Testing and Materials
The API Standard, Welding of Pipelines and Related Facilities. This standard is often used in construction of cross-country pipelines
API 1104
If equal thickness of steel, cast iron, aluminum, lead, and copper are radiographed using the same exposure conditions, which material will result in the darkest radiograph
Aluminum (because it’s the least dense)
An alpha/numeric added at the beginning of an item to modify its meaning
Technical leader in welding and related issues
American Welding Society (AWS)
Referring to ferrous metals, iron based, which can be magnetized
A layered, or lamellar, structure composed of ferrite and cemenite (iron carbide)
The points, shown in cross section, at which the root surface intersects the base metal surfaces
Weld root
Preselected steps in the fabrication process where work must be stopped to permit inspection
Hold points
The gaseous form of a substance
An attribute of a materials control system which permits tracing any part or material used in fabrication back to the source and certifying records
Welding current too high or arc length too long can cause
This ASNT recommended practice, Personnel Qualification and Certification in Nondestructive Testing, outlines the certification program for NDT technicians
A type of groove weld in which the mating members of the joint can consist of two half-round, two round or two flanged edge shapes
Flare-v-groove weld
A type of microhardness test (longer on the sides)
Growth, or continuous of growth; to get larger
A type of macrohardness test (that applies minor load first and then major load)
The relative ability of a metal to absorb an impact load
Impact strength
A single level of weld within a multiple-pass weld. May consist of a single bead or multiple beads
Weld layer
A type of discontinuity with separation or weakness generally aligned parallel to the worked surface of a metal
Certified Associate Welding Inspector
Re-entrant copes shall have a minimum radius of
Used to convey information through welding and testing symbols to those involved in the production and inspection of that product
The last digit of an SMAW electrode designation is an indication of
Operating characteristic
A number established to aid in converting from one unit to another
Conversion factor
Refers to a weight per unit volume, such as grams per cubic centimeter or pounds per cubic foot
The shortest distance between the weld root and the face of a fillet weld
Actual throat
American Petroleum Institute
Severe mechanical deformation of a metal
Caulking of welds; what is it and is it permitted
Caulking of welds is to plastically deform welds or base metal surfaces to seal or obscure discontinuities as undercut, piping porosity, pin holes, cracks, etc. Caulking is not permitted on most metal
The pipe welding test position In which the axis of the pipe is horizontal and the pipe is rotated so that welding takes place at or near the top is designated as
A heat treatment, usually of a quenched steel, that reduces hardness and restores ductility and toughness
Something established for use as a rule or basis of comparison in measuring or judging capacity, quantity, content, extent, value, quality, etc.
In metals, the very small, individual unit formed on solidification from the liquid; or grain
A person whose primary responsibility is to observe the work operation for the possibility of fires and to alert the workers of a fire occurs
Fire Watch
Usually stated in pounds per square inch (psi); calculated by diving the maximum load by the cross sectional area
Tensile strength
Which metals cannot be efficiently cut with OFC
Stainless steel cast iron
The mating surface of a member that is in contact with or in close proximity to another member to which it is to be joined
Faying surface
Discontinuities of size and/or shape imperfections
Suffixes G and GS in FCAW refers to
Multiple pass and single pass
A weld in an edge joint, a flanged butt joint or a flanged corner joint in which the full thickness of the members are fused
Edge weld
A testing technique for determining a metal’s chemistry
Spectrographic testing
The ability to resist indentation or penetration
1__=0.001 inches
The presence stress concentration from globule of spatter along with a corrosive environment resulted in a form of stress corrosion cracking is known as
Caustic embrittlement
A gas that will combine chemically with other materials
Reactive gas
Neutron Radiographic Testing
An organization promoting technical and safety standards
American National Standard Institute (ANSI)
The phrase noting the physical ‘locking-out’ of equipment, ‘tagging’ it for identification, and ‘trying’ the equipment to make sure it is not operable prior to beginning any repair work
Lock, Tag, and Try
Smoke-like cloud containing minute solid particles arising directly from the area of melting metal
Fume plume
An IQI consisting of a thin piece of material of specified thickness in mils, containing hole diameters
The orientation of the probing energy source with respect to that of a flaw is considered to be a significant variable for which NDE method
UT, RT, ET, and MT
A local coalescence of metals or nonmetals produced either by heating the materials to the welding temperature, with or without the application of pressure, or by the application of pressure alone, and with or without the use of filler material
