Glossary Of Foreign Terms Flashcards
Adagio e spiccato
Italian for ‘Slowly and played spiccato’
Adagio e mesto
Italian for ‘Slowly and sadly’
Allegro agitato e appassionato assai
Italian for ‘Quickly, restlessly and very passionately’
Animez un peu
French for ‘Liven it up a little’
A punta d’arco
Italian for ‘With the point of the bow’
Italian for ‘Play with the bow (a direction following a pizzicato passage)’
Avec plus d’abandon
French for ‘Play more freely’
Baguettes de bois recouvert en peau
French for ‘Wooden drumsticks covered with leather’
Baguette d’eponge
French for ‘Sponge headed drumsticks’
German for ‘Woodwind’
Colla parte
Italian for ‘Follow the soloist’
Colla voce
Italian for ‘Follow the voice’
Come sopra
Italian for ‘As above/before’
Commencer lentement dans un rythme nonchalamment gracieux
French for ‘Start slowly in a graceful carefree rhythm’
Con sordini
Italian for ‘With mutes’
Crescendo da niente
Italian for ‘Getting louder, from nothing’
Délicatement et presque sans nuances
French for ‘Delicately and almost dynamic change’
Diminuendo al niente
Italian for ‘Getting gradually quieter, fading to nothing’
Double corde
French for ‘Double stopped’
En allant se perdant
French for ‘Gradually dying away’
mf en augmentant beaucoup
French for ‘Moderately loud and getting increasingly louder’
En dehors
French for ‘A direction to make the melody stand out’
En serrant un peu
French for ‘Getting a little faster’
Estremamente flautando
Italian for ‘Very flute-like’
Estremamente sul ponticello
Italian for ‘Play extremely near the bridge’
Expressif (et lointain)
French for ‘Expressive (and distant sounding)’
German for ‘Flutter tongue’
Laissez vibrer
French for ‘Allow to resonate, do not damp’
Léger et lointain
French for ‘Light and distant sounding’
Lento assai
Italian for ‘Very slowly’
Lento molto sostenuto
Italian for ‘Slow and very sustained’
French for ‘Slowly’
Modérémemt animé
French for ‘Moderately lively’
Molto forzando e feroce
Italian for ‘Fierecely and very strongly accented
Muta in
Italian for ‘Change e.g. ‘muta in piccolo’, change to the piccolo’
Pavillons en l’air
French for ‘Bells in the air’
Italian for ‘Gradually dying away’
Poco rubato
Italian for ‘With a little rhythmic flexibility’
Poco scherzando
Italian for ‘A little playfully’
Quasi da lontano
Italian for ‘As if from a distance’
French for ‘Held back’
Revenez au 1 tempo
French for ‘Return to the first tempo’
Retenu jusqu’au premier movement
French for ‘Held back until [you return] to the original tempo’
Sans lenteur
French for ‘Without slowing down’
Sans presser
French for ‘Without hurrying’
Sans ralentir
French for ‘Without slowing down’
Senza sordini
Italian for ‘Without mutes’
Senza vibrato
Italian for ‘Without vibrato’
Sotta voce
Italian for ‘In an undertone, literally below the voice’
Italian for ‘A bowing technique in which the bow appears to bounce lightly upon the string’
Sul ponticello
Italian for ‘On the bridge. Instruction to the string player to take the bow as near as possible to the bridge resulting in a rather metallic mysterious tone’
Sul tasto
Italian for ‘Instruction to the string player to bow (or occasionally pluck) near or over the fingerboard, resulting in an ethereal tone’
Tempo guisto
Italian for ‘Strictly in time’
Tempo rubato
Italian for ‘With flexible rhythm and tempo’
Toujours animez
French for ‘Always lively’
Tout l’orchestre aussi doux que possible
French for ‘All of the orchestra [play] as softly as possible’
Très rhythmé, mf en augmentant beaucoup
French for ‘Very rhythmic and getting a lot louder’
Un peu plus vite
French for ‘A little quicker’
Un peu retenu
French for ‘Slowing down a little’