Glossary Flashcards
The professionally qualified people who have responsibility for keeping accurate accounts and for
producing the final accounts
The financial records of a firm’s transactions
See take-over
Added Value
The difference between the selling price of a product and the cost of bought-in materials and components
An independent person or business which is appointed to deal with the sales and distribution of a product or range of products. The agent will either put an additional amount on the price to cover their expenses or will receive a commission on sales.
AIDA Model
Simple way of planning an advert’s design – it means: Attention, Interest, Desire, Action
Annual General Meeting
A legal requirement for all companies. Shareholders may attend and vote on who they want to be on the
Board of Directors for the coming year.
Application Form
A form completed by an applicant for a job vacancy, which summarizes the applicants name, address,
education, qualifications, previous experience
Method of assessing the effectiveness of an employee, usually involving an interview with a senior member
of staff
Appreciation of a currency
When the value of a currency rises and it can buy more of another currency than before
Appropriation account
The part of the profit and loss account which shows how the profit after tax is distributed - either as
dividends or kept in the company as retained profits
A person who listens to both sides in an industrial dispute (trade union and management) and then gives a ruling on what the arbitrator thinks is fair to both sides
Those items of value that are owned by the business. They may be fixed (non-current) or short-term current
Autocratic leadership
Instructions and strategies are issued from above with little opportunity for contributions to decision-
making from less senior employees
Average cost per unit
The total cost of production divided by total output (sometimes referred to as ‘unit cost’).
Balance of payments
Records the difference between a country’s exports and imports.
Balance sheet
Shows the value of a business’s assets and liabilities at a particular time. It is sometimes referred to as
‘statement of financial position’.
Batch production
When a quantity of one product is made, then a quantity of another item will be produced (that is, batches, usually as orders come in).
Best fit
See line of best fit.
An additional amount of payment above basic pay as a reward for good work
Brand image
An image or identity given to a product, which gives it a personality of its own and distinguishes it from its
competitors’ brands
Brand loyalty
When consumers keep buying the same brand again and again instead of choosing a competitor’s brand.
Brand name
The unique name of a product that distinguishes it from other brands
Break-even charts
Graphs that show how costs and revenues of a business change with sales. They show the level of sales the business must make in order to break even.
Break-even level of output
The quantity that must be produced/sold for total revenue to equal total costs. It is also known as break-
even point.
Break-even point
The level of sales at which total costs total revenue
Plans for the future containing numerical or financial targets
Buffer inventory level
The inventory held to deal with uncertainty in customer demand and deliveries of supplies.
Buffer stock
The minimum level of stock that a business plans to hold
Bulk decreasing
A good which decreases in size or weight during the manufacturing process, e.g. steel production where
there is a lot of waste from the raw materials, therefore the manufacture of steel tends to be located near to
the raw materials
Bulk increasing
A good which increases in size or weight during the manufacturing process, e.g. when Coca-Cola is
produced, the raw materials weigh less than the finished product after all the ingredients have been mixed together and water added. The finished product will therefore cost more to transport to the market than the raw materials cost to transport to the factory for manufacture and the factory will tend to be located near to the market
Business decisions
These include strategic decisions (very important ones which can affect the overall success of the business), tactical decisions (those which are taken more frequently and which are less important) and operational decisions (day-to-day decisions which will be taken by lower-level managers)
Business ethics
A set of standards or rules that prevent a business acting in an unfair or dangerous way towards their
workers or others
Business objectives
The aims or targets that a business works towards
Business plan
A document containing the business objectives and important details about the operations, finance and
owners of the new business
These combine factors of production to make products (goods and services) which satisfy people’s wants.
The money invested into a business by the owners.
Capital employed
The total value of capital used in the business. This is: Shareholders’ equity plus non-current liabilities.
Capital expenditure
Money spent on fixed assets which will last for more than one year.
Cash flow
The cash inflows and outflows of a business over a period of time
Cash flow cycle
Shows the stages between paying out cash for labor, materials, and so on, and receiving cash from the sale
of goods.
Cash flow forecast
An estimate of future cash inflows and outflows of a business, usually on
a month-by-month basis. This
then shows the expected cash balance at the end of each month.
Cash inflows
The sums of money received by a business during a period of time.
Cash outflows
The sums of money paid out by a business during a period of time.
Centralized management structure
A management structure in which most decisions are taken at the center, or at higher levels of management
Chain of command
The structure in an organization which allows instructions to be passed down from senior management to lower levels of management.
Channel of distribution
The means by which a product is passed from the place of production to the customer or retailer
A written instruction to a bank to transfer a specified sum to the person or business named on the cheque
Closed shop
All employees must be a member of the same trade union
Closing cash (or bank) balance
The amount of cash held by the business at the end of each month. This becomes next month’s opening
cash balance.
Collective bargaining
Negotiation between one or more trade unions and one or more employers (or employers’ associations) on pay and conditions of employment
Payment relating to the number of sales made.
Common currency
An agreement between countries to use the same currency for all business and other transactions, such as the euro in the European Union
The transferring of a message from the sender to the receiver, who understands the message
Communication nets
The ways in which members of a group communicate with each other
Communication barriers
Factors that stop effective communication of messages.
Competitive pricing
When the product is priced in line with or just below competitors’ prices to try to capture more of the
Conflict at work
Where different groups have different points of view, e.g. over wage rates, hours of work, conditions, etc.,
and cannot come to an agreement
Conglomerate integration
When one firm merges with or takes over a firm in a completely different industry. It is also known as
Consumer boycott
When consumers decide not to buy products from businesses that do not act in a socially responsible way.
