What is another name for the pelvic girdle?
Bony pelvis or os coxae
What is the primary function of the bony pelvis?
Protects the distal part of the intestinal and urinary tracts and the internal genital organs
List the bones that make up the pelvic girdle.
- Ilium
- Ischium
- Pubis
- Sacrum
- Coccyx
What part of the hip bone is the ilium?
The superior, flattened, fan-shaped part of the hip bone
What prominent landmarks are found on the ilium?
- Iliac crest
- Anterior superior iliac spine
What is the ischium?
Inferioposterior part of the pelvic girdle
What does the body of the ischium help to form?
What is the pubis?
The anterioinferior portion of the pelvic girdle
What structure does the pubis form in the hip joint?
Pubic symphysis
What is the sacrum?
A large, triangular bone located at the base of the spine
How many sacral vertebrae fuse to form the sacrum?
Five sacral vertebrae
What are the parts of the sacrum?
- Base
- Apex
- Pelvic surface
- Dorsal surface
- Lateral surfaces
What is the coccyx commonly referred to as?
How many fused coccygeal vertebrae typically make up the coccyx?
Four fused coccygeal vertebrae
What are the four articulations within the pelvis?
- Sacroiliac joints
- Sacrococcygeal symphysis
- Pubic symphysis
What is the greater pelvis?
False pelvis located superiorly, providing support to lower abdominal viscera
What is the lesser pelvis?
True pelvis located inferiorly, containing the pelvic cavity and viscera
What is the pelvic inlet?
The junction between the greater and lesser pelvis
What is the primary arterial supply to the pelvic girdle?
Internal iliac artery
List the main arteries branching from the internal iliac artery supplying the pelvic girdle.
- Superior Gluteal Artery
- Inferior Gluteal Artery
- Internal Pudendal Artery
- Obturator Artery
What is the primary venous drainage of the pelvic girdle?
Internal iliac vein
What provides the innervation of the pelvic girdle?
Lumbosacral plexus
What are the main functions of the pelvis?
- Transfer of weight
- Provides attachment for muscles and ligaments
- Contains and protects abdominopelvic and pelvic viscera
What is the gluteal region?
Located posterioinferiorly to the trunk, a transitional zone between trunk and limb
What are the two divisions of gluteal muscles?
- Superficial gluteal muscles
- Deep gluteal muscles
What is the largest and most superficial gluteal muscle?
Gluteus Maximus
What is the action of the gluteus medius?
Abduction and medial rotation of the lower limb
What is the origin of the tensor fascia lata?
Anterior iliac crest
What is the innervation of the piriformis muscle?
Nerve to piriformis
What is the function of the quadratus femoris?
Lateral rotation
What is the clinical significance of damage to the superior gluteal nerve?
Can be detected through a Trendelenburg sign
What condition involves inflammation or degeneration of the tendons of the gluteal muscles?
Gluteal Tendinopathy
True or False: The greater pelvis has significant obstetric relevance.