Glossary of campus vocabulary Flashcards
academic advisor
person who helps students make decisions about their academica programs
to receive a grade of A.
ex. I aced that exam.
admissions office
the administrative office where students apply for admission to a college or university.
a study session that lasts all night.
ex. we had to pull an all-nighter to get ready for the final exam.
a publication about an academic subject
work that must be done as part of the requirements for a class.
ex. the assignment was to read two chapters in the texybook.
assistant professor
a college or university teacher who ranks above a lecturer and below an associate professor.
an opportunity for a graduate student to teach or do research in exchange for a stipend.
associate professor
a college or university teacher who ranks above an assistant professor and below a professor.
to attend a course without credit.
ex. If I audit the course. I won´t get credit for it.
a difficult class.
ex. the computer science course was a bear.
be behind
to be late; to have a lot of work to do
ex. I am behind in my physics class.
an abbreviation of the word bicycle
bike rack
the metal supports where bicycles are parked
Ex. That bike rack is full, but there is another one by the library.
the writing surface in the front of the classroom
a written work
book bag
a bag in which to carry books and school supplies
the store on campus where students buy their textbooks
a pause in work or study
bring up
to improve.
ex. if Jack doesn´t bring up his grades, he won´t get into graduate school.
a restaurant where students can select food from several choices.
call on
to acknowledge in class; to invite to speak.
ex. if you want the professor to call on you frequently, them sit in the front of the room.
call the roll
to read the names on a class roster in order to take attendance. ex. you should always find out whether or not the professor calls the roll.
the buidings and grounds of a college or university.
campus security
the police on campus.
a private study space in the stacks of the library.
ex. there aren´t enough carrels in the library.
a division in a book.
to act dishonestly.
ex. Gary was expelled because he cheated?
a dishonest act.
ex. sharing answers on an exam is cheating
check out
to borrow
ex. you must have a library card to check out books
the meeting place and the content of a course.
class discussion
an exchange of ideas during a class.
closed out
to be denied access to a class.
ex. register early so that you aren´t closed out of the classes you want.
an abreeviation for coeducational, which is a system of education in which both men and women attend the same school or classes.
ex. if I were you, I would live in a coed dormitory.
a school that grants a bachelor´s degree; an undergraduate division or a school within a university.
a graduation ceremony.
a group of professors who guide a graduante student´s program and approve the thesis or dissertation.
ex. Bill´s committee signed his dissertation today.
computer disk
a magnetic disk on which computer data is stored.
a person who gives advice, often of a personal nature.
ex. why don´t you speak with your counselor about the problems with your roommate?
a class.
ex. how many courses are you taking this semester
course request (form)
a form used to register for a class.
to study at the last minute.
a unit of study.
ex. I have thirty credits toward my master´s degree.
credit hour
the number that represents one hour of class per week for one term. ex. this course is three credit hours.
a grading system that relies on the normal curve of distribution, resulting in a few A grades, the majority C grades, and a few failing grades.
ex. grading on the curve encourages competition.
Since the exams were graded on the curve, a 95 was a B.
cut class
to be absent from class, usually without a good excuse. ex. you cut class to sleep in?
an administrator who ranks above a departament chair and below a vice president.
dean´s list
the honor roll at a college or university.
I can´t make the dean´s list this semester
to make an official decision about a major field of study.
ex. most students declare their major in their third year at the university.
an academic title awarded to a student who completes a course of study.
ex. the three most common degrees are a bachelor´s, a a master´s, and a doctorate.
a division of a college or univesity organized by subject.
department chair
a university administrator for a division of a college or university.
the certificate of completion for a degree.
a thesis that is written in partial fulfillment of the requirements for a doctorate.
distance learning
courses organized so that students can complete the requirements by computer, or other media.
a group of departments in a college or university.
the degree after a master´s awarded to an academic doctor.
an abbreviation for dormitory.
a preliminary copy of a paper or other written document.
ex. I can´t turn in my essay because I have only the first draft written.
to withdraw from a course.
drop out
to withdraw from a college or university.
ex. Diane dropped out after her junior year?
expected on a certain date.
ex. I can´t complete the assignment by the due date.
elective (course)
an optional academic course.
to register for a course or a university program.
ex. only a few students enroll in seminars
a short composition on a single subject, usually presenting the personal opinion of the author.
