GM Foods Flashcards
Why is Genetic modification seen as a better alternative to conventional plant breeding?
- chooses all the good traits of a plant without inheriting the bad ones
- can enhance the yields of crops
- can increase resistance to pests
What is the main positive of genetic modification
It draws all the positives aspects of a plant while leaving the negative ones out
What are some of the reasons GM is used?
- reduce pressure on agricultural resources
- improve food quality
- increase productivity
- allow adaptability of crops
What are the three countries that approved the growth of GM crops?
- Australia
- us
- Canada
What are some types of transgenic crops?
- “bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) cotton and corn
- herbicide tolerance
- virus resistance
When was GM canola first approved in Australia?
2003, but states where it was grown had bans up until 2008
What percentage has Bt cotton reduced insecticide usage in Australia
What do Bt crops do?
Prevent carcinogenic fungi from forming on the selves by blocking damage Y insects
What do herbicide tolerant crops do?
They resist herbicide allowing farmers to use stronger herbicides and less often
How much might GM crops affect biodiversity?
GM crops designed to resist insects namely Bt crops are produced to combat a target species, however they are non-selective meaning non target species could be affected also
What is a genetic concern of GM crops?
That the herbicide resistance gene may be passed to a weedy relative creating a super weed
What are some potential future uses of genetic modification
- crops that deliver vaccines to consumers
- plants that clean the environment
- plants resistant to pests other than insects
- crops with greater nutritional value
What are some trade and safety issues regarding GM food
- safety of crops, whether such modifications are safe for consumption
- the need to introduce a governing body regarding transgenic crops
- intellectual property may act to hinder development of GM industry
What is the current public perception of GM in Australia
- there is a lot of concern with may Australians uncomfortable with GM