Glossary Flashcards
Terms and Definitions
Sexual Reproduction
Making new organisms by the combination of genetic information of two living things of different genders
When two nuclei combine, creating a new nucleus.
Reproductive cells of animals or plants
The union of two gametes to become a zygote, which develops into a new organism
When an egg is fertilized by sperm. The beginning of pregnancy.
The release of sperm cells from the male reproductive system
Fluid emitted from the male reproductive tract containing sperm cells
A fertilised egg cell that results from the union of a female gamete and a male gamete
The process of physical maturation when an adolescent reaches sexual maturity and is capable of reproduction.
Chemical substances that assist and control cells and organs in their functions
FSH (follicle-stimulating hormone)
A hormone created by the pituitary gland that plays a role in sexual development + reproduction
LH (luteinizing hormone)
A glycoprotein hormone that is made with FSH and plays a part in women’s, men’s and children’s sexual development
Monthly shedding of blood and tissue from the lining of the uterus when pregnancy does not occur
Part of the reproductive system that produces and releases eggs (women) or sperm (men)
The steroid hormone associated with female reproductive organs and is responsible for developing female sexual characteristics.
The hormone that supports pregnancy.
Estrogen and Progesterone
Stimulates eggs in the ovaries to develop, breast tissue growth, widening of hips, prompt beginning of menstrual cycle
Prostate gland
Organ that produces the majority of seminal fluid that protects and nourishes sperm on the way to the egg.
The neck of the uterus. Allows fluids to pass from the uterus to the vagina
A passageway that connects the opening of the uterus to the outside body
Where a baby forms if a mature egg is fertilized by a sperm
A 2-3 cm organ that mostly lies inside the body
The exterior female sex organs
A small, fluid-filled sac in the ovary containing an immature egg
An organ that contains urine (like a storage tank)
End of the large intestine where food waste comes out of
A narrow, coiled tube that is attached to the testes and where the sperm cells from the testicles move to so they can mature and be stored.
Seminal Vesicle
Glands that produce a sticky fluid that makes up the majority of the ejaculate. This fluid (together with the fluid produced by the prostate gland) helps to protect sperm and move it along.
Vas Deferens
A tube inside the penis through which urine and semen pass out of the body (at different times) via an opening in the glans (head of penis). Transports mature sperm to urethra in preparation for ejaculation.
Rectum opening, through which faeces are passed
External sex organ. Foreskin covers its head (glans).
Cowper’s Gland
Produce a clear fluid that empties directly into urethra. Lubricates urethra and neutralizes acidity due to any urine in urethra.
A piece of tissue covering or surrounding part of the vaginal opening
Finger-like projections on the ends of the fallopian tubes. Catch the egg and sweeps it into the fallopian tube where it can be fertilized.
The middle layer of the uterine wall
The end part of the large intestine that is closest to the anus
Menstrual phase
uterus lining breaks down in the form of blood
Follicular phase
Maturation of ovarian follicles, preparing them for release during ovulation
Ovulation phase
when the ovary releases an egg
Luteal phase
Prepares uterus for pregnancy, thickens uterus lining
a thin membrane forming a closed sac about the embryo and containing a watery fluid in which the embryo or fetus is immersed.
Supplies baby with nutrients + oxygen. Removes fetal waste products. Placenta expelled during final stages of labour. Known as ‘afterbirth’.
Umbilical Cord
Connects baby to placenta
Amniotic Fluid
protects the fetus from injury and temperature changes
The folds of skin around the vaginal opening