Glossary Flashcards
Accounting method in which items are entered as it is earned or incurred, regardless of when actual payments are received or made
Accrued Intrest
interest that has accrued on a holding since the last interest payment date or start date, up to but not including the current date
ACK/NACK Protocol
ACK is a validated SWIFT
NACK is a non validated SWIFT
process where a buy side firm sends a communication to a sell side firm indicating their agreement to the details of a confirmation received from the sell side firm
algorithmic trading
placing of a buy or sell order of a defined quantity into a quantitative model that automatically generates the timing of orders and size of orders based on parameters set
the process where a buy side firm sends a communication to a sell side firm advising the sell side firm of the details of the investors who traded
branch on computer science that focuses on programming computers to behave like humans
one of world largest global FIX based order routing networks
Basel Committee
committee of central bankers that publish minimum capital requirements for banks known as Basel Accord
Beneficial Owner
specific property rights in equity belong to a person even tho they are not the legal owner
Best execution
firm tries to get best possible result for its clients by getting loads of different prices from various markets to get cheapest one
Best Shoring
tailoring specific customer care needs to locations that are best suited for these functions
Big Data
collection that is so vast /complex that traditional data processing approaches are not adequate
distributed and shared database that maintains a continually growing list of records called blocks. they cannot be altered retrospectively
network of computers controlled by cybercriminals using a trojan or other malicious programs
broker crossing network
Network provided by an investment bank which allows client order to match and cross transactions without going through an investment exchange
large global funds network
central counterparty
intermediary between market and participants
central securities depository
entity that holds securities to enable settle by book entry transfer
can carry out transaction processing such as clearing and custody services
Change control procedures
process developed to prevent an item of software or hardware being amended without audibility and review of impact by all interested parties
Cloud Computing
provision of technology resources on demand via a network
Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC)
independent agency with mandate to regulate commodity futures and options in US
amount paid by buyer and received by seller
sum of principal amount, accrued interest, commissions, fees and charges
Contract for Difference
agreement between 2 parties to cover the price difference between opening value and closing value of an instrument
Central Securities Depositories regulation
harmonises the authorisation and supervision of EU Central Security Depositories as well as certain settlement aspects
Data Depository
centralised repository of info about data such as meaning, relationships to other data, origin, usage and format
Data Protection Act
how personal data should be managed to protect its integrity and to protect the rights of the persons concerned
Data replication
process of sharing info to ensure consistency between redundant resources such as software or hardware components
Delivery Versus Payment
simultaneous delivery of securities by seller and the payment of sale by buyer on settlement date
Account with settlement agent which is used to record transactions and balances of securities
Designated Investment Exchange
outside UK and not a regulated market in the UK
Direct Market Access
automated process of routing a securities order directly to an execution venue, therefore avoiding intervention by a 3rd party
Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS)
an attempt to make a computer or network resource unavailable to its intended users
Distributed Ledger
a database that is shared and synchronised across multiple sites, firms or geographies
distributed system
configuration which contains a number of hardware elements which are connected by transmission technology
Depository Trust and Clearing Corporation (DTCC)
American post trade financial services company providing clearing settlement services to financial markets
End user development
methodology to manage the designing and building of software applications
FIX protocol
open message standard controlled by no single entity
Follow the Sun Model
help desk that work in different locations to give constant support