GMAT and Other Vocabulary Flashcards
abject (adj)
sunk to or existing in a low economic, emotional, or spiritual state or condition; expressed or offered in a humble and often ingratiating spirit
apocryphal (adj)
of doubtful authenticity; probably false
apt (adj)
unusually fitted or qualify; tend to; suited to a purpose; keenly intelligent and responsive; appropriate
astute (adj)
mentally sharp or clever
attrition (n)
the act of weakening or exhausting by constant harassment, abuse, or attack; reduction in numbers usually as a result of resignation, retirement, or death; friction
auspicious (adj)
showing or suggesting that future success is likely; optimistic; fortunate
cajole (v)
to persuade with flattery or gentle urging especially in the face of reluctance; to deceive with smoothing words or false promises
capitulate (v)
to surrender, often after negotiation of terms
contrive (v)
devise, plan, to form or create in an artistic or ingenious manner; to bring about by stratagem or with difficulty, manage
debar (v)
to bar from having or doing something, preclude
dexterity (n)
skill, ease, and grace in physical activity, especially in the hands; mental skill or quickness
discord (n)
lack of agreement (between persons, things, or ideas); active quarreling or conflict resulting from strife among persons or factions
discord (v)
to conflict or quarrel
dissemble (v)
to hide under a false appearance; simulate; conceal
elusive (adj)
tending to evade grasp or pursuit; hard to comprehend, define, isolate, or identify
Epicurean (adj)
related to Epicureanism, which considers emotional calm the highest good and prioritizes intellectual pleasures over transient sensualism
estivate (v)
to spend the summer usually at one place; to pass the summer in a state of torpor
exaltation (n)
an excessively intensified sense of well-being, power, or importance; an increase in degree or intensity
exhort (v)
to incite by argument or advice; to urge strongly
facile (adj)
easily accomplished or attained; shallow, simplistic; lacking sincerity or depth; poised, assured
fickle (adj)
marked by lack of steadfastness, constancy, or stability
formidable (adj)
causing fear, dread, or apprehension; having qualities that discourage approach or attack; tending to inspire awe or wonder
furtive (adj)
done in a quiet and secretive way to avoid being noticed; obtained underhandedly
gallant (adj)
showy in dress or bearing; splendid, stately, spirited, brave; courteously and elaborately attentive especially to ladies, suitor, ladies’ man
gape (v)
to open or part widely, especially the mouth; to gaze stupidly or in open-mouthed surprise or wonder; yawn
hubris (n)
exaggerated pride or self-confidence
impeccable (adj)
free from fault or blame; not capable of sinning or liable to sin
impervious (adj)
not allowing entrance or passage; not capable of being damaged or harmed; not capable of being affected or disturbed
incorrigible (adj)
incapable of being corrected or amended; depraved; delinquent; unruly; unalterable
inexplicable (adj)
incapable of being explained, interpreted, or accounted for
ingenious (adj)
having or showing an unusual aptitude for discovering, inventing, or contriving; marked by originality, resourcefulness, and cleverness in conception or execution
intuit (v)
to know, sense, or understand by intuition
languor (n)
weakness or weariness of body or mind; listless indolence or inertia
lethargic (adj)
of, relating to, or characterized by laziness or lack of energy; sluggish; indifferent, apathetic
lever (n)
a bar used for prying or dislodging something; an inducing or compelling force
lever (v)
to pry, raise, operate, or move with or as if with a lever
lucid (adj)
luminous, translucent; having full use of one’s faculties; intelligible
mercurial (adj)
having qualities of eloquence, ingenuity, or thievishness attributed to the god or the planet Mercury; characterized by rapid and unpredictable changeableness of mood; a pharmaceutical or chemical containing mercury
mitigate (v)
to cause to become less harsh or hostile; to make less severe or painful; extenuate
ominous (adj)
being or exhibiting an omen; foreboding or foreshadowing evil
overlay (v)
to lay or spread over or across
overlay (n)
a covering, permanent or temporary; an ornamental veneer, a decorative and contrasting design or article placed on top of a plain one, a transparent sheet containing graphic matter to be superimposed on another sheet
penchant (n)
a strong and continued inclination
pensive (adj)
musingly or dreamingly thoughtful; suggestive of sad thoughtfulness
perturbed (adj)
troubled in mind, feeling or showing agitation
pharmacopeia (n)
a book describing drugs, chemicals, and medicinal preparations; a collection or stock of drugs
plebeian (n)
one of the common people
plebeian (adj)
of or relating to the plebeians; crude or coarse in manner of style, common
prelate (n)
an ecclesiastic (such as a bishop or abbot) of superior rank
priapism (n)
an abnormal often painful persistent erection of the penis
proprietary (n)
one that possesses