Glossary Flashcards
Access Right
Right of an owner to have ingress and egress to and from a property.
Accessory Building
A building or structure on the same lot as the main or principal building.
The study or theory of beauty.
Air Rights
The rights to the use or control of space above a property.
The angle that the sun makes with the horizon.
An underground permeable material through which water flows.
A horizontal angle measured clockwise from north or south.
The absence of environmental barriers, permitting free access and circulation by the handicapped.
Bearing Capacity
The ability of a soil to support load.
Bench Mark
A relatively permanent point of known location and elevation.
A convex shaped bank of earth
The legal recorded property line between two parcels of land.
Buffer Zone
An area separating two different elements of functions.
Buildable Area
The net ground area of a lot that can be covered by a building after required setbacks and other zoning limitations have been accounted for.
Building Line
A defined limit within a property line beyond which a structure may not protrude.
Building Envelope
The enclosure that contains a building’s maximum volume.
Catch basin
A drainage device used to collect water, with a deep pit to catch sediment.
The flow or movement of people, goods, vehicles, etc from place to place.
The generally prevailing weather conditions of a region throughout the year, averaged over a series of years.
Coefficient Runoff
A fixed ratio of total rainfall that runs off a surface.
Collector Street
A street into which minor streets empty and which leads to a major arterial.
Combined Sewer
Sewer that carries both storm water and sanitary or industrial wastes.
Comfort Zone
Any combination of temperature and humidity in which the average person feels comfortable.
The reduction of soil volume by pressure from grading machinery.
Taking private property for public use, with compensation to the owner, under the right of eminent domain.
The transfer of heat by direct molecular action.
Pipe or other channel, below or above ground for conveying pipelines, cables, or other utilities.
Conforming Use
Lawful use of a building or lot that complies with the provisions of the applicable zoning ordinance.
Describing a cone-bearing tree or shrub.
The circumstances or elements which surround a particular development.
A line on a plan that connects all points of equal elevation.
Contour Interval
The vertical distance between adjacent contour lines.
The transfer of heat by the movement of a liquid or gas, such as air.
Corner Lot
A land parcel that fronts on two contiguous streets. The short side is generally considered to be the front of the lot.
A restriction of the deed which regulates land use, aesthetic qualities, etc of an area.
The central area of a convex surface, such as a road.
A short road with an outlet on one end and turnaround on the other. Should not excedd 400 ft.
A length or pipe under a road or other barrier used to convey water.
A raised margin running along the edge of a street pavement, usually of concrete.
Curb Out
A depression in a curb that provides vehicular access from a street to a driveway.
Cut and Fill
In grading earth that is removed (cut) or added (fill).
Dead End Parking
A Circulation layout in which cars are unable to circulated in a continuous one-way flow from entrance to the exit of a parking area.
Describing trees that shed their leaves annually, as opposed to evergreen.
Appropriation or private property for public use together with acceptance for such use by public agency.
A written instrument that is used to transfer real property from one party to another.
Degree Days
The number of degrees that the mean temperature for any day at a particular location is below 65 degrees.
A measure of the number of people, familys, etc. that occupy a specified area.
Flow from a culvert, sewer channel.
Disposal Field/ Drainage/ Absorbtion Field
A system of trenches with gravel and loose pipes through which septic tank effluent may seep into surrounding soil.
Any section of a city in which zoning regulations are uniform.
The capacity of soil to receive and transmit water. The system by which excess water is collected, conducted and dispersed.
Drip Line
An imaginary line on the ground described by the outermost branches of a tree.
A vehicular path generally leading from a public street to a structure on private property.
An area adjacent to a vehicular drive where pedestrians may safely exit (or enter) a car.
Dwelling unit
An independent living area which includes its own private cooking and bathing facilities.
Earthwork/ Grading
The modification of earth to create landforms.
A limited right, whether temporary or permanent, to use the property of another in a certain way. This may include the right of access to water, light, air, right of way, etc.
The study of the pattern of relations between organisms and their environment
Effective Temperature
The sensation produced by the combined effects of temperature, relative humidity and air movement.