Referring to conditions which cross or pass through the metal’s grains. This type of crack has a path across the grains as opposed to intergranular cracking which follows a path along the grain boundaries
A property of some materials to convert mechanical energy to electrical energy and vice versa
Information that appears to the left of the weld symbol refers to
The weld size
A material used to hinder the formation of oxides and other undesirable substances in molten metal and on solid metal surfaces, and to dissolve or otherwise facilitate the removal of such substances
A material’s ductility is commonly expressed in terms of
Percent elongation and reduction of area
A crack forming at the termination of a weld
Crater crack
A type of impact test
Weld evaluation that send the sound into the part at an angle
Shear waves (or angle beam transducers)
The metal adjacent to a weld that does not melt but is affected by the heat of welding
HAZ (heat affected zone)
What does the flux covering on an SMAW electrode provide
Gas shielding for the molten pool, arc stabilization, alloying, and deoxidation
Which process uses a granular flux that can be manually added to the weld pool
In heat transfer, the transmission of heat by the mass movement of the heated particles
A FCC solid solution of carbon in iron which forms upon heating above the AI transformation line. Also, the room temperature stable phase of the 300 series of stainless steels. Also called gamma iron
Which of the SMAW electrode has an iron powder and low-hydrogen covering
Electrodes with last digit 8
Strength and Repair of Existing Structures
In metals, a change in the atomic structure
Phase transformation
Hexagonal close packed
A form of an edge joint in which at least one of the members has a flanged edge shape at the joint
Flanged edge joint
Entrapped foreign solid material such as slag, flux, tungsten, or oxide
American Water Works Association
Maximum load carrying capacity of a material
Ultimate tensile strength
A distance from the furthest extension of the weld into the joint to the weld face, excluding any weld reinforcement which may be present
Joint penetration
The formation of intergranular hot cracks as a result of iron sulfide contained in the grain boundaries at elevated temperatures (1800 degrees F)
Hot short
A number calculated by one of several different formulas which aids in determining the required heat
Carbon equivalent
Movement of atoms within a solution, be it a solid, liquid or a gas
Many fires are started by sparks, which can travel horizontally up to ___ from their source and even greater distances
35 feet
Developed in 1974 to help interconnect many nationally used numbering systems that are currently supported by societies, trade associations, and individual users and producers of metals and alloys
Unified Number System (UNS)
Sheet Steel equal to or less than 3/16 in
A single progression of welding along a joint. The result of a pass is a weld bead of layer
Weld pass
The exposed surface of a weld opposite the side from which welding was done
Root surface
The digit ‘1’ in E7019 indicates what welding position
All positions
In metal manufacturer, the longitudinal direction of rolling; in the same direction as the rolling
Rolling direction
The design strength of a fillet weld is always based on the throat dimension because
It is the shortest failure path through the weld
A term referring to the convention which considers the accuracy of numbers regarding rounding, and establishes rules for treating calculated numbers to that accuracy
Significant figure
In steel, the alloy with a carbon content of exactly 0.8%
The metric unit for work or heat (energy)
A cavity-type discontinuities formed by gas entrapment(hydrogen gas) during solidification
The effective throat of a complete penetration groove weld shall be
The thickness of the thinner part joined
What is the correct statement about brazing
The base metal is not melted
In welding, a weld made without filler metal, melting portions of the base metal for filler
What discontinuities can be caused by poor welding technique
Incomplete fusion, porosity, undercut, and overlap
ERXXS-X (constant voltage)
Gas Metal Arc Welding GMAW
A short combination of letters and numbers used to identify a material type, grade, etc
Alphanumeric code
The mating surface of a member that is in contact with or in close proximity to another member to which it is to be joined
Faying surface
A steel alloy with more than 0.8% carbon
Sound frequencies greater than the range of normal hearing; usually 1 to 10 megahertz
The melting point of carbon steel is approximately
2780 degrees F
Material Safety Data Sheets
A detailed description of the parts of a whole; statement or enumeration of particulars, as to actual or required size, quality, performance, terms, etc
The surface of a joint member included in the groove. The angular distance between the surface of the base metal to the root edge, including any root face
Groove face
A projection outward; a jutting out
A document that identifies materials present in products that have hazardous, physical, or health properties
Materials Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)