an abbreviation for examination.
excused absence
absence with the permission of the professor.
to dismiss from school.
ex. gary was expelled because he cheated on an exam
additional time.
ex. You mean your request for an extension was denied?
faculty member
a teacher in a college or university.
to receive an unacceptable grade.
a charge for services.
field trip
a trip for observation and education.
fill-in-the blank (test)
an objective test in which the student completes sentences by writing in the missing words.
final (exam)
the last examination of an academic course.
a sum of money paid for violation of a rule.
a social organization for male college students.
fraternity row
a street where many fraternity houses are located.
a first-year college student.
the number of hours for standard tuition at a college or university, usually 9 hours for a graduate student and 12-15 hours for an undergraduate student..
get behind
to be late or off schedule.
ex. I am getting behind in my math class
get caught up
to bring up to date.
ex. I need to get caught up before final exams.
abbreviation for grade point average.
ex. I can´t raise my GPA if I take calculus.
grade point average
a scale, usually 0-4, on which grades are calculated
a standard number or letter indicating a student´s level of performance.
ex. I have to have better grades to get into the college
graduate school
a division of a college or university to serve students who are pursuing masters or doctoral degrees.
I have to get a letters of recommendation to apply to graduate school.
graduate student
a student who is persuing a master´s or doctorate.
funds for research or study.
Carol received a grant for her research in psychology.
group project
an assignment to be completed by three or more students.
hand back
return an assignment.
ex. I can´t find the exam that he handed back.
prepared notes that a teacher provides to the class.
ex. Dr. Stephen´s handouts are always very helpful.
head resident
the advisor for a dormitory.
ex. the head resident can help you resolve problems with your roommate.
health center
the clinic on campus to provide basic health care for students.
health insurance
protection for students who may need medical attention.
hit the books
to study very hard.
ex. I have to hit the books tonight and tomorrow to get ready for the midterm
schoolwork done at home.
special recognition for exceptional students.
housing office
an administrative office for residence halls and off-campus rentals.
a grade in a course that allows students to complete requirements the following term.
library card
an identification card.
library fine
a payment for returning books and materials after the due date.
lost and found
an area on campus where items are kept for their owners to reclaim.
lower-division (course)
introductory-level courses for first and second year students..
a field of study chosen as an academic specialty.
ex. my major is environmental studies
makeup test
a test taken after the date of the original administration.
married student housing
apartments on or near campus for married students.
mickey mouse course
a very easy course.
ex. You thought physics was a Michey Mouse course?
an exam that is given in the middle of the term.
a secondary area of study
ex. you should minoir in economics since you´re studyng prelaw.
miss (class)
to be absent.
multiple-choice test
an objective test with questions that provide several possible answer choices.
a book with blank pages in it for notes.
notebook computer
a computer with size of a notebook.
a brief record of a lecture to help students recall the important points.
objective test
a test with questions that have one possible answer.
off campus
not on university property.
a place for university faculty and staff to meet with students and do tehir work.
office hours
a schedule when faculty are in their offices to meet with students..
online course
a course taught on the internet.
on probation
experiencing a trial period to improve grades before disciplinary action..
on reserve
retained in a special place in the library, usualy for use only in the library.
open-book test
a test during which students may consult their books and notes.
a program for new students at a college or university during which they receive information about the school.
permission to enter a class for which the student does not qualify. ex. I need to get an override so that I can take that class
a research report. ex. the papers for this class should be at least ten pages long
parking garage
a structure for parking, usually requiring payment.
parking lot
an area for parking.
parking permit
permissionn to park in certain parking lots or garages.
parking space
a designated area for one car.
parking ticket
notice of a fine due for parking in a restricted area.
less than the full work day or school day.
pass back
to return tests and assignments to the owner.
placement office
the office where students receive assistance in locating employment.
to use someone else´s written work without giving that person credit..
pop quiz
a quiz that is given without notice. ex. we had a pop quiz in our sociology class today.
post (grade)
to publish a list and display it in a public place.
a course required before a student is eligible to take a higher-level course.
a lecture, speech, or demonstration in front of the class.
a college or university teacher who ranks above an associante professor.
program of study
a list of the courses that a student must take to fulfill the requirements for graduation
ex. I need to become familiar with my program of study.
