Gluteal Region And Hip Joint Flashcards
Greater Sciatic Foramen
Passageway for structures entering or leaving PELVIS
Posterior gluteal muscles
- Gluteus Maximus
2. Gluteus Medius
Ligaments of the articulated pelvis
- Obturator Membrane
- Sacro-Tuberous
- Sacro-Spinous
- Sacro-Iliac
- Ilio-Lumbar
Characteristics of the Acetabular Fossa
- Socket Portion for the Femoral head
- Formed by FUSION of all three Pelvic Bones
- Covered in Hyaline Cartilage
- Deeper Central part consist of Fat pad
T/F: Gluteus Medius and Minimus are 2 muscles separated by the Gluteal Nerve
They are the SAME muscle separated by the Gluteal Nerve
Actions of the Gluteus MAXIMUS
- Extent thigh
- Externally rotate thigh
- Extend PELVIS when lower limbs are flexed
- Necessary for rising from seated position, running and jumping
Cutaneous innervation to the Buttock
Upper Lateral Quadrant
- Ilio-Hypo-Gastric
- L1 - Anterior Rami
- T12
Origin and Insertion of Gluteus MAXIMUS
- Post Gluteal Line of Ilium
- Surfaces of Sacrum
- Coccyx
- Sacrotuberous ligament
- Gluteal tuberosity
- Iliac-tibial tract
What portion of the Acetabular fossa participates in the articulation?
The Outer HORSE-SHOE shaped potion
Origin and Insertion of the Gluteus Minimus
- Ilium b/w Ant. And Inf. Gluteal Lines
- Ant border of the Greater TROCHANTER
- Same as Gluteus Medius
Fxn of the Greater Sciatic Foramen
Main door for passage of structures from Pelvis to Thigh
Created by the Intersection of:
- Long axes of the Tibia
- Femur
Trendelenburg Test
- Evaluates strength of Gluteal MEDIUS
- Pt stands up and raises one foot of the ground
- Contralateral gluteus Med should lower CL hip and raise IL Hip
- Needed to clear foot from the ground during swing phase of walking
Innervation of the Gluteus Maximus
Inferior GLUTEAL Nerve
- > L5
- > S1-S2
Innervation to the Acetabulum
- Femoral Nerve
2. Obturator Nerve
Lesser Sciatic Foramen
Passageway for structures entering or leaving PERINEUM
Blood Supply to the Hip Bone
Three total Arteries
1. Gluteal (Sup/Inf)
- FEMORAL Circumflex (MedLat)
- Obturator
Vascular Supply to the Gluteus Maximus
Inferior Gluteal Artery
- From Internal Iliac
The 4 muscles of the Gluteal Group are _____.
Bursae of the Gluteal Compartments
- Trocanhteric
- Gluteo-Femoral
- Ischial (Sciatic)
Nerves passing through the Greater Sciatic Foramen
- Sciatic Nerve
- Pudendal Nerve
- Post. Femoral Cutaneous Nerve
- Nerves to Quadratus Femoris
- Nerves to Obturator Internus
Vessels passing through the Greater Sciatic Foramen
- Sup/Inf Gluteal
- Internal Pudendal Artery
- Internal Pudendal Vein
Fxn of the 6 Deep External Rotators
Rotate unsupported side of Pelvis forward to Increase Stride
Structures passing through the Lesser Sciatic Foramen
- Tendon of Obturator Internus
- Pudendal Nerve
- Internal Pudendal Vessel
- Nerve to Obturator Internus
Innervation to the LATERAL Gluteal compartment
SUPERIOR Gluteal Nerve
- L5
- S1
Vascular Supply to the LATERAL Gluteal compartment
SUPERIOR Gluteal Artery
Origin and Insertion of the Gluteus Medius
- Ilium b/w ANT and POST gluteal lines
- Gluteal aponeurosis
- Ant. Border of Greater TROCHANTER
Fxn of the Angle of inclination?
AD-Ducts Distal end of the Femur
- So the Tibia are Parallel to each other
What separates the Sciatic notches?
The Ischial Spine
Attachments of the Deep Fascia of the buttock
- Iliac Crest Tubercle SUP.
- Lateral Condyle INF.
- Forms sheath for Tensor Fascia Latae
- Receives greater part of insertion of Gluteus Maximus
Fxn of the Gluteal muscles
Prevent Pelvis and Body from Falling to the unsupported side when one foot is off the ground
- Walking
What converts Notches into Foramina?
Angle Values
- Infant
- 3yr
- Adult
- Elderly
- 150
- 135
- 125
- 120
Characteristics of the SUPERFICIAL Fascia of the Gluteal Region
- Tied Down to BOTTOM of Buttock
- Forms GLUTEAL (natal) fold
Action of the LATERAL Gluteal compartment
- Hip AB-Duction
- Medial Rotators
What are the 6 deep ext rotators
- Piriformis
- Sup Gemellus
- Inf Gemellus
- Obt. Internus
- Obt. Externus
- Quadratus Femoris
Lateral Gluteal Muscles
- Gluteus Minimus
2. Tensor Fascia Latae
Muscles passing through the Greater Sciatic Foramen
Piriformis Muscle
Where does the Piriformis leave? Where does it travel to?
- Leaves the PELVIS
- Through the Greater Sciatic FORAMEN
Characteristics of the DEEP Fascia of the Gluteal Region
- Continuous with deep Fascia of the THIGH
(Fascia lata) - Single layer attached to iliac crest
- Covers gluteus Medius
- Splits to enclose gluteus Maximus muscle
- Continues to Iliac-Tibial tract on Lateral Surface of Thigh
Cutaneous innervation to the Buttock
Lower Lateral Quadrant
- Branches of Anterior Rami from Lateral Femoral Cutaneous
- > S2-S3
Cutaneous innervation to the Buttock
Upper Medial Quadrant
- Posterior Rami of L1-L3
2. S1-S3
What is the Gluteus Maximus NOT required for?
Normal Walking
What is the Strongest and Most important ligament of the Hip Joint?
Ilio-Femoral Ligament
- Called the Y ligament
Cutaneous innervation to the Buttock
Lower Medial Quadrant
- Branches from the Posterior Femoral Nerves
2. Anterior Rami S1-S3
The 4 Muscles of the Gluteals are:
- Maximus
- Medius
- Minimus
- Tensor Fascia Latae
Origin and Insertion of the Tensor Fascia Lata
- Outer Lips of the Iliac
- Ilio-TIBIAL Tract (IT)