Glossary Flashcards
superlative lustre, notably seen in diamonds. Such minerals are transparent or translucent.
in Goldschmidt geochemical classification (gas-loving). Extremely volatile meaning they form gases or liquids at the surface of the earth.
Botryoidal (reniform)
Mineral has external form composed of many rounded segments (shaped like a bunch of grapes).
In Goldschmidt classification meaning ore-loving. Elements concentrated in sulphide minerals deeper that lithophiles but not as deep was sederophiles.
Planes of weakness in incompetent sedimentary rocks.
a solid with plane faces formed when atoms are arranged in a structurally ordered pattern.
Double chain silicate
If two chains are linked together so that each tetrahedral group shares 3 of its oxygens.
When rocks break in response to stress.
Framework silicate
Consist of a three-dimensional polymerised network of silicon or tetrahedra.
Goldschmidt classification
Divides elements based on the way they react with other elements.
Habit (of a crystal)
The characteristic external shape of an individual crystal or aggregate of crystals.
Hardness (of a mineral)
Measure of a minerals relative resistance to scratching, measures by scratching the mineral against other substances of known hardness of the Mohs hardness scale.
Hydrological cycle
The sum of all processes in which water moves from the land and ocean surface to the atmosphere and back in form of precipitation.
igneous rocks
Those that have cooled from magma.
Goldschmidt classification rock-loving, combines with oxygen to form low density compounds so remain near surface.
Lustre (of a mineral)
The surface appearance of a mineral as it interacts with light.
Metamorphic rocks
started out as some other type of rock but have been substantially changed from their original form. Form when rocks are subjected to high heat, pressure and hot mineral-rich fluids.
Rock fragments which fall to earth from space.
A naturally occurring chemical substance having a definite composition and crystalline structure.
Moh’s scale
a non-linear scale which compares the hardness of common minerals.
No light can pass through the mineral.
Sedimentary rocks
rocks formed by accumulation or deposition of mineral or organic particles at earths surface.
Sheet silicate
Built up of regular or irregular sequences of tetrahedral layers.
Goldschmidt’s classification iron-loving combine more easily with iron than oxygen forming denser compounds which descend to lower layers.
Minerals containing silicon and oxygen in tetrahedral units which are linked together in several patterns.
Single chain silicate
Tetrahedra that zig zag back and forth.
The colour of a mineral powder.
A solid contained by four triangular plane faces.
Light can pass through but cannot be clearly seen through.
Light can pass through, and images can be seen clearly through.
The return of buried rocks to the earths surface by tectonic forces.
Vitreous (lustre)
Minerals that have a lustre like glass.