Particularly treated liquid sewage from any part of a disposal system to a place of final disposition.
The vertical distance above sea or other know point of reference.
Eminent Domain
The right of a government, under the police power concept, to take private property for public use.
Part of a building or an obstruction that extends into the property of another.
The natural and man-made things, conditions and influences surrounding a person, community or place.
Erosion/ Weathering
The process by which the surface of the earth is worn away by the action of natural elements, such as water and wind. Also known as weathering.
The digging or removal of earth.
Expansive Soil
Clay that swells when wet and shrinks when dried.
Finish Floor Level
The completed floor surface on which building occupants walk.
Finish Grade
The elevation of the ground surface on which building occupants walk.
The land surrounding a flowing stream over which water spreads when a flood occurs.
Floor Area Ration (FAR)
The ratio of the floor area of a building to the area of the lot.
Flow Line
The path down which water flows.
Front Yard
The minimum legal distance between the front of the property line and a structure.
The length of a lot line along a street or other public way.
Frost Line
The deepest penetration of frost below grade.
The natural or proper purpose for which something is designed or exists.
The science that deals with the physical history of the earth.
The elevation at any point
The rate of slope between two points on a surface, determined by dividing their difference in elevation by their distance apart.
A belt-like area around a city, reserved by ordinance for parkland, farms, open space, etc.
Greenhouse Effect
The direct gain of solar heat, generally through south-facing glass walls and roofs.
Groundwater Level/ Groundwater Table/ Water Table
The plane below which the soil is saturated with water.
A shading technique to depict ground form.
Individuals with physical impairments that result in functional limitations.
The amount or degree or moisture in the air.
Hydrologic Cycle/ Water Cycle
The general pattern of movement of water on, under and above the earth.
Native to a particular region.
Infiltration/ Percolation
The process by which water soaks into the ground.
The amount of solar radiation on a given plane
The junction of a freeway with entering or existing traffic.
Determining an unknown value between known values.
The point at which two streets come together or cross.
Invert Elevation
The elevation of the bottom (flow line) of a pipe.
Land Coverage
The ratio of the area covered by buildings to the total lot area, expressed as a percentage.
The conscious rearrangement of natural outdoor elements for function and pleasure.
The number of degrees north or south of the equator of a particular point on the earths surface.
Legal Description
Designation of boundaries of real estate in accordance with one of the systems prescribed by law.
Limit Line
Any line beyond which development is prohibited.
Loop Street
A minor street that comes off a major street, runs for a short distance, and then returns to the major street.
Lot Line
The boundary line of a lot area.
Lot Area
Total horizontal area within the lot lines of a parcel of land.
The general climate of a region.
An access hole in a drainage system to allow inspection, cleaning and repair.
Meets and Bounds
The formal description of the boundary lines of a parcel of real estate property in terms of the lengths and direction of those lines.
The climatic characteristics unique to a small area, caused by local features.
Multiple Dwelling
A building containing three or more dwelling units.
A community of people living in a general vicinity. The area can generally support an elementary school.
A system of circulation channels which covers a large area.
90-Degree Parking/ Perpendicular Parking
A pattern of vehicle storage in which car stalls are arranged at a right angle to the access lane.
Non-Conforming Use
A particular use of land or a structure which is in violation of the applicable zoning code. Generally if the use was established prior to the code rule which it contravenes, it may continue to exist.
Off-Street Parking
Space provided for vehicular parking outside the dedicated street right-of-way
One-Way Traffic
A circulation system in which all vehicles move in the same direction.
Open Drainage
The removal of unwanted water by means of surface devices.
A position with respect to the points of the compass
An approximately level building area.
Parallel Parking
A pattern of vehicle storage in which car stalls are arranged parallel to the access lane, as in conventional street parking.
Parking Stall
A space in a parking lot marked off for the storage of a single motor vehicle.
Party Wall
A wall built on the dividing line between two adjoining parcels, in which each owner has an equal share of ownership.
Passive Solar System
A heating or cooling system that collects and moves solar heat without using mechanical power.
Plane Surface
A topographic configuration created by straight, evenly spaced contours.
