Glossary Flashcards
act of atonement/ atone
making amends for a wrong or injury. Jesus took on the punishment humanity should have been given for their sins but now because of Jesus’ death people can be set free from sin and hell
love that is not earned, but is freely given because the believer chooses to be a loving person to all
Religious discipline of defending or proving the truth of religious doctrines through systematic argumentation and discourse
the occasion when Jesus was taken into heaven
Blasphemy / blasphemer
The offence of cursing the name of God instead of honouring it
Greek for anointed one
Condemned / condemnation
to find guilty / convict and sentence to punishment
an agreement / promise. In the old testament it was the relationship between God and Israel(jews)
In the new testament Jesus makes a new covenant through his blood - his death and resurrection is an agreement with all humanity that they can know God if they repent and believe
Day of atonement
The one day of the year when the high priest could enter through the temple curtain into the holy of holies to the debir, the shrine of the invisible God, and ask God to forgive the Jews sins
A hermeneutic approach to religious texts seeks to separate cosmological and historic claims from philosophical, ethical and theological teachings
study of the end times, heaven, hell, death and judgement
Golgotha / calvary
the place of execution, which was a hill outside of Jerusalem called Skull
the good news (of Christ)
Great commission
the job and instructions given to the disciples before Jesus ascended into heaven
The science or art of interpretation. It can also be referred to the study of the principles that ground different methods of interpretation
humility/ humble
modesty and lowliness. the opposite of arrogant and proud
the embodiment of God the Son in human flesh as Jesus Christ - God in skin form
After repenting God justifies the person through the death of Jesus so in God’s sight a believer is now sinless
A Greek word used in the New Testament for preaching
Kerygmatic is sometimes used to express the message of Jesus’ ministry
Kingdom of God
the ways in which God acts or intervenes in history to establish his rule. it will he completely fulfilled after judgement day and so is now but not yet
Mary’s Magnificat
Mary’s song of praise to God when she is told she will bare to messiah
Hebrew for anointed one
The job that someone does. In Jesus’ case what he came to preach and what he came to do
emphasises the revelation of God by God as the source of Christian doctrine
Natural Theology
knowledge of God can be gained through a combination of observation of nature and human reason
Concept of the Holy spirit’s characteristics and role
Christ’s second coming, when he will return bringing with him the judgement and the end of things as they presently are
Prophecy/ Prophecies /prophesied
Foretelling of future events. People may acquire this knowledge from God
A person given a message from God to share with others. They foretell events
Realised eschatology
The future reality of the kingdom experienced and made known in the present. Or more specifically, a term used by scholars who believe that Jesus was teaching that the kingdom was already present in him and displayed in his miracles
Reunion. through Jesus’ death there is now a way for God and humans to be brought back together - no longer blocked by sin
a ransom or an offering made to free someone else
religious authorities
chief priests, teachers of the law, sadducees and pharisees
those who are saved, through faith in Jesus and repentance, have now entered a right relationship with God
a person asking for the forgiveness of their sins and turning their life around to follow God
being rescued form the power of sin death and hell
Salvation history
the means by which God acts within history to bring salvation to his people
a race of people descended from the Jews who has intermarried with other races and so were no longer pure Jews
Samaritans and Jews hated each other
purify or free from sin. A believer is made Holy by God
Jewish religious council
scared writings
self- righteous
a person who thinks they are right with god because of what they have done
the passion
Jesus’ suffering and death
the three persons of christian Godhead