Glossary of terms Chapters 1, 6, 2, 3.1 Flashcards
Sole trader
a business owned by one individual with unlimited liability. this is an unincorporated business.
Primary sector
a business activity that involves extracting raw material.
employee’s non-attendance at work without good reason.
Adding value
selling a product for more than it costs to produce it.
paid-for communication with consumers which uses printed and visual media. the aim is to inform and persuade the consumers to buy a product.
Currency exchange appreciation
a currency is said to appreciate if the value of the currency is increasing in terms of another currency.
resources owned by a business.
Autocratic leadership
a leadership style where the leader makes all the decisions
Average cost
the cost of producing a single unit of product.
Balance of payments
the difference between the value of export and import goods and services of a country over a year.
Bank loan
provision of finance by a bank which the business will repay with interest over an agreed amount of time.
Barriers to trade
usually taxes, quotas or bans that one country places on the goods of other countries to prevent or increase the cost of them entering that coutry
an additional reward paid to employees for achieving targets set by the manager
A name, image or symbol that distinguishes a product from a competitors’ product
Brand image
the general impression of a product held by consumers