Glossary of Terms Flashcards
Active Shooter(s)
Active Shooter(s) - Armed suspect(s) who has used deadly physical force on other persons or inflicted great bodily injury and aggressively continues to do so while having unrestricted access to additional victims.
Assault Mission
Assault Mission – Priority is to make contact with the suspect(s) to stop the deadly behavior.
Assistant Team Leader (ATL)
Assistant Team Leader (ATL), assists Strike Team Leader, assumes rear guard position, and communicates with responding units during deployment.
All Hazard Regional Multi Agency Operations and Response (ARMOR) Section
ARMOR is responsible for response to all hazardous incidents which include, but are not limited to: chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, explosive, and incendiary devices.
ARMOR provides rapid assessment of suspicious substances, proper handling of hazmat incidents (criminal intent), proper disposal of unsafe material, and render safe/mitigation of all explosive related incidents.
The section also investigates each incident including investigation of criminal activity, forensic crime scene investigation, and prosecution support for cases arising out of those incidents.
Barricaded Suspect
Barricaded Suspect - A subject who is believed to have been involved in a criminal act or is a significant threat to themselves or the lives and/or safety of others; refuses to submit to arrest and may be armed; is in a position of advantage, affording cover and concealment,
or is contained in an open area and the presence or approach of police officers could precipitate an adverse reaction by the subject.
Therefore, an incident involving a barricaded subject is a barricade incident. (SWAT Response) (LVMPD Barricade Policy 5/213.11)
Bounding Overwatch
Bounding Overwatch– Bounding overwatch is used when contact is expected, when the squad leader feels the enemy is near (movement, noise, reflection, or even a hunch), or when a large open danger area must be crossed.
Buddy Team
Buddy Team – Two or three officer component of a strike team.
Column Formation (File)
Column Formation (File) – A formation that can be applied to individual officers moving together in one or more file is significantly longer that the width of ranks in the formation.
CCP - Casualty Collection Point.
Counter Attack
Counter Attack – Tactic used by some or all of a defending force against their attackers. The general objective is to negate or thwart the advantage gained by the suspect(s) in the attack and the specific objectives are usually to regain lost ground or to neutralize attacking suspect(s).
Counter-Terrorism Section
Counter-Terrorism Section - Is responsible for furthering the department’s commitment to the suppression and the prevention of terrorist acts through intelligence gathering, enforcement of terrorist related crimes, disseminating this information to the department, and supporting the enforcement by other units of the department.
Work as liaison with other department units and the federal agencies responsible for homeland security.
Participations in the federal Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF), along with other law enforcement agencies; a task force led by the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
This section is responsible for coordination of intelligence related to dignitary protection.
Concealment – Refers to any object, vegetation, terrain feature, or phenomenon (e.g., smoke, fog) that prevents an officer(s) from being seen by the suspect(s).
Contact – A term used when confronted by a suspect(s) or when a suspect(s) is located by officers. Generally, the direction of the suspect(s) from the team is also stated after his/her location is determined; i.e. “Contact front!”, “Contact left!”, “Contact right!” or “Contact rear!”
Cover – Refers to anything, which is capable of physically protecting an individual from suspect(s) weapons. Cover can also offer concealment.
Cover Fire
Cover Fire – Short bursts of controlled and deliberate fire, directed at a life-endangering threat, where an officer reasonably believes the threat to be located.
CP – Command Post.
Emergency Management Section
Emergency Management Section -
Responsible for serving as the principal advisor to the department on unusual occurrences
Planning for response to unusual occurrences
Maintaining liaison with other emergency management authorities
Coordinating any department emergency plans with those effected agencies.
File – A formation of officers wherein the officers are in a single line, from front to rear.
Force Protection
Force Protection – Mission assignment that can include;
Containment to cut off suspect(s) escape,
Assist other elements if pinned down by superior fire power,
Secure the incident CP or other important locations or individuals from attack,
Establish a security perimeter to protect the CP,
Perform crowd management and control.
Positions in which strike teams and squads maneuver.
Arrangements of units and of officers in relation to each other.
Squads and strike teams use formations for control, security, and flexibility.
Hostage Situation
Hostage Situation - A person who uses hostages to effect an escape, commit crime, or further a cause, and poses a clear and present danger to the hostages and to the public at large.
Therefore, an incident in which a hostage taker has taken hostages is a hostage incident. (LVMPD Hostage Rescue Policy 5/213.10)
Hostage Siege
Hostage Siege - A Terrorist Attack where the Terrorist(s) secure hostages in order to prolong the event with continuous fortification using barricades and / or explosive devises with the ultimate goal of deliberately killing as many as possible in the hope of attaining political or religious aims.
IAD – Immediate Action Drills.
IED – Improvised Explosive Device.
“IN THE BOX” Squads
“IN THE BOX” Squads– A pre-designated patrol squad utilized to affect a response to a major violent incident.
