Glossary Flashcards
Saturated fats
Contain saturated fatty acids that are usually from animal sources that can be harmful to your health
High-risk foods
A ready to eat food that, if not stored correctly, could grow harmful microorganisms
Biological value
A measure of the amount of essential amino acids a protein based food contains
Dry frying
pan cooking food without any oil or water - sometimes dry roasting
The last rising of the read dough in its final shape before its baked. This is when the yeast reacts before it is killed by the heat.
A bone disease where bones weaken and become brittle. Triggered by lack of Vitamin D and Calcium (can occur during menopause)
Carbon footprint
A measure of the impact something has on the environment, based on the harmful greenhouse gases produced
A month in the Muslim year in which most Muslims are expected to fast from dawn until dusk
When denatured proteins join together, changing the appearance and texture of food e.g when an egg white turns solid
Someone who doesn’t eat any meat, fish or eggs but DOES consume dairy
Something that is added to food to slow down the growth of bacteria and other microorganisms so that food lasts longer
A measure of the amount of energy in food
Vitamin B2
A style of cooking representative of a certain country or region
Water soluble vitamins
Vitamins that are not stored by the body and are required daily as they are used by the water in our bodies and excreted
Sustainable environment
An environment where the demands placed upon the environment can be met without reducing its ability to allow all people to live well, now and in the future
A mixture of oily and watery liquids e.g. mayonnaise
Ambient food
A food that can be safely stored at room temperature
Food miles
The distance a food product travels from where it is produced or grown to where its sold
Protein completentation
Combining two LBV proteins foods to give enough all the essential amino acids needed - i.e hummus and pitta bread, baked beans and wholemeal bread
To soak something in a mixture of things such as oil, wine, vinegar and herbs before cooking to give it more flavour
Glycaemic Index
(GI) A number used to indicate the effect a food has on blood sugar levels - often related to diabetic topics
Dietary reference values
Estimate of the amount of nutrients people of age groups or health need in their diet
The process of simmering a liquid over heat until it thickens. It is also the name of the concentrated liquid that forms during this process
When starch particles swell and burst, releasing amylase to thicken a liquid - i.e soups
When heat rays directly heat and cook food without contact.
Alternative protein
A form of protein other than protein from meat which is suitable for vegetarians e.g tofu or beans
Fat- soluble vitamins
Vitamins A,D,E and K found in fatty foods that the body can store in fat tissue for future use
Spina Bifida
Caused by not enough folic acid in the diet during pregnancy. A defect in the backbone that can occur in the unborn baby
Genetically modified food (GM)
Food that has had its genes altered to give it useful characteristics (e.g. GM tomatoes that have a longer shelf life)
A process where milk passes through a fine membrane to separate the milk from souring bacteria
Danger zone
The range of temperature (5C-63C) in which bacteria multiply very quickly. food left in this state too long are unsafe - particularly high risk foods
Use-by date
A date mark on the packaging on food that is a safety warning when the food is likely to become unsafe to eat
Cross- contamination
transferring potentially harmful bacteria (or other microorganisms) from one thing to another e.g from raw food to ready to eat foods via work surfaces, equipment or hands.
Raising agent
An ingredient or process that incorporate a gas into a mixture to lighten it and make them rise. This is done mechanically, chemically or biologically.
Proteolytic enzymes
Enzymes that break down the muscle fibres in meat making it much more tender
A tiny single celled fungus (microorganism) used in bread making and produces carbon dioxide during fermentation
A condition where the body has accumulated too much fat
A heat treatment where raw milk is passed through a steam chamber at 110C for 10-30 minutes killing off all present bacteria
Blended sauce
A sauce made from a liquid and a paste of cornflour and water/ milk
Secondary food processing
Changing primary processed foods into other food products (e.g. flour into bread)
Physical activity level. A measure of how active you are or how much exercise you get
Starchy carbohydrates
Carbohydrates such as pasta, rice , bread, potatoes
Slow-cooking food in a covered pot that also contains liquid, herb and vegetables
The transfer of heat energy through gases or liquids by circulating currents
A protein found in wheat flours that makes dough’s elastic and stretchy
A substance that protects our bodies from free radicals (chemicals that cause cancer). (Vitamins A,C and E)
When extra nutrients are added to a food e.g in breakfast cereals
Water intoxication
Over-consumption of water
An immune system reaction/ response to a certain substance (an allergen) e.g in fish, nuts, eggs
A condition found in children where a lack of Vitamin D and Calcium in the diet causes the bones to soften
Nutritional analysis
Working out the nutritional content of a food or recipe