an assignment that often involves the application of knowledge.
a school term that is usually ten to twelve weeks in length.
ex. I need to study harder next quarter.
an evaluation that is usually shorter and worth fewer points than as test
ex. we have a quiz in chemistry this week.
a university official in charge of keeping records.
the process for enrolling in courses at a college or university.
a written or oral presentation of results, either of research or experimentation.
inverstigation or study
research assistant
a research position under the supervision of a faculty member.
research paper
a written report based on research.
resident advisor
an advisor who lives in a dormitory in order to provide supervision and counseling for the students.
review session
a study meeting to review material before a test, often led by the professor.
room and board
fees for room rent and meals.
ex. I need to find a part-time job to pay for room and board.
a person who shares a room or rooms.
a list of courses with days, times, and locations.
a grant awarded to a student.
ex, Tracy got a scholarship to attend a special summer course abroad.
one of several options for the same course.
ex. Everyone wants to take the section that Mrs Niel teachers.
a school term that is usually fifteen to eighteen weeks in length.
ex. I need to take eighteen credit hours next semester
a fourth-year student
ex. Laura will be a senior next semester
short-essay test
a test with questions that require a written response of one sentence to one paragraph in length.
ex. You think a short-essay test is easier than an objective test?
a bus that has a short route around the campus area.
sign up (for a class)
to enroll (in a class). ex. I can´t sign up for that class because it conflicts with my schedule.
skip class
to be absent. ex. Nancy has been skipping class again
snack bar
a small restaurant area where a limited menu is available.
social security number
a nine-digit number that is often used for student identification as well as for employment purposes.
a second-year college student.
ex. a full-time student is usually a sophomore by the third semester
a social organization for female college students.
ex. so you did join a sorority.
spring break
a short vacation in the middle of the spring semester.
the area of the library where most of the books are shelved.
ex. You should look in the stacks for that book.
student services
an administrative branch of a college or university that provides non-instructional support services for students..
student union
a building on campus where students can relax.
research investigations.
ex. Many studies have been conducted here at State University.
to acquire knowledge or understanding of a subject..
study date
a date in which the activity is studying.
ex. You mean you don´t have a study date tonight?
study lounge
a quiet area of a dormitory where students can go to study.
an area of study.
ex. math is my favorite subject.
summer school
the summer sessions, which are usually June through August.
ex. I can´t go to summer school this year.
an abbreviation for teaching assistant.
ex. So Bill did apply to be a T,A
teaching assistant
a graduate student whose teaching duties are supervised by a faculty member.
an academic rank that guarantees permanent status
ex. Prof. Peterson has tenure, bus Mr. Lewis doesn~t.
a time period when school is in session, usually a quarter or a semester
a evaluation that is usually longer and worth more points than a quiz but shorter and worth fewer points than an exam
a book that is used for a course
ex. a can´t find good used textbooks anywhere
a written research report in partial fulfillment of a graduate degree
ex. I need to allow at least one semester to write my thesis.
a printed copy of a student´s grades
to change schools
fees for instruction at a school
tuition hike
an increase in the fees for instrution
turn in
to submit an assignment
ex. please turn in your homework before you leave
a private instructor, often another student
private instruction
abbreviation to undergraduante
undergraduate (student)
a student pursuing a bachelor´s degree
upper-division (course)
advanced courses for third- and fourth year students
ex. you mean grammar is an upper-division course?
to leave school
ex. you should withdraw so that you won´t have failing grades on your transcript
a special program that allows study time when there is nothing to do om the job
xerox (machine)
a copy machine
a college or university teacher who ranks below an assistant professor.
ex. the instructor was absent?
a training opportunity for an advanced student or a recent graduate.
a third-year college student.
ex, In my junior year can I study abroad?
keep grades up
to maintain a good grade point average.
abbreviation for laboratory.
lab assistant
a graduate student who helps in the lab.
a classroom equipped for experiments and research.
lab report
an written description of the laboratory activities.
learning assistance center
an area used to tutoring to help students..
a presentation for a class, delivered by the professor
ex. you should take more notes during Dr. Mit lectures.
a college or university teacher, usually without rank.
ex. I can´t take notes because the lecturer speaks too fast.
the building on campus where books and other research materials are kept..