Ventilation in confined spaces must have oxygen by volume at least ___% and no greater than ___%
International Organization for Standardization
In a groove weld cross section, the ‘line’ separating weld metal from base metal is called
The weld interface
Acetylene and MPS should never be used in contact with silver, mercury, or alloys containing ____% it more of
70% or more COPPER
A discontinuity resulting from an arc, consisting of any localized remelted metal, heat affected metal, or change in the surface profile of any metal object
Arc strike
A fracture type discontinuity characterized by a sharp tip and high ratio of length and width to opening displacement
A triangle with two equal sides
Isosceles triangle
Heat treatment conditions can be determined using what
Eddy Current
In engineering, the term denoting cycles per second
Occupational Safety and Health Act
Refers to alloys other than the iron-based alloys. (Copper, nickel, and aluminum alloys)
A discontinuity in metals usually non-metallic as an oxide or sulfide
Slag inclusion
An inclusion of tungsten
Tungsten inclusion
In magnetism, the term referring to the polarity of the two ends of a magnet; a magnet has a north and a south
In heat transfer, the transmission of heat from particle to particle
The behavior of metals that exhibit ductility under load of failure
The technical society which provides technical guidance for the petroleum industry
The ability of a metal to absorb an impact load (energy) with the existence of surface notches
Notch toughness
EXXT-X constant voltage
Flux Cored Arc Welding FCAW
International Organization for Standarization
For a SMAW electrode designation E60X3 the ‘X’ refers to
The position in which the electrode can be used
Advantage of MT include
The detection of surface flaws, both AC and DC methods, the detection of surface flaws tightly closed by carbon, slag, or contaminants, and the fact that it is faster than PT
A NONSTANDARD term for nondestructive examination
Nondestructive Testing (NDT) and Nondestructive Inspection (NDI)
What shielding gases is used for GMAW spray transfer on steel
Oxygen - 2% and Argon - 98%
A list of materials required for fabrication of a component. The list will specify all required alloy types, grades, sizes, etc for both base and filler metals
Material Call Out
The behavior of metals that break without deformation; materials with little or no ductility
Which NDE method will reveal subsurface porosity
A film made by passing gamma radiation through an object to determine the quality of its internal structure
Which of the SMAW electrodes has an iron powder covering
Electrodes with last digit 4
It is advisable to return cylinders to the supplier with about ___psi of contents remaining
25 psi
In metal ingot casting, the severe shrinkage occurring at the top center portion of the ingot, and usually containing oxides
The metal or alloy added in making a weld, brazed, or soldered joint
Filler metal
The removal of slag from deposited weld bead is
ET can be used to detect
A materials conductivity, a material’s hardness, a thin material’s thickness, and a material’s heat treatment
Acetylene should never be used at pressures over ___psi
15 psi
Which of the SMAW electrodes has an ‘iron power’ and ‘iron oxide covering’
SMAW mild steel electrodes where last digit is “7” i.e. E6017
Those variables, if changed beyond certain limits, require a new welding procedure to be prepared and qualified
Essential variables
A joint between the edges of two or more parallel or nearly parallel members
Edge joint
In metals, the individual crystal formed on solidification; see crystal
Ability of a metal to absorb slowly applied energy
The minimum effective length of a fillet weld shall be
The overall length of full size fillet including boxing
The ratio of mass per unit volume
In fusion welding, the protrusion of weld metal beyond the weld toe or weld root
The area of base metal melted as determined on the cross section of a weld
Fusion zone
Where should the preheat temperature be measured
2in - 3in from point of welding
In mathematics, the practice of adjusting the size of the last digit retained in a number based on the next digit’s size relationship to 5
A term referring to a group of stainless steels whose room temperature stable phase is ferrite
Nondestructive evaluation
Proof testing
The numbering system which uses the powers of ten, the exponential system, to simplify the handling of very large or very small numbers
Scientific notation
An alloy of iron and carbon, with other elements added for increased strength
Low alloy steel
A constant number, derived by dividing the diameter of a circle into its circumference
In metal testing, reference to freedom from imperfections. Test may include bend, nick-break, and fillet break
Soundness test
In welding, the force by which a liquid, in contact with a solid, is distributed between closely fitted faying surfaces of the joint to be brazed or soldered
Capillary action
The junction of the members or the edges of members that are to be joined or have been joined
A material, usually a metal, that has a very low melting point. Often used as a heat and/or pressure relief device
Fuse plug
The performance of what test methods is least affected by high part temperatures
