Glossary Flashcards
Finding out the cause of an illness or condition being identified so the appropriate treatment or program can be offered.
The process of gathering information for the purpose of making a decision.
IDEA 2004:
Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004
Individualized Education Plan
What is IDEA 2004:
A law guarantees that students with disabilities shall receive free, appropriate, public education in the least restrictive educational environment.
Special Education Assessment:
A systematic process of gathering educationally relevant info to make legal and instructional decisions about the provisions of special services.
Intervention Fidelity:
Intervention that was implemented as planned and delivered consistently to all students over time.
The state or fact of being diverse; difference; unlikeness; variety; multiformity.
Formative Evaluation:
An evaluation that ongoing during the period of program implementation.usually informal assessments closely linked to curriculum.
Curriculum Based Measurement (CBM):
Assessment approach that links instruction w/ assessment and emphasizes repeated direct measurement of student performance.
Cloze Procedure:
An assessment that uses a word passage in which words are deleted according to a word-count formula.
Nominal Scale:
The scale of measurement in which data are sorted into categories.
Ordinal Scale:
The scale of measurement in which data are arranged in rank order.
Interval Scale:
The scale of measurement characterized by equal intervals (i.e. distances) between points in the scale.
Ratio Scale:
The scale of measurement characterized by equal intervals between points in the scale and a true zero.