Glossary Flashcards
process of moving a body part away from the midline
fetuses that did not reach the age of viability
a complication of pregnancy that occurs when the placenta tears away from the uterine wall, resulting in hemorrhage and fetal distress
abruptio placentae
mistakenly accepting payment for items that should not be paid as a result of improper coding and billing practices
eye’s ability to adjust it optical powers to maintain a clear image of objects at various distances
amount of money a patient owes
account balance
a free-form note that some computer systems allow in which more detailed information can be entered than can be entered in the description field; may be used, for example, when posting adjustments to an account
account note
system of reporting the financial results of a business
amounts of money the physician owes to others for supplies, equipment, and services
accounts payable (AP)
money owed to the physician or medical practice
accounts receivable (AR)
process by which an institution voluntarily completes an extensive self-study after which an accrediting association visits the school to verify the self-study statements
accreditation bureau that certifies medical assisting programs; graduates of ______ accredited programs may take the CMA (AAMA) or RMA examination
Accrediting Bureau of Health Education Schools (ABHES)
special stain used to expose the tuberculosis organism
acid-fast stain
common skin condition that occurs when oil and dead skin cells clog the skin’s pores; also called simply acne
acne vulgaris
occurs when the person is exposed to a live pathogen, develops the disease, and becomes immune as a result of the primary immune response
acquired active immunity
series of illnesses that occur as a result of infection by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), which causes the immune system to break down
acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS)
hormonal disorder that results from the overproduction of growth hormone by the pituitary gland, most commonly affecting middle-aged adults
introduction of immunity by infection or what a vaccine
active immunity
paying attention completely to the speaker, concentrating on the verbal message, watching for nonverbal cues, and offering a response
active listening
medical files of patients who are currently being seen by the physician that may cover one to five years, depending on office policy
active records
process in cells that requires energy to transport materials to, from, and within the cell
active transport
when the subject of the sentence performs the action
active voice
illnesses or injuries that occur suddenly and require treatment but may or may not be life threatening
acute conditions
confusion (e.g., inability to follow a conversation, answer questions appropriately, understand important facts) with symptoms lasting less than three months
acute confusion
expected pain associated with trauma or surgery that lasts through the recovery of that condition
intense pain, usually lessening over time
acute pain
condition that occurs when something, such as a blockage, toxins, or a sudden loss of blood flow, causes a change in the filtering function of the kidneys
acute renal failure
condition in which the cortex of the adrenal gland is damaged, decreasing the production of adrenocortical hormones, usually resulting from an autoimmune disorder but also caused by infection, cancer, or hemorrhage into the glands
Addison’s disease
a substance added in small amounts, such as a chemical within a test tube
in procedure coding, a code added to a primary procedure code to indicate a related procedure
add-on code
process of moving a body part toward the midline
pharyngeal tonsils
scar-like tissue that forms between two membranous structures
positive or negative change to a patient’s account balance that does not involve the exchange of money or the addition of a charge for services
laws governing the administration of agency regulations
administrative law
transition period between puberty and adulthood
policies and procedures to ensure the security of electronic protected health information
administrative safeguards
endocrine organs that secrete hormones; located on top of each kidney, consisting of the cortex and the medulla
adrenal glands
age designation from roughly 20 years of age to death
notice to patient that payment for a recommended service may be denied by Medicare and that the patient would then be obligated to pay
gives the patient the opportunity to accept or decline the service, knowing they may have to pay for it
Advance Beneficiary Notice
Advance Beneficiary Notice
Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
Accounts Payable
Accounts Receivable
Accrediting Bureau of Health Education Schools
when the patient schedules his or her next appointment before leaving the office
advance booking
document that allows patients to request that life-sustaining treatments and nutritional support not be used to prolong their life; includes the durable power of attorney
advance directive
negative effects that outweigh the benefit of taking a medication and require the patient to discontinue its use
adverse effects
requires oxygen to live
absence of a fever
behaviors that are based on feelings and emotions