In welding terms, a part of a welding torch forming a shroud
A term applied to alloys which are hardened by the formation of a hardening precipitate on heat treatment
Precipitation hardening
The number used as the power of ten
A joint root condition in a groove weld in which weld metal does not extend through the joint thickness
Incomplete joint penetration
Referring to conditions which occur at or follow the grain boundaries of a metal. This type of crack would initiate and propagate along a metal’s grain boundaries
The capacity of a material to be welded under the imposed fabrication conditions into a specific, suitably designed structure and to perform satisfactorily in the intended service
The act of determining the suitability of some material or component for its indended purpose using techniques that do not affect its serviceability
Nondestructive Examination (NDE)
The ability of a metal to absorb energy without failure when surface notches are present
Notch toughness
The continuation of a fillet weld around a corner of a member as an extension of the principal weld
All welding symbols require what basic elements in their construction
Reference line and arrow
In GMAW, the type of metal transfer requiring a special power source
Pulsed arc
Abbreviation for the current measurement system used in the United States
A form of a corner joint in which the butting member has a flanged edge shape at the joint
Flanged corner joint
The load at which a material will begin to yield, or permanently deform
Yield strength
Linear measure
What discontinuities are associated with shrinkage stresses in the through thickness direction of thick plate
Lamellar tears
In magnetism, the term referring to the magnetic field or force
A number assigned to each heat of steel by the manufacturing source
Heat number
The temperature at which any moisture present will condense; a measure of gas dryness
A joint root condition in a groove weld in which weld metal extends through the joint thickness
Complete joint penetration
Arc blows cannot be caused by
Welding with AC
Welding shall not be done when
Ambient temperature is lower than 0 degrees F or surfaces are wet or exposed to rain, snow, or high wind or when welders are exposed to in element conditions
For the 2G position in pipe welding
The axis of the pipe is vertical and the plane of the weld is horizontal
A surfacing variation in which the surfacing material is deposited to reduce wear
In metal fractures, a ductile mode of failure
The ANSI/AWS Standard for AWS Certification of Welding Inspector. Establishes the requirements for AWS certification of welding inspector personnel, describes how personnel are qualified, lists the principles of conduct, and notes the practice by which certification may be maintained. (Defines requirements of welding and program for the AWS to certify welding inspectors)
When welding lengthwise connecting two round bars, the proper symbol would be
Flare V Groove weld
A weld made in a groove between the workpieces
Groove weld
This federal law outlines the requirements for safety in the workplace
Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA)
As the temperature of the base metal is decreased
Impact strength decreases, tensile strength increases, ductility decreases, and hardness increases
A type of groove weld in which the mating members of the joint have one single-J or double-J and one square edge preparation
J groove weld
A component of the electrical circuit that terminates at the arc, molten conductive slag, or base metal
A case hardening process that diffuses carbon into a solid ferrous alloy by heating the metal in contact with a carbonaceous material (one containing carbon)
In metallurgy, an elongated oxide or nonmetallic inclusion within the metal
Strips or rings of filler metal, added to the weld joint, that completely fuse to the joining members
Consumable inserts
An inclusion of slag
Slag inclusion
An element which promotes the formation of its metallic or nonmetallic carbides
Carbide former
A mixture of elements creating a metal
The term given to the temperature rise that can occur when some gases at high pressures are released suddenly. (Normal pressure gas release usually result in a cooling of the gas by the decompression
Adiabiatic Recompression
Radiation emitted from a radioactive isotope such as Iridium 192, Cesium 137, and Cobalt 60
Gamma rays
Spectacles with hardened and minimum thickness lens that protect the eyes from flying objects. The greatest eye protection occurs when side shields are attached to the safety glasses
Safety glasses
Any interruption in the normal homogeneous pattern or arrangement of a metal
The minimum length of an intermittent filet weld shall be
1 1/2”
A form of a T-joint in which the butting member has a flanged edge shape at the joint, and an edge weld is not applicable
Flanged T-joint
National Equipment Manufactures Association
A single V-groove weld requires
CJP unless otherwise specified
In tensile testing, the distance between two small marks placed on the sample prior to applying the load. Usually a distance of 2 or 8 inches
Gage length
Referred to as ‘reverse’ polarity
DCEP (direct current electrode positive)
The American Welding Society has developed how many codes?