Consumer panels
Groups of people who agree to provide information about a specific product or general spending patterns
over a period of time
Contract of employment
A legal agreement between employer and employee listing the rights and responsibilities of workers
When referring to a product, this is its selling price less its variable cost.
Contribution margin
The selling price of a product less its variable cost
Corporation tax
The tax paid by limited companies on their profits
Cost-benefit analysis
The valuation by a government agency of all social and private costs and benefits resulting from a decision
Cost of goods sold
The cost of producing or buying-in the goods actually sold by the business during a time period.
Cost-plus pricing
The cost of manufacturing the product plus a profit mark-up.
Craft union
A trade union which represents a particular type of skilled worker
Persons or businesses who have loaned money or supplied goods to a business without yet receiving
Currency appreciation
Occurs when the value of a currency rises – it buys more of another currency than before.
Currency deprecation
Occurs when the value of a currency falls – it buys less of another currency than before.
Current assets
Those assets owned by a business and used within one year.
Current liabilities
Short-term debts owed by a business.
Customers who owe money to the business
A management structure in which many decisions are not taken at the centre of the business but are
delegated to lower levels of management
Occurs when there is a decline in the importance of the secondary, manufacturing, sector of industry in a
The removal of one or more layers of hierarchy from the management structure of an organization
The act of giving a subordinate the authority to perform particular tasks. It is very important to remember that it is the authority to perform a task that is being delegated, not the final responsibility.
Delivery note
Sent by a supplier to the customer when the goods are delivered; the customer must sign the note to
confirm delivery
Democratic leadership
Senior employees consult with junior ones in policy-making
The fall in the value of a fixed asset over time.
Desk research
See secondary research
Development area
A region of a country where businesses will receive financial support to establish themselves ( often
regions of high unemployment)
Direct costs
Costs that can be directly related to or identified with a particular product or department
Direct taxes
These are paid directly from incomes, for example, income tax or profits tax.
Diseconomies of scale
The factors that lead to an increase in average costs as a business grows beyond a certain size.
Disposable income
The level of income a taxpayer has after paying income tax.
See conglomerate integration
Distribution channel
The means by which a product is passed from the place of production to the customer or retailer
Payments made to shareholders from the profits (after tax) of a company. They are the return to
shareholders for investing in the company.
Division of labor
When the production process is split up into different tasks and each worker performs one of these tasks. It
is a form of specialization.
The buying and selling of goods and services using computer systems linked to the internet.
Economic growth
When a country’s Gross Domestic Product increases – more goods and services are produced than in the
previous year.
Economic problem
When there exist unlimited wants but limited resources to produce the goods and services to satisfy those
wants. This creates scarcity.
Economies of scale
The factors that lead to a reduction in average costs as a business increases in size.
Employer federation
See employers· association
Employers’ association
a group of employers join together to give benefits to their members. Also called employer federations
and trade associations
See delegation
The skill and risk-taking ability of the person who brings resources together to produce goods or services
A person who organizes, operates and takes the risk for a new business venture.
Our natural world including, for example, pure air, clean water and undeveloped countryside
Environmental benefits
The gains to the environment as a result of business decisions
Environmental costs
The effect on the environment of business decisions
Ethical decisions
A decision taken by a manager or company because of the moral code observed in that firm
Exchange rate
The price of one currency in terms of another, for example £1: $1.5
Exchange rate appreciation
The rise in the value of a currency compared with other currencies.
Exchange rate depreciation
The fall in the value of a currency compared with other currencies.
Goods and services sold from one country to other countries.
External benefits
The gains to the rest of society, other than the business, resulting from business activity
External communication
Communication between the organization and other organizations or individuals
External costs
Costs paid for by the rest of society, other than the business, as a result of business activity
External economies of scale
External factors which influence a business and lead to a reduction in average costs as it increases in size
External finance
Finance obtained from sources outside of and separate from the business.
External growth
Occurs when a business takes over or merges with another business. Often called integration (see vertical
integration and horizontal integration) as one firm is integrated into another one
External recruitment
When a vacancy is filled by someone who is not an existing employee and will be new to the business.
External sources
Sources of information outside the company used to compile market research as a basis for marketing
Factors of production
Those resources needed to produce goods or services. There are four factors of production and they are in limited supply
The reply from the receiver which shows whether the message has arrived, been understood and, if
necessary, acted upon
Field research
See primary research
Final accounts
Accounts produced at the end of the financial year that give details of the profit or loss made over the year
and the worth of the business
Fiscal policy
Any change by the government in tax rates or public-sector spending
Fixed costs
Costs that do not vary with the number of items sold or produced in the short run/term. They have to be
paid whether the business is making any sales or not. They are also known as overhead costs
Flow production
Where large quantities of a product are produced in a continuous process. It is sometimes referred to as
mass production.
Focus group
A group of people who are representative of the target market. They provide information about a specific
product or general spending patterns over a period of time. This helps with development and sales.
Predictions of the future, e.g. likely future changes in the size of the market
Formal communication
When messages are sent through established channels using professional language.
Formal group
A group designated to carry out specific tasks within a business
A business based upon the use of the brand names, promotional logos and trading methods of an existing
successful business. The franchisee buys the license to operate this business from the franchisor.
Free trade agreements
These exist when countries agree to trade imports/exports with no barriers such as tariffs and quotas.