These squads are pre-identified and scheduled 24 hours per day, 7 days per week.
Individual Movement Techniques (IMT)
Individual Movement Techniques (IMT) - Individual movement techniques include the high and low crawl and short rushes (three to five seconds) from one covered position to another.
Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF)
JTTF – Joint Terrorism Task Force. A joint federal and local collaboration of resources and information focusing on the investigation and prevention of acts of terrorism against the United States.
MACTAC – Multi Assault, Counter Terrorism Action Capabilitie
MACTAC – Multi Assault, Counter Terrorism Action Capabilities is the acronym used when a single/multiple deadly force incident(s) occur simultaneously or concurrently or a terrorist attack involving improvised explosive device (IED), high-powered weapons, hostage siege where the armed subjects have used deadly physical force or are preparing to use deadly force on others persons and is an on-going dynamic incident(s).
MACTAC Alert – Radio transmission to indicate a potential MACTAC incident and prepare responding resources to act.
MACTAC Activation
MACTAC Activation – Radio Transmission to indicate when the MACTAC Incident has been confirmed and personnel have been assigned to respond.
MACTAC Incident
MACTAC Incident – Extraordinary incident even by law enforcement standards; unusual occurrences that exceed conventional law enforcement tactics and resources. (Active Shooter, Hostage Siege, Terrorist Attack, etc.)
MACTAC Strike Team
MACTAC Strike Team – an element comprised four to five officers combined together as a tactical response team.
In this context a strike team is composed of a set number of resources of the same kind and type.
This is compliant with the National Incident Management System, or NIMS incident protocol.
MACTAC Squads - Groups consisting of two to three MACTAC Strike Teams.
Maneuvering Tactics
Maneuvering Tactics – describes the position of Squads and Strike Teams in relation to each other during movement.
Maneuvering refers to the shifting of forces in the MACTAC environment.
MFF – Mobile Field Force.
Response Procedures
Response Procedures – pre-identifies “In the Box” squads to respond to an incident, while holding back resources to respond to multiple attacks and /or critical infrastructure protection.
SALUTE Report – Used when reporting information to dispatch or other responding units.
The SALUTE format can be used to ensure all information is accurate and complete.
Size (number of Suspect(s)
Activity (what are they doing)
Uniform (Describe the Suspect(s).
Equipment (Weapons and devices Suspect(s) possess)
Small Unit
Small Unit – See buddy Teams, MACTAC Strike Team, and Squads.
Staggered Column
Staggered Column – One of the formations used when conducting a tactical movement.
Used for rapid movement across open terrain.
Affords all around observation and fields of fire.
Squad Leaders position themselves where they can best control their Squad.
(See Appendix D)
“STAY AT HOME” Squads – These squads are assigned to area command priority, area command critical infrastructure protection and multiple incident/attack response incidents.
Southern Nevada Counter Terrorism Center (SNCTC)
Southern Nevada Counter Terrorism Center (SNCTC) Serves as the fusion between participating public safety agencies to provide resources, expertise, and information to maximize their ability to detect, prevent, investigate, and respond to all crimes and all hazards in the greater Clark County, Southern Nevada Region.
The SNCTC is the regional hub for receiving information, providing analysis and dissemination of actionable intelligence.
Squad – Two or three strike teams make up a Squad.
Squad Leader
Squad Leader – Typically a Sergeant, but can be a designated officer.
Organizes two to three strike teams into a Squad element in order to increase firepower and manpower capabilities.
Leads the Squad by coordinated movement between the Strike Team leaders.
Staging Area
Staging Area- Location where incident personnel and equipment are assigned on an immediately available status.
Equipment and personnel will be held at the staging area until called for at the emergency site by the command post.
Support Mission
Support Mission – Supports the Assault Strike Team
Tactical Disengagement
Tactical Disengagement – Officers ability to recognize the advantage of time, distance and shielding in order to tactically withdraw from a position of disadvantage.
Task Force
Task Force - A group of any type and kind or resources with common communications and a leader temporarily assembled for a specific mission.
Team Leader
Team Leader – Officer placed in charge of three to four other officers forming a Team. Can act independently of the Squad.
Traveling – Form of movement that is fastest technique but reduces the squad’s force protection capability.
Used when contact with Suspect(s) or receiving fire is very unlikely and speed is essential.
VBIED – Vehicle Borne Improvised Explosive Device.
Wedge Formation
Wedge Formation – The wedge is the basic formation for the Stike team resembling an inverted “V”.
The interval between soldiers in the wedge formation is normally five to ten yards.
The wedge expands and contracts depending on the terrain.
(See Appendix D)
WMD – Weapons(s) of Mass Destruction.
4 A’s
4 A’s - Assess, Announce, Assemble, Act.
4 C’s
4 C’s - Contain, Control, Communicate, Coordinate.