Glossary Flashcards
A system where one person has all the power
A violent mass movement of people where there is an overthrowing of the existing government and a new one is put in place
When the leader of a country / person of authority decides to step down from power
The rules and principles by which to run a country
A form of government where the masses (people) get a say in how the government is formed
Political extremism is when a person or a group of people have an idea that is vastly different to what is being done
Sort of like compensation but countries have to pay it to other countries to say sorry for something they’ve done, like invading and destroying most of the land in the country through fighting and digging it up to made trenches
Passive resistance
When you fight back against something you don’t like using a non-violent tactic - like refusing to work
When the amount of money something costs goes out of balance with how much the thing is actually worth
When the prices of goods goes really high and people cannot afford them because their money is worthless. This usually happens when countries print more banknotes at a time when their economy is really bad
A german word. It means uprising or revoltuion
Economic reconstruction
When a country’s economy is so bad or even beyond repair, it basically needs to reboot
International rehabilitation
Countries go through this when they’ve been bad in the past, but because they’re trying to do something good they’re ‘let back into the club’ of other countries
If a country is going through a Depression, its economy has pretty much collapsed
A system of government where one person has all the power. That power is then used to control absolutely every aspect of everyone else’s life
A directed message that is designed to get you to think a certain way. Propaganda can go as far as brainwashing you
When you are treated badly on the basis of who you are, not something you’ve done