Gnatho 64-82 Flashcards
- Working side/group guidance
contacts of teeth made on the side of the articulation toward which the mandible is moved during working side movements.
During lateral movement of the mandible the buccal cusps of more or all the opposing teeth have a contact, therefore the canines with the buccal cusps of the premolars and molars guide the movement, while the contact between the upper and lower chewing teeth on the non-working side is disengaged.
- Hyperbalance
during working side movement of the mandible
there is no contact between the grinding teeth on the working side just on the balance side.
- Centric relation term in prosthodontics
the mandibulo-maxillar relationship (in three dimensions), which is identical to that position, where the mandible would be in the centric occlusion position if the patient had the whole dentition.
This position should be determined in edentulous patients and if the patient has not enough teeth to determine the centric occlusion position.
The condyles are in a symmetrical centric, uppermost position in the joints, without any side shift, the discs are on the anterior-superior pole of the condyles.
- Range of the Bennett angle
between 7–30º, 10–15º in average - measured on the balance side.
- Range of the Bennett movement
in horizontal plane 0.75 mm in average,
usually less than 1.5–2 mm – measured on the working side.
- Main points of the Posselt’s diagramm
retruded contact position, intercuspal position, frontal edge to edge bite position, (maximal protrusion) anterior biting, protruded occlusion, reversed vertical overlap, maximal opening, end of hinge movement, postural rest position of the I point.
- Main points of the symphysis lateralis
retruded contact position, intercuspal position, frontal edge to edge bite position, maximal protrusion, lateral cusp bite position, maximal side movement.
- Main points of the lateral condylar path
retruded contact position,
maximal protrusion or opening,
maximal side movement.
- Articulation
or dynamic occlusion,
the continuously changing contact relationship between the occlusal surfaces of the teeth during mandibular movements.
Those movements of the mandible, which are guided and restricted by the teeth.
- Orbitale
the lowest point of the lower edge of the cranial orbit
- Incision inferius
the mesial corner of the left lowwer incisior edge
- Porion
uppermost point of the external auditory meatus
- Ectocondylare
the most external point of the mandibular condyle
- Gnathion
the lowest bony point of the mandible in the median saggital plane.
The lowest point on the anterior margin of the lower jaw in the midsaggital plane.
- Subnasale
the meeting point of the septum nasi and the upper lip in the mediansaggital plane