Glossary Flashcards
Define: Accounting metrics
Quantitative and/or discussion and analysis metrics intended to measure performance on a sustainability disclosure topic
Define: Activity metrics
Metrics used to quantify the scale of a business. They are used in conjunction with accounting metrics to normalize data and facilitate comparison.
Define: Actual impacts
A form of financial impact that is actively observable and measurable. They rpresent actual trends, events, or upcoming changes that are occurring or will occur with a high degree of certainty.
Define: Acute impacts
Impacts on a company’s financial condition or operating performance that may be rare or unlikely but can have significant consequences, such as extreme weather events or unanticipated accidents.
Define Alliance organizations
A formal association formed for the mutual benefit of member organizations in association with specific shared interests or goals. Member organizations benefit from a communication network, shard resources, and collaboration.
Define: Alpha
The return on an investment in excess of a market index or benchmark
Define: Assurance readiness:
Assessed through internal audits or other internal disclosure procedures, assurance readiness seeks to determine the appropriate level of external assurance and overall preparedness of a company to smooth the assurance process and control related assurance expenses.
Define: Assurance
A service performed by external, independent professional(s) to declare the credibility of disclosed data, statements, and other information, typically accompanied by an assurance report and/or assurance statement.
Define: Audit committee
A committee of the board of directors charged with overseeing financial reporting and disclosure, including disclosure related to financially material sustainability information.
Define: Audits
An official, independent examination of an organization’s financial and/or non-financial statements to ensure they fairly and accurately represent the transactions/activities of the company.
Define: Benchmarks
A standard or point of reference used to evaluate the performance of a security, portfolio, fund, or investment manager. Stock and bond indexes are often used as benchmarks.
Define: Boilerplate
Nonspecific wording that does not describe the realities of a company’s particular operating context.
Define Certifications
For public companies, disclosure regulations often require executive certifications of internal controls where an executive, typically the CEO and/or CFO must certify the accuracy and completeness of disclosed information.
Define: Coalitions:
A formal group of companies and organizations formed, sometimes temporarily, in pursuit of combined action towards a specific outcome. Coalition members often collaborate and collectively communicate goals and developments related to the particular topic of their coalition.
Define: Company (or security) valuation
The process of determining the economic value of an entire business. Company valuation may consider factors such as future earnings, management, capital structure, asset value, risks, and other factors.