Glossary Flashcards
Estab AICPA to promulgate GAAS; Follows due process proc & issues SAS;
Role - changed by SOX and PCOAB
ASLG (Audits of S & L Govt)
Audit & acctg guide pertains to S & L govt, published by AICPA
Authorization (fed budgeting process)
1 of 2 steps reqd in order for prog to operate;
performed by congressional committees in House & Senate
(other step is approp, which prov funding for prog)
Avg cost
Method of valuing inventory - ea item is given value based on # & price of all items in inventory
Method used primarily for fungible items (gas, oil, coal)
B/S (S & L)
Lists assets, deferred outflow of resources, liab, deferred inflow of resources, and fund balance/net position of rptg entity as of particular point in time
B/S (Fed govt)
B/S, Stmt of Net Cost, Stmt of Changes in Net Position, Stmt of Budgetary Resources
(for some agencies, Stmt of Custodial Activity, Stmt of Social Insurance, Stmt of Changes in Social Insurance)
Basis of Acctg
Timing of recognition of trans; when (in what period), should trans be rptd.
- Accrual, modified accrual, cash
One of methods of rptg component units in F/S; Have strong assoc w/ primary govt
Need for public officials to be accountable for their actions & justify their decisions relating to raising of public resources and how those resources are used
- right to know
Accrual BOA
Recog fin trans when trans occur, regardless of timing of cash flows;
Rev recog when earned or due to govt;
Exp recog when incurred
Advance refunding
Issuing new debt to gain bene of retiring old debt that has higher I/R, but w/o actually retiring the debt;
proceeds of new debt invested and earnings, + investmt, used to pay interest of old debt, as well as P of old debt as it matures
Agency funds
One of fiduciary fund types;
Proceeds are held by govt as a custodian for other indiv, orgs, or govts
No residual balances; A = L
Allotment (S & L Acctg)
Dividing approp by smaller increments, usu by time (i.e. qtr), for purp of control
Allotment (fed acctg)
Formal delegation of auth by the head of a federal entity to other entity employees (i.e. head of an operating unit, to incur oblig)
Apportionment (fed govt)
Plan providing an agy w/ exec branch auth to obligate and/or expend approp in a manner consistent w/ plan;
divide approp into smaller increments based on time, etc.
Process overseen by OMB