glossary test AK words Flashcards
birth rate
how many babies have been born in a certain amount of time
death rate
how many people have died in a certain amount of time
natural population growth
the birth rate min the death rate
mortality surplus
more people die then babies get born
birth surplus
more babies get born then that people die
people who come in the Netherlands
people who go out of the Netherlands
social population growth
when more people go in the country then that people go out of the country
immigration surplus
when to many people go in the country
emmigration surplus
when to many people go out the country
positive net migration rate
when there are many people going in the country
negative net migration rate
when there are many poeple going out the country
life expectancy
the average age people live
population chart
a chart tahat shows the percent of the amount of people per age catagory
pyramid shaped population chart
when there are a lot of babies born anjd a lot of people dying
grenade chaped population chart
when there are some babies born and a lot of people die
urn shaped population chart
when there are some babies boprn and some people dying
population density
a amount of people that live per square kilometre
population distribution
thye number of inhabitants across the country
domegraphic transition model
shows how society with a high birth rate and death rate can transform into a society with low birthe rate an d low death rate
demographic dimension
the population numbers like birthe rate and death rate
economic dimension
everything related to money like GDP and taxes
political dimension
politics such as wars and laws
physical dimension
nature such as disasters resources and climates
socio-cultural dimension
culture such as relegion, language and traditions
fertility rate
the average number of childeren being born per woman
people that work and pay taxes
pople that do not have a job like elders, childeren or people with dissability
green pressure
when there are to much young people that do not work in a country
grey pressure
when there are to much old people that do not work in a country