A subsurface terrace and step-like crack in the base metal with a basic orientation parallel to the wrought surface caused by tensile stresses in the through-thickness direction of the base metals weakened by the presence of small dispersed, planar shaped, nonmetallic inclusions parallel to the metal surfaces
Lamellar tear
A twisting or rotational force
Power source used for GTAW
Constant current
One thousand pounds per square inch
In fabrication welding, the remaining piece of a material when a portion has been removed for use
An increase in metal hardness and strength due to the application of a strain (permanent deformation or cold work) to a metal
Strain hardening
Guide to AWS Qualification and Certification. Contains the CWI Applications form and sample CWI exam questions. (Provides the necessary applications and background information to individuals interested in becoming a CWI)
A federal or state agency covering the transportation of materials like cylinders
Department of Transportation (DOT)
Power supply used for SMAW
Constant Current
The position on metal’s stress-strain curve referring to its change in behavior from elastic to plastic is the
Yield point
A type of microhardness test (sides even)
Before work begins, users must always read and understand the manufacture’s instructions on safe practices for the materials and equipment and ____
Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS)
Fire inspector film should be continued for at least ___ after the operation is completed
30 minutes
A condition in which the weld face or root surface extends below the adjacent surface of the base metal
The effective area of a fillet weld
The effective length multiplied by the effective throat
The ionic form of hydrogen, denoted as H+ as opposed to molecular hydrogen which contains two atoms of hydrogen and is denoted as H2. A synonym for atomic hydrogen is nascent hydrogen
Atomic hydrogen
For plate groove qualification, these positions will qualify welder for all positions of plate
3G and 4G
Underfill at the weld root of pipe welds is sometimes referred to as
Shock currents greater than ___ milliamperes are considered PRIMARY shock currents
6 milliamperes
In welding, an ionized gas stream
Very cold service, usually well below zero degrees F.
A root race of zero width
Root edge
Any material that can easily catch fire
Longitudinal bass metal surface discontinuities on wrought products
Which section of the ASME code covers qualification of welders and testing techniques for brazing
Section IX (9)
The ‘U’ in joint designation TC-U9a refers to
Metal thickness, U=unlimited
Number __ filter plates are recommended for general purpose protection
Number 2 filter plates
Loss of consciousness as a result of too little and too much carbon dioxide in the blood
The width of the cut produced during a cutting process
Type of weld bead made with transverse oscillation
Weave bead
The perpendicular distance from the base metal surface to the root edge or the beginning of the root face
Depth of bevel
Hydrogen in the molten weld metal can cause
Cracking and porosity
Small induced currents in conductive materials caused by the proximity of a current carrying coil
Eddy currents
National Electrical Manufacturers’ Association
Electromotive force, or difference in electric potential, expressed in volts
What welding technique describes a welding process in which the filler metal feeding is machine operated while the joint travel speed and guidance are the responsibility of the welder
A document outlining safe practices for welding and cutting operations. Employees must be fully instructed in electrical safety/equipment by this training
ANSI/ASC Z49.1 - “Safety in Welding and Cutting”
The tensile test can be used to provide values for what
Yield point, ultimate tensile strength, modulus of elasticity, and elastic limit
A general term given to the unexpected and undesired release of materials
Fume release
The code that covers the design of metallic unfired pressure vessels
The ‘S’ in E70S-3 designates what
GMAW - solid wire electrode
What is not detected with VT
Lamellar tear
“Welding and Brazing Qualifications”
ASME Section IX (9)
Crater cracks can be the result of
