Glossary of Sheep Terms Flashcards
a ruminant’s fourth stomach compartment, where digestion takes place
Occurs when the fetus (or fetuses) are expelled by a pregnant female, before the normal end of the pregnancy
an accumulation of pus surrounded by fibrous tissue
Accelerated Lambing!
when an ewe lambs more than once a year
a substance added to something in small quantities to improve or preserve it
Ad Libitum
When feed is made available to an animal on a free - choice basis
the process where semen is placed within a female’s uterus by artificial means
a period of reproductive inactivity, where ewes don’t exhibit estrus; essentially the length between estruses
Animal Unit
a system created to help producers optimize grazing resources by providing a way to match the forage demands of livestock with forage availability
When a lack of appetite is displayed by an animal
a medicine that kills certain types of intestinal worms
Artificial Insemination!
the process where semen is placed within a female’s uterus by artificial means
Carrying Capacity
the maximum number of animal units that can be grazed for a specific time period; maximum number of sheep that a given area of land can support
to deprive an animal of the testes
the removal of a male sheep’s testicles to stop the production of male hormones
cereal grains are an important source of energy for ruminants; they typically have high starch concentrations, good palatability and high digestibility (ex: corn)
the first milk produced by the female immediately after giving birth. it is highly nutritious and provides antibodies
Commercial Feeds
complete feeds that are prepared at a feed mill and are formulated to meet the nutrient requirements of animals when fed as directed
Complete Ration
a blend of all feedstuffs together in one feed
feed that is relatively low in fiber and high in energy
refers to the amount of body weight, hair coat quality and the general health and appearance of an animal
the body form or physical traits of an animal (it’s shape/arrangement of parts)
a disease that can spread from one organism to another by direct or indirect contact
an area that is accessible to smaller young animals that larger adult animals can’t access, allowing the younger animals to consume additional feed to supplement nutrients obtained from nursing
the removal of dirty, wet wool from a sheep’s rear end, tail and between its legs for hygiene purposes
When the testes are retained in the body, rather than descending into the scrotum (results in infertility)
Feed as it is consumed by an animal
Average Daily Gain
the average amount of weight a market animal will gain each day during the feeding period
Balanced Ration
Feed, or a combination of feeds, that will supply the daily nutrient requirements of an animal
a group of ewes numbering 700 to 1200
a small mass of masticated (chewed) feed that is ready to be swallowed
an ewe that is pregnant
A fetus is in a breech presentation at birth when it’s rear portion is presented first
animals that have common characteristics and a common origin that distinguish them from other groups within the same species
Broken Mouth
sheep who have lost some, but not all of their teeth
parts of woody plants, including twigs, shoots and leaves
male sheep (typically of breeding age)
Byproduct Feeds
most byproduct feeds are available as a result of processing a traditional feed ingredient to generate another product; these can be an economical source of nutrients
the dressed body of a meat animal
Carcass Weight
the weight of a slaughtered animal once the head, feet, skin and internal organs have been removed
Carcass Yield
the proportion of an animal’s live weight that remains remains after it has been slaughtered, hung and trimmed
an individual that is heterozygous, so their genotypes carry the recessive gene
a portion of food that a ruminant has previously swallowed that is returned to the mouth from the stomach to be chewed a second time
the process of determining which animals in the herd will be removed, to ensure only the most productive animals are kept for breeding
Cutting Chute
a narrow chute that allows animals to move in a single file line; gates can be/are placed to direct animals into different areas or pens
the female parent
Dental Pad
a hard, thick gum line on the roof of a sheep’s mouth that replaces the upper incisors
an infection of the skin that can cause lumpy wool, hair loss, swelling, lesions, etc.
the kinds of feed that an animal routinely consumes; sheep have a herbivorous diet
a substance or process that destroys infectious agents on surfaces to protect livestock from disease and outbreaks
the temperament or relative docility and handling ability of an animal
the portion of the tail that sits immediately to the rear of the rump, which is where the tail originated before it was docked
when an oral medication, typically an anthelmintic, is administered using a drenching gun
Dressing Percentage
carcass weight/live weight;
an animal that isn’t currently producing milk
feeding animals in an enclosure away from pasture/vegetation; typically used for fattening
Dry Matter Basis
The moisture - free content of feeds
Early Weaning
occurs when lambs are weaned before they are 90 days old, typically at around 60 days
Ear Notching
a notch, or series of notches, that are made in the ear of an animal for identification purpose
Easy Keeper
livestock animals that maintain themselves easily. oftentimes it takes less feed to keep them in good condition
when an abnormally large amount of fluid in the intercellular tissue spaces of the body is present
an instrument that is used to apply heavy rubber bands to the tail and scrotum for docking and castration
an animal that is severely devoid of fat and has reduced skeletal muscle
Energy Feeds
energy providing feed that is high in total digestible nutrients but low in protein (ex: cereal grains)
swelling or inflammation in the small intestine
the setting where an animal lives, finds shelter and meets its basic needs
the act of belching up gas from the stomach
Estrous Cycle
the period from one estrus (heat period), to the next
The period of heat or sexual excitement in a female where they are able to breed
a sexually mature female sheep
Feed (Feedstuff)
any material that is used as food; components of a diet or ration
Feed Additive
adding an extra nutrient or drug into a animal’s feed
Feed Efficiency
the amount of feed consumed per unit of weight increase or unit of production; ex: how much feed is needed for each pound of gain
Feeder Lambs
animals under 1yr of age that haven’t reached slaughter weight, but show indications of making good gains once placed on feed
Feedlot (Drylot)!
an area where animals are confined and fed carefully mixed, high concentrate feed to fatten them
Feedstuff (Feed)
any material that is used as food; components of a diet or ration
Fiber Content of Feedstuff
fiber plays an important role in rumen function, as it increases rumination and salivation; at least 10% of the diet should be roughage to help maintain fiber content
the contents of the digestive tract
refers to an animal’s fatness; the more finished an animal is, the fatter it is
the practice of feeding female animals very well right before the breeding season to stimulate their reproductive organs to the maximum activity
roughage of high feeding value; ex: grasses and legumes fed at the proper maturity stage and quality