Glossary Flashcards
AL: Abatement Lever
A library of initiatives users could implement to reduce their carbon footprint
Process or product in the value chain of the company. For example, if your end product is an energy drink, some of the activities would include manufacturing the container, bottling, transporting it to end customers, etc.
The process of partitioning GHG emissions from a single facility or other system (e.g., vehicle, business unit, corporation) among its various outputs
Anthropogenic CO₂ Emissions
Emissions produced by human activities such as the burning of fossil fuels, deforestation, and land use changes.
Opposite of Biogenic CO2 emissions
API: Application Programming Interface
API stands forApplication Programming Interface. In the context of APIs, the word Application refers to any software with a distinct function. Interface can be thought of as a contract of service between two applications.
American Tire Distributors
Base Year
A historical datum (e.g., year) against which a company’s emissions are tracked over time.
A hypothetical scenario for what GHG emissions would have been in the absence of a GHG project or reduction activity.
Biogenic CO₂ emissions
Carbon dioxide (CO₂) emissions that are produced from the metabolic processes of living organisms, including respiration, decomposition, and fermentation. These emissions can come from a variety of sources, including animals, plants, and microorganisms. Biogenic CO₂ emissions can have a significant impact on a company’s greenhouse gas emissions, particularly for companies in sectors such as agriculture, forestry, and waste management.
C2G: Scope 3 upstream activities / cradle-to-gate activities
includes all other indirect emissions that are linked to material acquisition or pre-processing. before the company’s scope 1 and 2 activities
CCF: Company Carbon Footprint
A corporate carbon footprint includes all of the GHG emissions associated with the operations of a company, including emissions from energy use, transportation, and waste disposal. This information provides a broad understanding of the company’s overall environmental impact, but it does not provide detailed information about the environmental impact of individual products.
Carbon Capture Utilisation and Storage
Carbon Disclosure Project
CO₂e: CO₂ equivalent
The universal unit of measurement to indicate the global warming potential (GWP) of each greenhouse gas, expressed in terms of the GWP of one unit of carbon dioxide. It is used to evaluate releasing (or avoiding releasing) different greenhouse gases against a common basis.
The term company is used in this standard as shorthand to refer to the “entity developing a scope 3 GHG inventory”
Control Approach
A company accounts for 100 percent of the GHG emissions from operations over which it has control
COP: Conference of Parties
Annually, all signatories of the UNFCCC come together at a ‘Conference of Parties
CPG: Consumer Packaged Goods
Industry term formerchandise that customers use up and replace on a frequent basis (food, beverages, cosmetics, cleaning products…)
All emissions that occur in the life cycle of purchased products, up to the point of receipt by the reporting company
CTM: Case Team Meeting
BCG term for a demo, knowledge sharing, or working session on a topic
The time unit used in the application. A cycle can either be a month, a quarter, or a year.
Direct Emissions
Emissions from sources that are owned or controlled by the reporting company.
Double Counting
cf.Corporate Value Chain (Scope 3) Accounting and Reporting Standard
Double counting within scope 3 occurs when two entities in the same value chain account for the scope 3 emissions from a single emissions source.
DV: Digital Ventures
Subsidiary of BCG responsible for creating POC and MVP of products to launch for their corporate clients (sometimes as a joint-venture).
EAP: Early Access Program
How Collaborate squad calls their pilot user testing program
EF: Emissions Factor
Emission of CO2-equivalent gas produced by one activity, expressed in mass of CO2 per activity unit.
Example: EF for driving a car in the USA is 122gCO2e/km in average
Emissions Intensity Metric
calculate emissions per a relevant unit of measure (example: total lifetime emissions
/ number of functional units performed over lifetime of sold products)
Equity Share Approach
A company accounts for GHG emissions from operations according to its share of equity in the operation
ETL: Extract, Transform and Load
Software to do data integration and data cleaning.
Extract, transform, and load (ETL) isthe process of combining data from multiple sources into a large, central repository called a data warehouse. ETL uses a set of business rules to clean and organize raw data and prepare it for storage, data analytics, and machine learning (ML).
ETS: Emissions Trading System
Polluters who would find it costly to reduce their emission are allowed to buy emission allowances from polluters that can abate at lower costs. There are two main types of trading systems: “Cap-and-trade systems” and “baseline-and-credit systems”. In a cap-and-trade system, an upper limit on emissions is fixed, and emission permits are either auctioned out or distributed for free according specific criteria. Under a baseline-and-credit system, there is no fixed limit on emissions, but polluters that reduce their emissions more than they otherwise are obliged to can earn ‘credits’ that they sell to others who need them in order to comply with regulations they are subject to.
FLAG: Forest, Land and Agriculture Target
Concept of considering emissions and reduction targets specifically by their impact on Forest, Land and Agriculture. The SBTi protocole now requires to do reporting with this split in data. Quantis has a very strong experience with FLAG EFs.
A high-level picture of a company’s emissions that encompasses all its activities.