Poor welding technique, abrupt termination of welding shrinkage of the molten pool, underfill of the crater
To measure geometric and physical properties in material, referred to as ‘volumetric test’
A weld discontinuity in which fusion did not occur between weld metal and fusion faces or adjoining weld beads
Incomplete fusion
Reinforcing Steel
“Chemical Plant and Petroleum Refinery Piping”
ASME B31.3
In welding, a technique where the direction of travel for individual passes is opposite that for the general progression of welding along the weld axis
“Rules for Construction of Pressure Vessels”
ASME Section VIII (8)
The numerical suffixes that require external shielding to aid in protecting molten metal
1, 2, and 5
As the temperature increases, what happens
Hardness decreases
In GMAW the electrode is
American Institute of Steel Construction
The surface of a member included in the groove of a weldment best describes
Groove face
“Power Piping”
ASME B31.1
International Institute of Welding
The result of overfilling in the mill passes that causes fins or projections which turn down as the material rolls through succeeding stands in the mill train
A nonstandard term for nondestructive examination
(Nondestructive Inspection) NDI
A metal solidifies into a crystalline structure by a process known as
Nucleation & growth
The use of preheat on a medium carbon steel weld test plate will perform all of the following
Diffuse hydrogen, reduce distortion, reduce the possibility of hydrogen cracking, and produce a wide head-affected zone,
Filler metal specifications are found in what documents
AWS A5.1-A5.31
Result of overfilling in the mill passes that causes fins or projections which turn down as the material through succeeding stands in the mill train
Portion of a joint to be welded where members approach closest to each other
Joint root
What is not easily detected using RT that is perpendicular to the weld center line
Side wall incomplete fusion at a bevel angle of 35 degrees
Power source used for FCAW
Constant voltage direct current
The ANSI/AWS Standard Welding Terms and Definitions. This standard defines welding-related terms with standard definitions
AWS A3.0
In order to ensure sound well at the ends of a joint, the following shall be used
Extension bars and runoff plates
How are hardness and tensile strength related
Increase hardness; increase tensile strength
Which process would an ER70S-X electrode be used
When the welding conditions provide a weld bead having an extreme width-to-depth ratio
Solidification cracking
Type of arc created between the tungsten electrode and workpiece in PAW
Transferred arc
Type of arc that occurs between the tungsten electrode and the copper orifice
Nontransferred arc
The channel in the surface of a workpiece or an opening between two joint members that provides space to contain a weld
Weld groove
What are the types of metal transfer in GMAW
Spray transfer, globular spray, short circuiting, and pulsed arc
The secondary application of an inert or unreactive gas to protect the back side of weldments during welding
The expansion, or growth, of a material upon being heated
Thermal expansion
In alloying, the separation, or non-homogeneity, of two or more elements or phases
Or carbide precipitation, the formation of chromium carbides resulting in depletion of the chromium from the individual grains and reducing the metal’s corrosion resistance to intergranular corrosion (IGA)
A symmetrical shape with the smallest number of atoms that completely describes a unique structure of a metal or phase
Unit cell
What elements are common used as alloying elements with tungsten
During RT, what provides the best protection from radiation for a given thicknesss
Lead shielding
Porosity in GMAW can be caused by
Drafts, contamination, too little shielding gas flow, and too much shielding gas flow
What weld is not considered applicable for a butt joint
Alloy identifications are usually developed by these 3 industry associations
Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE), American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI), Copper Development Association (CDA)
The stretching of a material, either elastic or plastic.