Planting Strip
A landscaped strip of ground dividing a pedestrian walk from a street.
Police Power
The legal power of a government to authorize actions which are in the best interest of the general public.
Water that falls to the land as rain or snow.
Principal Building
A building that houses the main use or activity occurring on a lot or parcel of ground
Property Line
A legal boundary of a land parcel
A planned unit development, similar to a cluster development but larger in scale including, in addition to housing, commercial and industrial developments.
The process by which heat or other energy is emitted by a body, transmitted through space, and absorbed by another body.
Rational Method
A method for computing approximate storm water runoff.
Rear Yard
The minimum legal distance between the rear property line and a structure.
Relative Humidity
The ratio of the actual amount of moisture in the air to the maximum amount of moisture the air could hold at a give temperature.
Limitations on the use of property defined by covenant in deeds, by private agreement, or by public legislative action.
Retaining Wall
A wall constructed of timber, masonry or concrete designed to resist the pressure of the earth mass with which it is in contact.
Retention Pond
An area used to retain and hold runoff water during a storm. The water is held until it is able to drain naturally.
A narrow convex land configuration represented by contours pointing downhill.
A strip of land granted by deed or easement for a circulation path.
The surface flow of water from an area.
Section/ Cross Section
The representation of a structure as it would appear if cut through by an intersecting plane to show its internal configuration.
Septic System
A sewage treatment system consisting of a tank and filtering system.
The minimum legal distance between a property line and a structure.
Sheeting/ Sheet Flow
A thin layer of water moving across a surface.
Side Yard
The minimum legal distance between side property lines and a structure.
A fine-grained soil whose particles are 0.05 to 0.002 millimeters in diameter.
Site Planning
The are of science of creating or arranging the external physical environment.
The inclination of a surface express as a percentage or proportion.
Accumulated solids that settle out of the sewage, forming a semi-liquid mass on the bottom of a septic tank.
A natural material, formed by decomposed and disintegrated parent rock, that supports plant life.
Soil Boring Log
A graphic representation of the soils encountered in a test boring.
Solar Zoning
An ordinance controlling the mass and shape of buildings, which permits the penetration of sunlight between buildings.
Split Lot
A lot that comprises more than one zone.
Spot Elevation
The exact elevation at a key point on the ground or on a structure.
The vertical portion of a building included between the surface of any floor and the surface of the floor next above.
The sinking of land
The hightest point of a land mass represented by concentric contours.
Sun Chart
A map of the sky showing the path of the sun, from sunrise to sunset, on the 21st day of each month.
Earth which is above the top of a retaining wall level.
Surface Water
Water that runs along the surface of the ground, as opposed to below the ground.
A graded flow path used in open drainage systems.
Switchback Road
A road that doubles back on itself with a hairpen curve.
The configuration of the earth’s surface.
The upper six to eight inches of soil, which contains humus.
The process by which water vapor escapes into the atmosphere from plants.
Trench Drain
A linear drainage device used to collect and conduct water.
Uniform Slope
A topographic configuration created by evenly spaced contours.
Utility Easement
A legal right-of-way enabling a utility company to run service lines over private property.
A narrow concave land configuration represented by contours pointing uphill.
The special permission granted to the owner of a parcel of land waiving certain specific restrictions when the enforcement of these would impose an unusual or unreasonable hardship on the owner.
All the plants, shrubs, and trees of a particular place.
Water Cycle
The general pattern of movement of the water on, under and above the earth.
Street, alley or other throughfare of easement permanently established for passage or persons or vehicles.
A structure or plant which, because of its form and location reduces wind velocities.
Wind Shadow
The area near the bottom of the leeward, side of a hill, where the wind velocity decreases to almost zero.
Open space on all sides of a building, based on the required setbacks
Area established by a governing body for a specific use, such as residential, commercial or industrial use
Zone of Aeration
The zone below the ground in which the spaces between soil grains contain both water and air.
Zone of Saturation
The zone below the ground in which all the spaces between soil and grains are filled completely with water.
The legal means whereby land use is regulated and controlled for the general welfare
Zoning Ordinance
Exercise of police power by a government in regulating and controlling the character and use of property.