A nondestructive testing technique for determination of a metal’s chemistry
X-ray fluorescence
A BCC solid solution of carbon in gamma iron; also named alpha iron
A phase of iron, as contrasted with pearlite, which forms on cooling. A very fine particle size structure difficult to resolve on the optical microscope
Body centered tetragonal
A phase of stainless steel alloys which resists cracking at high temperatures
Delta Ferrite
Referring to a metal which has low notch toughness
Notch sensitive
A term applied to a group of stainless steels whose room temperature stable phase is martensite
Strength or pressure in thousands of pounds per square inch. A 70,000 psi tensile strength can also be written as ____
70 ksi
Permanent deformation of a metal under applied load. The metal does not return to its original shape after the load is removed
Plastic behavior
Heating of base metal and/or filler metal prior to welding
Heating of completed welds and base metal after welding
A single atom, as in a single hydrogen atom as opposed to molecular hydrogen which is composed of two hydrogen atoms
A hardening mechanism, different from quenching and tempering, which relies on the formation of a precipitate during the heat treating cycle for increasing strength and hardness
Precipitation hardening
A group of chemically bonded atoms
Intergranular corrosion attack
Layered, or plate-like
An unstable constituent of iron, formed without diffusion by rapid quenching from the austenite phase above the transformation line
Weld reinforcement of the side of the joint from which welding was done
Face reinforcement
The minimum distance minus any convexity between the weld root and the face of a fillet weld
Effective throat
A form of a butt joint in which at least one of the members has a flanged edge shape at the joint
Flanged butt joint
The boundary between weld and base metal in a fusion weld, between base metals in a solid-state weld without filler metal, or between filler metal and base metal in a solid-state weld with filler metal
Weld interface
A weld resulting from a pass
Weld bead
In welding, a term denoting the addition of carbon into surfaces of hot metals through a solid solution mechanism. May occur during Air Carbon Arc Cutting
Joining materials without melting the base metal using a filler metal with a melting point ABOVE 840 degrees F
For metals, one solid dissolving into another solid
Solid solution
Joining materials without melting the base metal, using a filler metal having a melting point BELOW 840 degrees F
A joint root condition in a groove weld in which weld metal does not extend through the joint thickness
Incomplete joint penetration
In penetrant testing, the ‘wicking’ action of the developer to draw the penetrant out of a discontinuity to the surface of the part being tested; the surface indication caused by the penetrant after application of the developer
Adding a thin coating of zinc to the surfaces of a carbon or low alloy steel for corrosion protection
A scope/screen used for displaying electrical signals
Cathode Ray Tube; CRT
In penetrant testing, a dry powder or solution of fine absorbent particles to be applied to a surface, usually by spraying, to absorb penetrant contained within a discontinuity and magnify it’s presence
In NDT, a synonym for a discontinuity. Must be evaluated per a code to determine its acceptance or rejection
Radiation emitted from an electrical device
In magnetic particle testing, the conductive test electrodes used to induce circular magnetism in a part (head shot)
A form of a lap joint in which at least one of the members has a flanged edge shape at the joint, and edge weld is not applicable
Flanged lap joint
A nonstandard term for a weld in a flanged joint
Flange weld
The set of numbers, both greater and less than one, that make up the number system used to assign values
Number line
The abbreviation used for scientific notation
Distance that the weld metal has melted into the joint beyond the joint root
Root penetration
The leg lengths of the largest isosceles right triangle which can be inscribed within the fillet weld cross section
Equal leg fillet welds
A discontinuity which exceeds the permissible limit of a code; a rejectable discontinuity requiring repair or replacement
The ratio of the mass of an object to its volume, usually in terms of grams per cubic centimeter or pounds per cubic foot
Any irregularity in the normal pattern of a material; any interruption of the uniform nature of an item
Weld metal in excess of the quantity required to fill a joint; at the face or root
Weld reinforcement
The metal particles expelled during fusion welding that do not form a part of the weld
The MSDS provides OSHA permissible exposure limits, known as
Threshold Limit Value (TLV)
Any material having a zinc coating on its surface. Common items are sheet metal and fasteners
Galvanized material
In welding, a person trained and designated to stand by and watch for safety hazard, and to call for help if needed. Most often used for vessel entry safety
In metric system, the unit for pressure or tensile strength. The customary English equivalent is psi, pounds per square inch
Pascal (Pa)